
  • 网络financing mechanism
  1. 农村最低生活保障的制度特征与筹资机制

    System Characteristics and Financing Mechanism of Rural Minimum Living Standard Security

  2. 关于农村合作医疗筹资机制的探讨

    Discussing the financing mechanism of rural cooperative medical care

  3. 对新的筹资机制进行投资,它们可大有作为,这种新的筹资机制如国际免疫财政机制(IFFIm)和国际药品采购机制(UNITAID)。

    Invest in innovative financing that can make a huge difference , like the International Finance Facility for Immunization ( IFFIm ) and the International Drug Purchase Facility ( UNITAID ) .

  4. 公共投资筹资机制选择的多角度分析

    Multi-Visual Analysis about Choice of Raising Funds Mechanism Of Public Investment

  5. 不同国家健康保障制度筹资机制变革因素的描述性系统评价

    Factors Determining the Health Financing Systems : A Descriptive Systematic Review

  6. 筹资机制多元化,目标多样化;

    Mechanism of raising funds is pluralistic , goal diversification ;

  7. 市场化过程中的高校筹资机制

    Colleges & universities fund - raising mechanism in the process of marketization

  8. 实现政府购买建立可持续性社区卫生服务筹资机制

    Enforcing government purchases and setting up sustainable fundraising mechanisms for community health services

  9. 主要包括领导机制创新、筹资机制创新、发展机制创新。

    Mainly includes leadership mechanism innovation , financing mechanism innovation , development mechanism innovation .

  10. 我国预防接种工作筹资机制存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures on Fund - raising System of Expanded Program on Immunization in China

  11. 2011年总体规划建议没有明确的实施时间表或筹资机制。

    The2011 master plan recommendations do not specify an implementation schedule or a funding mechanism .

  12. 长江水利枢纽救鱼措施筹资机制的探讨

    A discussion on financing mechanism for saving fish measures in the Yangtze River key water control

  13. 同时,新型农村合作医疗也面临一些挑战:探索建立稳定的筹资机制;

    At present , RCMS is facing new challenge , including to exploit a sustainable financing mechanism ;

  14. (三)最低生活保障资金落实情况农村最低生活保障的制度特征与筹资机制

    C. Implementation of the guaranteed subsistence allowances System Characteristics and Financing Mechanism of Rural Minimum Living Standard Security

  15. 讨论部分对试点模式和传统模式从四个方面进行了比较,认为其中最关键的是筹资机制。

    The part of discussion compares the mode for the experiment units with the original mode from four aspects .

  16. 鉴此,我们支持卫生筹资机制创新,调动更多资源。

    In this context , we support innovative financing mechanisms for health as possible means to mobilize additional resources .

  17. 而事实上,这种筹资机制更容易被已成立的集团而非企业家的家长和教师应用。

    This funding mechanism is more likely to be used by established groups than by entrepreneurial parents and teachers .

  18. 筹资机制的缺陷是成本分摊的不公平,制度内资金不足,制度外资金泛滥。

    The defect of fund-raising mechanism is the unfair cost share , which is caused by Chinese finance and taxation system .

  19. (二)建立多渠道的筹资机制,促进体育社会化和产业化

    ( Two ) Establish a Multi-Channel Fund-Raising Mechanism to Promote the Socialization of Sports and the Development of the Sports Industry

  20. 科学合理的筹资机制是新型农村合作医疗制度得以健康持续发展的关键环节。

    Rational and scientific financing mechanism is key link that make new model system of rural cooperative medical system to develop sustained .

  21. 筹资机制的不完善使新型农村合作医疗基金的筹集缺乏可持续性保证。

    Without a perfect financing mechanism , the fund rising of the new type of rural cooperative medical lacks the assurance in sustainability .

  22. 并对新型农村合作医疗制度中的统筹机制、筹资机制、补偿机制和基金监督机制进行分析。

    The new rural cooperative medical system in the co-ordination mechanisms , funding mechanisms , compensatory mechanisms oversight mechanisms and funds for analysis .

  23. 总结国外社区卫生技术服务趋等化经验,我们可以得出:1.完善的筹资机制、雄厚的经济实力,为社区卫生技术服务提供了坚实的后盾:2.健全的层级结构。

    The perfect financing mechanism and strong economic strength , provides community health technology service a solid backing ; 2 . The completely structure .

  24. 实施社会医疗保险,建立了强制性的筹资机制和与工资同步的增长机制,有利于医疗卫生事业稳定合理的资金投入;

    The implementation of social medical insurance demands the establishment of compulsory fund raising system and the synchronization of fund build up with wage increase ;

  25. 资金流入受援国时应明确用于协助它们建立本国的筹资机制和机构。

    When funds are channeled to countries , this should be done in ways that explicitly help recipient countries establish their own financing mechanisms and institutions .

  26. 美国私立大学的这种市场化筹资机制对我国形成多元化的高等教育经费筹措渠道具有重要的参考价值,对解除我国高校普遍面临的财政危机亦有诸多启示。

    The market-oriented financing mechanisms of American private universities has important reference value for the formation of a variety of financing channel in Chinese higher education .

  27. 然后着重指出当前我国公立高校筹资机制中存在的主要问题,并对其成因进行剖析与探究。

    Meanwhile , this thesis not only puts forward the problems existed currently in the public universities'fund-raising mechanism , but also explores on why these problems exist .

  28. 第三,县(市)级政府的财政能力不足和逐级配套的筹资机制导致政府财政补助不能及时到位。

    Thirdly , limited financial capacity of the government at county level and the bottom-up mechanism of allocating match fund by government at all levels caused inadequate subsidies .

  29. 本文就江西省新型农村合作医疗筹资机制问题进行了研究,全文分五章来阐述本文的观点。

    In this paper , Jiangxi Province , the new rural cooperative medical care financing mechanisms were studied , the text of five chapters to render this view .

  30. 建立合理的卫生筹资机制、扩大社会医疗保障覆盖面及提高政府扶贫资金的使用效率是缓解因病致贫的有效政策选择。

    To eliminate impoverishment , the policies on establishing health financing mechanism and expanding the coverage of social medical security and improving efficiency of governmental fund should be perfected .