
  • 网络Management effectiveness;management performance
  1. 餐饮业量化分级管理成效评价指标Delphi法应用

    Study on establishment of appraisal index system for food service industry 's pursuit of quantitative graded management by Delphi method

  2. 株洲市旅店业量化分级管理成效分析

    Analysis of quantification management at different grades in hotel industry of Zhuzhou

  3. 妇产科抗菌药物合理应用的管理成效探讨

    Rational usage and administration of antibiotics in Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology

  4. 结果老年病科管理成效显著。

    Result We achieved significant effectiveness in the management in the department of geratology .

  5. 我院实施病例分型管理成效浅析

    The Effect of Implementing Management of Case Classification

  6. 执行力:企业管理成效的关键

    Executive Ability : the Key to the Effect of the Management of the Enterprises

  7. 实施有效激励提高管理成效

    Carry Out Effective Encouragement Improve Management Efficiency

  8. 门诊护理功能区的管理成效

    The managing effect of nursing function district

  9. 自然保护区的管理成效对国家生态安全和可持续发展具有基础性的影响。

    The management achievement of nature reserves has fundamental impacts on national ecological security and sustainable development .

  10. 星级护士长评定引入末位淘汰制的管理成效及体会

    Management effect and experience on introduced rejecting the last system in the course of star head nurses evaluation

  11. 企业制度化管理成效可通过企业成员对制度的服从态度及行为表现体现出来。

    A company 's effectiveness of regime management is decided by it members'attitude of obedience to the regime and their corresponding behavior .

  12. 沟通与管理成效、印象气氛强度对于组织知识-工作援助关系有显著影响;

    Climate strength of communication and management , reward to the relationship between knowledge of organization & one factor of mental model and helping behavior ;

  13. 科技扶贫成效综合评价研究宝钢无缝钢管厂成品库科学管理成效显著

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Supporting the Poor Through Sciences and Technologies REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT OF FINISHED PRODUCT WAREHOUSE IN STEEL TUBE PLANT BAOSHAN I & S CO

  14. 海尔集团作为国内外著名的明星企业,其人力资源管理成效卓著,充分体现了人本管理的思想。

    As a famous star enterprises both at home and abroad , Haier Group 's human resources management gives the full play to its human-based management thought .

  15. 由于项目管理成效显著,自从60年代以来它已被广泛应用于大公司,而且也适用于各种小型企业。

    Because of the project management remarkable success , since 1960s , It has been wide applied in a large company , and is also applicable for all kinds of small enterprise .

  16. 医院管理成效是影响医院建设与发展最具弹性的重要因素之一,而医院管理人才队伍是做好医院管理工作最根本的人力资源保障。

    The effect of hospital management is one of the most elastic factors which influence the hospital construction and development , while hospital managerial talent is the most fundamental guarantee of hospital management .

  17. 最后,提出了利用优势抓住机会、弥补不足应对威胁以及建立区域品牌建设与管理成效评估机制等改进意见。

    Finally , the paper put forth with use of advantage to seize the opportunity to make up for inadequate response to the threat and the use of regional brand building and management effectiveness evaluation of improvements .

  18. 政策价值目标、政策目标群体、政策执行机构与政策环境因素这四方面都制约着对城市流动商贩相关政策执行的效果,也就决定着对城市流动商贩这个问题的管理成效。

    The value of the policy objectives , policy target groups , policy implementation institutions and policies in these four aspects of environmental factors , the city restrict the movement of traders related to the effectiveness of policy implementation , thus affecting the issue of governance of the street vending .

  19. 监狱内囚犯涂阳肺结核患病率从1997年的1146.95/10万降至2003年的497.37/10万。结论7年来在湖北省武昌监狱囚犯中主动发现肺结核病人并实施DOT管理,成效显著。

    Prevalence of smear ? positive in prison reduced from 1146.95 / 100,000 in 1997 to 497.37 / 100,000 in 2003.Conclusion The achievements of active case finding and implementation DOT in Wuchang Prison of Hubei Province for 7 years were remarkable .

  20. 环境绩效评估为评鉴环境管理活动成效之工具,透过有效与严谨的程序,建立评估模式为执行ISO14001环境管理系统之重要工作。

    The environmental evaluation system is a tool to measure the performance of environmental management . To have the best practice of ISO 14001 , building an effective performance evaluation system is crucial .

  21. 血管外科护理专科化建设中的柔性管理与成效

    Implementation of flexible nursing management in vascular surgery nursing specialty building

  22. 第三部分是上虞市政府财力预算管理的成效。

    The third part is the effectiveness of these practices in Shangyu .

  23. 组织学习方式对管理创新成效的影响

    How Organizational Learning Style Influences the Performance of Management Innovation

  24. 潘西煤矿创新安全管理见成效

    Achieving Good Results through Innovation of Safety Management in Panxi Coal Mine

  25. 目的探索护理科研规范管理的成效。

    Objective To explore the effect of standardized management over nursing research .

  26. 目的探讨门诊实施分组管理的成效。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of outpatient management of the implementation group .

  27. 综合性医院实施医疗特色技术准入管理的成效

    Access Management of Special Medical Technologies in General Hospital

  28. 护理科研规范管理的成效

    The effect of standardized management over nursing research

  29. 然而,患者执行力低下是影响自我健康管理系统成效的最大障碍。

    However , low execution in patients is the largest barrier in the self-management systems .

  30. 新版标准突出强调了以顾客为中心和持续改进的观念,并且要求定量描述质量管理的成效。

    This new version stresses the " customer-centered " idea and advocates the constant quality improvement .