
  • 网络Management Accounting System
  1. 随着市场竞争日益激烈,管理会计系统(MAS)在企业中得到广泛应用。

    With the market competition increasingly intensifying , management accounting system ( MAS ) is widely used in enterprises .

  2. 管理会计系统在商业银行业中的应用银行混业经营问题研究

    Research on Application of Management Accounting System to Commercial Bank

  3. 基于金融数据仓库的商业银行管理会计系统的研究

    Research on Management Accounting System of Commercial Bank Based on Financial Data Warehouse

  4. 银行管理会计系统是银行提高管理水平的有效工具之一。

    The bank management accounting system is a valid tool to improve management level .

  5. 目前,我国银行业正在探索如何构建银行管理会计系统的方法,招商银行、工商银行、建设银行等多家处于改革前沿的银行都在管理会计系统上做出了尝试。

    Our banking industry is exploring how to set up the bank management accounting system .

  6. 浅析战略管理会计系统分析程序

    Systematic Analysis Procedure of Strategic Management Accounting

  7. 它由管理会计系统和实践构成,在交易成本经济学世界里它们是组织的规则和惯例。

    It is composed by the management accounting system and practice , which are rules and practices in transaction cost economics world .

  8. 管理会计系统生成的信息包含了一个部门的运作开支或者为提供一个产品,服务或举行一项活动而产生的成本。

    The information produced by a management accounting system can include the expenses incurred in operating a department or the cost of providing a product , service , or activity .

  9. 同时强调如何对现行的环境管理会计系统信息进行加工,实现环境目标和财务目标的双赢,并为我国企业实施风险导向型环境管理会计提出了可行性建议。

    Also stressed how the current system of environmental management accounting information processing , to achieve environmental objectives and financial goals win-win , and the implementation of enterprise risk-oriented environmental management accounting made feasible suggestions .

  10. 管理会计信息系统与企业文化系统的关联与协调

    Relationship and coordination between management accounting information system and business culture system

  11. 管理会计信息系统应该灵活得足以提供任何数据能够帮助管理者进行经营决策。

    The managerial accounting information system should be flexible enough to provide whatever data are relevant for particular decision .

  12. 以企业价值链为主线、价值活动为对象组建的战略管理会计信息系统,将有效支持企业战略管理活动。整个构建过程包括建立价值活动分类体系和记录价值活动的帐簿体系;

    Strategic managerial accounting information system ( SMAIS ) is constructed by enterprises ' value chain and value activities .

  13. 管理全盘会计系统,保持公司全部商务交易的准确、真实、完整的财务刻录;

    Manages the general accounting systems that maintain accurate , honest , and complete financial records for all of the Company 's business transactions ;

  14. 短期经营决策假设是管理会计假设系统理论的子系统,由衍生假设和具体假设构成。

    The assumption of policy decision of short-term management is a subsidiary system of the assumption system of management accounting , and it consists of the derivative assumption and concrete assumption .

  15. 经济管理对会计系统日益增长的信息多样化的需求及迅猛发展的信息技术,正在使会计信息系统从事后核算系统演变成事中控制系统和决策支持系统。

    The quickly increasing requirements of the diversified information by economic management and the development of the information technology , they are making accounting information system from accounting after business to the control during the business and decision support system .

  16. 从内控工作建设角度,对信贷风险管理、会计系统控制、授权授信控制、信息交流、内部监督、科技建设和制度建设等方面提出了相应的改善措施。

    From the aspects of the working construction , we should improve the management of credit risk , the control of accounting system , the control of authorization , the system of information communion , internal monitor , the construction of science and technology and rules .

  17. 建立了基于数据仓库与数据挖掘的会计信息系统的实现模型,提出了基于事件驱动体系结构的财务会计子系统的开发思路以及管理会计子系统中数据挖掘的实现过程。

    The paper builds realization model of accounting information system on the base of data warehousing and data mining . It expounds the developing financial accounting subsystem that is based on event-driving system structure . It points out process of realizing data mining in managerial accounting subsystem .

  18. 此时,只有将管理会计与ERP系统相结合,才能将管理会计的计划、分析、预测与控制功能更好的通过ERP系统这个实时集成的平台发挥出来,从而为企业的生产管理做出更大的贡献。

    And the only solution is applying management accounting to ERR system , then it will make the planning , analyzing , forecasting and controlling functions exert well through ERP the real timed and integrated platform , in order to do more contributions in the enterprise productions and managements .

  19. 浅谈公司治理、公司管理与会计信息系统的相互关系

    On Interrelationship Between Company 's Management and Accounting Information System

  20. 现代企业会计由财务会计与管理会计两个子系统组成。

    The modern enterprise accounting are made of financial accounting and management accounting .

  21. 本文研究和实现的国际贸易中的会计结算系统就是我们为一家国际贸易公司开发的管理型的会计系统。该系统具有贸易前预测、贸易中规划和控制、贸易后核算和统计分析的功能。

    This paper presents an accountant calculation information system which is developed for a international trading corporation .

  22. 管理会计基本核算系统的内容包括责任会计基本核算系统和经济活动项目会计基本核算系统两个部分。

    The content of the bookkeeping system should include two segments : The liability accounting bookkeeping system and economic activity item accounting bookkeeping system .

  23. 通过对投资者关系管理、会计信息系统及财经沟通三方面的文献综述,得出以下结论:投资者关系管理的核心是信息沟通;

    Through the literature review in the three aspects including relationship management of investors , accounting information system ( AIS ), and financial communication , the author gets the following conclusions : information communication is the core of investor relationship management ;

  24. 《管理会计》MCAI课件系统的设计与制作

    The Design and Make of 《 Management Accounting 》 MCAI Courseware

  25. 企业新型管理模式下会计信息系统变革之我见

    On Accounting Information System Reform Under Enterprise New Management Mode

  26. 基于信息管理观的会计信息系统有效性研究

    A Research on Accounting Information Systems Effectiveness Based on Information Management View

  27. 建立管理型的会计信息系统

    Setting up the Accounting Information System of Managing Type

  28. 管理会计的基本核算系统研究

    Research of the basic bookkeeping system of management accounting

  29. 本文首先以决策科学化、管理会计、决策支持系统的相关理论为依据,论述了会计决策科学化的基础,以及会计决策支持系统辅助决策的方式;

    Based on theories of scientific decision-making , management accounting and DSS , we discuss the basis of scientific accounting decision-making and three decision-supporting manners in ADSS .

  30. 管理信息成本计量在财务会计与管理会计系统中都居于核心地位。

    The measurement of MIC is the core in both financial accounting system and management accounting system .