
  • 网络Second generation cephalosporin
  1. 头孢呋辛钠是第二代头孢菌素类药物市场的领军产品。

    Cefuroxime Sodium is one of the second generation cepHalosporin , which is a market leader drug .

  2. 革兰氏阴性杆菌对第二代头孢菌素敏感率并不优于第一代头孢菌素;

    As for the second generation cephalosporins against Gram negative bacteria were not superior to those of the first generation ones ;

  3. 头孢呋辛作为第二代头孢菌素在临床上使用,本文主要以作用机制与抗菌谱、药代动力学、临床疗效作了介绍。

    Cefuroxime is widely used in the treatment of bacterial infection disease as second generation cephalosporins . This article introduced the mechanism of action , antibacterial activity spectrum , pharmacokinetics and rational use of cefuroxime .

  4. TEM-1、TEM-2对青霉素类有较强水解作用,对第一代头孢菌素和第三代头孢菌素头孢哌酮也有一定程度水解,而对第二代头孢菌素头孢呋新及其它第三代头孢菌素均无水解作用;

    The penicillins , the first generation cephalosporins and cefoperazone were hydrolyzed by TEM-1 and TEM-2 , but TEM-1 and TEM-2 were unable to hydrolyze the second generation cephalosporins cefuroxime and other of the third generation cephalosporins .