
ɡuǎn yuè duì
  • band;wind band
  1. 管乐队的震撼力与亲和力,彷佛把大家拉回了高中时代、青春四射的黄金年华唷!

    Band 's shock and friendliness as if brings everyone to the time of senior high school and the young golden age !

  2. 在学校中,我还是管乐队的队员,随队多次参加市里的演出,受到了人们的好评。

    In the school , I be still the member of team of brass band , with brigade many times attend city an inside of performance , was subjected to people 's good opinion .

  3. 演奏单簧管乐器的一个管乐队或管弦乐队的组。

    The section of a band or orchestra that plays clarinets .

  4. 华初管乐队是我校在市、区享有盛誉的乐队。

    Our Hua Chu School Band enjoys great popularity in Hongkou District and Shanghai .

  5. “和合唱团一起合作,管乐队表演了一场成功的音乐会。”

    " Together with the choir , the orchestra performed a splendid concert . "

  6. 高校管乐队建设之我见

    On the Construction of College Wind Band

  7. 就让管乐队的每一个成员用音符传达出我们的心声。

    Coming up next , the school band members will convey our heartfelt wishes through notes .

  8. 而学校管乐教育主要在中小学的音乐课外活动和学校管乐队中得到发展。

    School band music education is a major extracurricular activity and school marching bands have developed .

  9. 不知道为何我在贴高中管乐队比赛时写了以上这些东西。

    I am not sure why I wrote the above when posting high school marching band competition .

  10. 这位作曲家改写了这个交响曲,以使其能不用小提琴由管乐队演奏。

    The musician arranged the symphony so it could be performed without violins by a marching band .

  11. 除了参加进行曲和音乐会管乐队外,我还参加了我们的“星尘”舞蹈乐队。

    In addition to the marching and concert bands , I joined our dance band , the Stardusters .

  12. 在美国,高中管乐队有著非常忙碌的行程,要练习、表演还要比赛。

    In the US , high school marching bands have very busy schedule in practicing , performing , and competing .

  13. 由师大管乐队的同学们穿著莫札特时代之服饰,重现当时音乐盛宴的风貌。

    The students of National Normal University 's orchestra take on the costume in Mozart 's time to reappear the feature of musical festival at that time .

  14. 小云:哦,我们学校有很多活动小组,比如合唱组,舞蹈队,绘画组,管乐队,写作组。

    Xiao yun : oh , there are a lot of activity groups in our school , such as chorus , dancing group , drawing group , wind band , writing group .

  15. 第二年,我又有了长足的进步,成为全州学生管乐队的首席。大学四年级时我再次赢得了首席,乔。纽曼则当上了首席鼓手。

    By the next year , I had improved enough to be first chair in the All-State Band , a position I won again as a senior , when Joe Newman won on drums .

  16. 电视专题片《校园管乐队》数字特技的制作,经编导组研究决定,运用数字特技再现精彩亮相和烈日和冰天雪地老师和学生起早贪黑的辅导和练习场景。

    TV feature film " School Wind Band " digital special effects production , written and directed by the group of researchers decided that the use of digital special effects reproduce the appearance and the sun and the ice and snow wonderful teachers and students dusk counseling and exercise scenarios .

  17. 圣伊丽莎白传奇,为独唱,混声合唱队,管风琴和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧。

    Die Legende von der heilgen Elisabeth , oratorio for soloists , Mixed chours , Organ & orchestra .

  18. 这个星期六的上午安排了一场由管风琴及管弦乐队演奏的盛大音乐会,晚上我花了很长时间彩排,因为管风琴发出的声音总是延迟,很难演奏。

    On Saturday , a grand concert with organ and orchestra is scheduled in the morning , and I have long rehearsals in the evening , for the organ is very difficult to play since the sound is always delayed .