
ɡuǎn xiá quán
  • jurisdiction
  1. 联邦法院是有限管辖权法院,这是首要原则。

    It is a principle of first importance that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction .

  2. 今日,指示性管辖权[制订法律的能力]能够基于国籍和于领土以外执行

    Today , prescriptive jurisdiction ( capacity to make law ) can be based on nationality and exercised extra-territorially .

  3. 原告提起民事诉讼,首先要找到对该案件有管辖权的适当的法院。

    To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court , one that has jurisdiction in the case .

  4. 协议选择管辖权不得违反法律关于专属管辖的规定。

    The choice of jurisdiction of a court by agreement shall not violate the provisions of exclusive jurisdiction under the law .

  5. 管辖权决定了什么样的法院体系适合审判某一类案件。准司法机构,例如行政机构等也会出现管辖权问题。

    Jurisdiction determines which court system should properly adjudicate a case . Questions of jurisdiction also arise regarding quasi-judicial bodies , such as administrative agencies .

  6. 第二,审查标准与其他程序规则的关系,包括审查标准与WTO争端解决机构管辖权、证据规则间的联系、区别等。

    The second sub-part is to analyze the relationship between standard of review and other procedural rules , such as jurisdiction and rules of evidence .

  7. WTO争端解决机制的司法功能在强制管辖权、专家组程序、上诉程序、执行等方面得到了增强。

    The judicial function of WTO dispute settlement mechanism has been enhanced in many fields such as compulsive jurisdiction , procedure of group experts , appeal procedure and executive procedure .

  8. 强制管辖权是WTO争端解决机制的一个重要特点,它有助于国际贸易争端的迅速解决,也是国际司法实践的重大突破。

    As an important characteristics of dispute settlement system of WTO , compulsory jurisdiction is helpful to quickly solve disputes in the international trade and is a breakthrough in international judicial practice .

  9. 论ICSID仲裁庭对视为外国法人管辖权的扩张

    Jurisdiction Expansion of ICSID Arbitration Court Regarding as Foreign Body Corporate

  10. 但是,对于WTO成员方来说,不是所有的国际经贸纠纷都适宜通过争端解决机制解决。但由于DSU对专家组和上诉机构的授权不明确,导致后者不得不对几类特殊事项行使管辖权。

    However , to many WTO Members , not all the international trade disputes are appropriate for resolution in WTO dispute settlement proceedings .

  11. 本文从国际法角度对DSB管辖权问题进行了探讨。

    This thesis makes an exploration of the jurisdiction of DSB from the perspective of international law .

  12. 从CAS奥运会特别仲裁的立法和仲裁实践看,仲裁庭对管辖权问题持审慎而严肃的态度。

    From the practices of AHD 's law-making and arbitration , we can find it takes a cautious and serious attitude to the problem of jurisdiction .

  13. 非WTO法不仅可以使专家组中止管辖权,甚至在更多的情况下使专家组拒绝管辖,而且非WTO法能有效地证明某些违反WTO规则的做法具有正当性。

    Non-WTO law may lead a Panel to suspend jurisdiction , or even on most occasions to decline jurisdiction , and Non-WTO law may effectively justify what would otherwise be a breach of the WTO rules as well .

  14. 因此,有必要重新审视B2C合同中管辖权条款的效力,并考察电子商务环境下新的管辖权规则。

    Therefore , it 's necessary to explore the validity and enforcement of the jurisdiction clause in the contract and speculate the new jurisdiction rules in cyberspace .

  15. 由于外汇措施和贸易措施具有交叉性质,IMF与WTO在实践中形成了以技术方法来确定IMF在国际收支平衡问题上管辖权的传统。

    Due to the intersection character of measures concerning foreign currency and trade , IMF and WTO have formed in practice the tradition that jurisdiction of IMF in international balanced budget is determined with technical methods .

  16. 通过考察ICSID管辖权的最新发展,可以真实地把握《华盛顿公约》第25条的具体适用以及在适用方法上的最新变化。

    By observing the new development of ICSID jurisdiction , it is probable to get more information of the application of Article 25 and the variation in the form of application .

  17. DSB的强制管辖权与国家主权原则表面上似乎是相矛盾的,但实质上两者是一种并行不悖的关系,是在全球化背景下,国家对主权的自我限制或让渡。

    The compulsory jurisdiction of the DSB is seemingly contradictory to the Doctrine of State Sovereignty , but substantially the two are compatible . It shows the state self-restricts or transfers its sovereignty on the background of globalization .

  18. 为防止ICSID管辖权的任意扩张,东道国可在国际投资协定中综合采用广义和狭义的投资定义,以便限制ICSID的受案范围。

    The host states would comprehensively adopt a broad definition and a narrowed definition in the international investment treaties to circumscribe the scope of investment disputes submitted to ICSID for preventing arbitrary expansion of its jurisdiction .

  19. 第二部分是通过一些重要规则,比如投资的定义,管辖权的认定,适用法律规范等的不同来对ICSID与区域贸易投资争端解决机制进行分析。

    The second chapter is comparison of ICSID and regional trade and investment dispute settlement mechanism through some important rules , such as the definition of " investment "," jurisdiction ", and the applicable law of different specification .

  20. 文章通过阐述国际投资争端中心(ICSID)仲裁申请、仲裁庭的组成与仲裁员的委任、管辖权、准据法、仲裁裁决及其执行效力等基本内容,来对ICSID仲裁制度进行潜在价值分析。

    This paper analyses the potential value of ICSID arbitral system by elaborating the basic contents of ICSID , including its arbitral application , constituting of arbitral court and appointment of arbiter , jurisdiction , applicable law , the arbitrament and its effect of execution .

  21. 服务器在美国,没有管辖权。

    The server is in the United States , not jurisdictional .

  22. 马来西亚民商事管辖权制度初探

    On the System of Civil and Commercial Jurisdictional Rights of Malaysia

  23. 论国际犯罪刑事管辖权的演变

    On the Evolvement of the Criminal Jurisdiction of the International Crime

  24. 法院的家事司法管辖权包括处理离婚、子女管养及领养事宜。

    Its family jurisdiction involves divorce , custody and adoption matters .

  25. 管辖权是解决电子商务争议案件的先决问题。

    Jurisdiction is a prerequisite question of cases on electronic commerce .

  26. 你也知道,领事馆不在我们管辖权之内。

    You know , we have no jurisdiction at the consulate .

  27. 尼日利亚法院行使涉外诉讼管辖权的依据

    The Basis of Jurisdiction over Exercising Foreign-related Lawsuits in Nigerian Courts

  28. 应对这一挑战的策略是重构管辖权根据。

    The strategy to these challenges is to reconstruct jurisdictional bases .

  29. 最后,电子商务对税收管辖权的影响。

    Finally , electronic commerce to tax revenue jurisdiction influence .

  30. 分析了电子商务背景下的国际税收管辖权问题产生的经济、政治和法律方面原因;

    Analyses the economic , political and legal reasons of the issue ;