
  • 网络Management Observer
  1. 在COBIT框架中,资源管理观察关键的IT资源:应用程序、信息、基础结构和人。

    In the COBIT framework , resource management looks at critical IT resources : applications , information , infrastructure and people .

  2. 结论住院天数较长、血清IgG水平低下、糖皮质激素与免疫抑制剂的联合应用等是儿童肾病综合征病儿发生医院感染的高危因素,应加强对这类病儿的管理和观察。

    Conclusion The high risk factors related with nosocomial infection in children with nephrotic syndrome are longer hospitalization , combined use of hormones and immunosuppressants and low serum IgG , to enhance the supervision is therefore needed .

  3. 30例静脉麻醉中应用Bain麻醉回路行呼吸管理,观察其对血气影响。

    The effects of Bain 's circuit of anesthesia on blood gases were observed when the circuit was utilized for respiratory management in 30 surgical patients under intravenous anesthesia .

  4. 方法:选择已确诊的91例2型糖尿病患者为观察对象,采用健康教育、量化饮食、量化运动和指导合理用药的手段,进行为期三个月的强化管理,观察其中10项指标。

    Methods : 91 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were selected as subjects . Reinforcement training was carried out for three months by means of health education , quantitative diet , exercise and reasonable drug , 10 indexes of 91 patients were detected .

  5. SOA中的信息管理全面地观察了企业组织内部以及贯穿整个组织的信息资产。

    Information management in SOA takes a holistic view of information assets within and across the organizations .

  6. 通过对管理图的观察分析,对其中两种错误做出综合性分析,并给出X管理图的操作特性函数及其检出力的计算方法。

    Synthetic analyses for two errors are made by observing quality figure , giving opera - tion characteristic function of X management figure and the calculation method of the checking ability .

  7. 川崎病心肌损伤在疾病各期及随访管理中的观察

    Observation on the myocardiac lesion in every stage of Kawasaki disease

  8. 电信管理网络中观察者模式的应用研究

    Research on Observer Pattern Applied in Telecommunications Management Network System

  9. [管理层应当观察哪些是管用的,并让它向上伸缩]。

    [ Management needs to observe what works and then scale it up ] .

  10. 监管部门可以用该银行的债券管理,来观察系统性风险挂钩的奖金。

    Regulators could get managers to watch for systemic risks by linking their bonuses to the bank 's bonds .

  11. 比较每搏量变异和中心静脉压指导肾移植术中液体管理的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Comparison of Stroke Volume Variation and Central Venous Pressure in Guiding Intraoperative Fluid Management of Renal Transplantation

  12. 目的规范护理行为,加强产科母婴安全管理,科学观察新生儿黄疸发生情况。

    Objective To standardize nursing actions , strengthen the management of maternal-baby safety , and observe the status of newborn jaundice scientifically .

  13. 我认为短期利率将不会增加,加上利息,管理人员将观察一段时间。

    I think a short-term interest rate increases will not be coupled with an interest , management will observe a period of time .

  14. 方法按照艾滋病病人地区分布的集散程度,采取不同的治疗管理模式,观察治疗的依从性和疗效。

    Method According to the district distribution of AIDS patients , different treatment and management patterns were adopted to observe the treatment dependence and the effect .

  15. 目的探索资源有限地区艾滋病抗病毒治疗的管理模式,观察抗病毒药物治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the management pattern of antiviral treatment of AIDS in the areas with less medical resources so as to observe the effect of antiviral medicines .

  16. 在此基础上,从对乡镇政府公共危机管理现状的观察中,分析了乡镇政府公共危机管理中存在的问题及原因。

    Then , based on the observations and analyses , the major problems and their causes of the township government in public crisis management are brought up and discussed .

  17. 结果实施临床护理观察管理前后护理观察个案例数经χ2检验有显著性差异,P<0.05;

    Results There were significant differences about cases of nursing observation between after the practice of management of clinic nursing observation and before it . ( P < 0.05 , tested by X2 ) .

  18. 国内多采用人工管理、现场观察的调度方式实现鱼雷罐车的定位操作和控制,并采用人工方式读取刻印在鱼雷罐车上的编号。

    And the allocation realizing the torpedo tank car handles and controls the controller way adopt manpower administration , scene observation in the homeland much , adopt manpower way to fetch the mint-mark serial number on torpedo tank car .

  19. 针对当前企业和政府对分布式工作流应用的需求,给出了一个基于Java管理扩展框架和观察者模式的可自管理的分布式工作流引擎的设计与实现。

    To deal with application requirements on distributed workflow engine from enterprises and government , a design and implementation of Self-Managed Distributed Workflow Engine based on Java Management Extensions ( JMX ) and Observer Pattern was presented .

  20. 方法:1.将PDCA循环应用于化疗护理质量管理中,对比观察实施PDCA循环前后①基础护理、专科护理、技术操作的评分情况;②患者对护理的满意度情况。

    And provide a scientific basis for clinical practice . Methods : 1 . Observed the scores on primary care , specialist care , technical operations , and patients ' satisfaction of nursing before and after the application of PDCA cycle in quality Management of chemotherapy care unit . 2 .

  21. 精神分裂症病人实施开放式管理的康复效果观察

    Observation on rehabilitation effect of carrying out opened management for schizophrenia patients

  22. Kappa700型起搏器自动阈值管理功能的临床观察

    Clinical observation of automatic threshold management function of Kappa 700 pacemaker series

  23. 管理日常测量和观察工作。例如运行和终止基站子系统和网络交换系统的日常测量。

    Management of measurements and observations i.e starting and stopping measurements in BSS and NSS .

  24. 这意味着公司管理层所能观察到的有效贴现率(effectivediscountrate)在不断下降。

    This implies that the effective discount rate which can be observed by managers decline .

  25. 社区导向基层医疗模式在社区慢性病系统管理中实施效果观察

    Observation on the effect of implementation of community oriented primary care model in systemic management of chronic diseases in communities

  26. 由经过短期培训的乡村医生按照规定方案使用苯巴比妥单药治疗、管理病人,并观察疗效、患者的依从性及药物不良反应。

    Patients were treated and managed by rural doctors who were trained about two days in Standard method of using Phenobarbital .

  27. 笔者分别从法官、管理体制和外部观察者三个角度提出思路,以期能更好的解决法官量刑自由裁量权难题。

    In order to solve the discretion problem better , the author puts forward the thoughts from three aspects : judges , the management system and the outside observer .

  28. 目的在社区慢性病管理研究中引入患者自我管理模式并观察自我管理对患者相关行为的影响。

    Objective To introduce the self-management into community chronic non - communicable disease management and observe the effect of relevant health care behavior among patients with hypertension or diabetes mellitus .

  29. 方法系统地研究病室家庭化管理与规格化管理引起住院病人心理反应的差异,以病室家庭化管理为主要观察项目,合理设置对照组,进行统计学处理。

    Methods The difference of inpatients ' mental response caused by domestic ward management and by standard ward management was systemic studied . Domestic ward management was the main observation item and control group was set for comparison , then statistics analysis was conducted .