
  1. 我们应该等佩内洛普小姐照你爸爸说的那样。

    Let 's wait for lady penelope , like your dad said .

  2. 等吴小姐回来,可以请她回电吗?

    When Miss Wu comes back , could you ask her to call me back ?

  3. 等特里小姐准备好以后,您就在前厅乘电梯去6层。

    When Ms. Terry is ready , you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor .

  4. 等布兰切特小姐被关起来你可以在她的牢房里放一把万能钥匙

    Now once Ms. Blanchard has been incarcerated , you can plant one of your lovely skeleton keys in her cell .

  5. 等公爵小姐的马车一走,他显然控制不住心中的怒气,当着索尼娅的面大声说。

    He said aloud before Sonya , obviously unable to restrain his vexation , after the princess 's carriage had rolled away from the house .

  6. 愿意接这个案子吗什么案子立刻给钱要多少给多少等阿德勒小姐公布照片你们就能领教她的厉害了

    Will you take the case ? What case ? Pay her , now and in full.As Miss Adler remarks in her masthead , know when you are beaten .

  7. 不用。等茉嘉娜小姐完全康复后,我就离开皇宫。

    No. I will wait until the Lady Morgana is fully recovered , and then I will be on my way .

  8. 接下来的周一早上,他准时到了学校,等着怀特小姐走进教室。

    The following Monday he arrived at school on time , and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom .

  9. 请稍等片刻。凯茜小姐。

    Please hold on a minute , Miss Stevens .