
guǎn lǐ chéng xù
  • manager;management process;supervisor;supervisor program
管理程序[guǎn lǐ chéng xù]
  1. 把部署管理程序和定制节点部署到一组专门用作WebSphereApplicationServer节点的机器上。

    Deploy the deployment manager and custom nodes to a set of machines dedicated to WebSphere Application Server nodes .

  2. 安装管理程序向导准备将windows安装设置文件复制到分发文件夹。

    The Setup Manager wizard is ready to copy the windows setup files to the distribution folder .

  3. 接着计算机又能在帐目管理程序的控制下,从各种数据中产生所需帐单。

    The next minute , it can prepare bills from invoices under control of a billing program .

  4. 用BASIC语言编制出育种畜禽系谱数据管理程序。

    A software of pedigree data management for domestic animal and poultry breeders was made in BASIC language .

  5. exchange命令行管理程序的默认行为是自动显示确认提示。

    The default behavior of the exchange management shell is to automatically display a confirmation prompt .

  6. 虚拟机管理程序本身需要另一个IP地址以便进行远程管理。

    The hypervisor itself requires another IP address so that it can be managed remotely .

  7. 您可以在DefaultDeploySettings中为每个虚拟机管理程序类型指定默认虚拟镜像。

    You specify the default virtual image for each hypervisor type in the Default Deploy Settings .

  8. 在配置部署管理程序部分时,通过Incloudgroup字段选择希望把这个虚拟机部署到哪个云组。

    In configuring the deployment manager part , select a cloud group to which you want to deploy this virtual machine via the In cloud group field .

  9. 程序模块主要有:系统管理程序,人机界面交互接口程序,模糊算法程序,PID算法程序和串口通信程序等。

    There are system administrative program , man-machine interface program , fuzzy algorithm program , PID algorithm program and communication program etc.

  10. 此字段列出用于新建um智能寻线的exchange命令行管理程序命令。

    This field lists the exchange management shell command that was used to create the new UM hunt group .

  11. 如果禁止exchange命令行管理程序的此默认行为,您需要指示该命令在命令执行期间禁止显示所有确认提示。

    If you suppress this default behavior of the exchange management shell , you instruct the command to suppress all confirmation prompts for the duration of that command .

  12. 基于Socket实现Telnet的交换机远程管理程序

    The Program of Long-distance Manage Switch Base Socket and Telnet

  13. 下一步,您需要接受您刚才创建的系统管理程序的SSL证书。

    Next , you need to accept the SSL certificate of the hypervisor that you just created .

  14. 编制HSE管理程序,开展危害识别和风险评价;

    Designed HSE management program ; carried on the risk diagnosisand risk evaluation ;

  15. 支撑云基础架构的是现代的虚拟机管理程序,它提供了实现HA的大部分功能和特性。

    The modern hypervisors that underlie cloud infrastructures provide most of the features and functionality that make it possible to achieve HA .

  16. 在半虚拟化中,控制程序实现了管理程序的应用程序接口(API),它将由来宾操作系统使用。

    In paravirtualization , the control program implements a hypervisor application program interface ( API ) that is used by the guest operating system .

  17. Eclipse还有一个特殊的Debug视图,用于在工作台中管理程序的调试或运行。

    Eclipse also has a special Debug view that allows you to manage the debugging or running of a program in the Workbench .

  18. PHP服务器,比如ZendCore,可经由ZeroCore管理程序通过一次鼠标单击来启用cURL。

    A PHP server such as Zend Core provides an easy way to enable cURL with a single mouse-click via the Zend Core administration program .

  19. (我们要求这些行为异常的VM在虚拟机管理程序上使用3倍的物理CPU和内存量。)

    ( We asked these rogue VMs to use three times the amount of physical CPUs and memory on the hypervisor . )

  20. Novell局域网入网登录界面及其管理程序的设计

    Design of Login Interface and Management Program Used for Novell - supplied Local Network

  21. 因此,当系统管理程序轮询循环探测到那个LPAR时,它问“您需要多少CPU?”

    So , when the hypervisor polling cycle probed the LPAR , it asked ," How much CPU did you need ?"

  22. 本文的样例实现将使用VMware服务器作为VM管理程序服务器。

    The sample implementation of this article uses a VMware server as the VM hypervisor server .

  23. 为了提供这种支持,该API使得WebSphereMQ客户端连接到运行配置管理程序的队列管理器。

    To provide this support , the API makes a WebSphere MQ client connection to the queue manager on which the configuration manager is running .

  24. 实现嵌套虚拟化,并用于商用硬件的第一个虚拟机管理程序是KVM。

    The first hypervisor for commodity hardware to implement nested virtualization was the KVM .

  25. 系统管理程序实时数据平台的研究与设计,对DCS系统的优化具有现实意义和实用价值。

    The research and design of the system management program real-time data plat has the practical significance and value for the optimization of DCS system .

  26. 存储技术中的一个称为去耦合(de-duplication)的最新进展是Linux和其他系统管理程序中的内存共享的先驱。

    A recent advancement in storage technologies called de-duplication is a precursor to memory sharing in Linux and other hypervisors .

  27. 客户关系管理程序(CRM)在云环境中是有效的,包括SugarCRM。

    Several customer relationship management ( CRM ) applications are available on the cloud , including SugarCRM .

  28. 数据管理程序DMP及其应用

    Data management program ( dmp ) and its application

  29. 而且,组织可能缺乏资源让最终用户创建映像&例如,创建Linux映像所需的额外KVM/QEMU虚拟机管理程序。

    Moreover , the organization might lack the resources for end users to create images & for example , the additional KVM / QEMU hypervisor that 's required for creating Linux images .

  30. 它关注可伸缩性和响应时间的改进,旨在增强垂直组件和系统堆栈(比如运行时、内核、OS及管理程序)的接口。

    It focuses on scalability and response time improvements , looking to enhance interfaces across vertical component and system stacks ( e.g.runtime , kernel , OS , hyperviser ) .