- traditio brevi manu

Validate praxis delivery , facility delivery draft system delivery are established rather than indication delivery and keeping appropriation in Chinese legislation .
Facility delivery is a concept delivery in common sense while indication delivery and keeping appropriation are just stipulations between parties , which are not valid in laws .
About delivery types of regulation , be in our country the contract law expressly about the kinds of delivery only realistic delivery and simple delivered two kinds .
Delivery of the object is the shift of owning in the object . There are four kinds of delivery in the contract for purchase and sale in theory .
Immediately after combine near modern and national lawmaking , consign concrete appearance to the idea , namely simple consign , indicate consignation and occupy to change to certainly take in to introduce .
Delivery is the legal act of transfering the possession of movable property . Delivery includes realistic delivery , simple delivery , alteration of possession and indicative delivery , which should be stipulated in future Civil Code .