
  • 网络The Six-Day War;Third Middle East War
  1. 以色列可能有条件地从它1967年第三次中东战争中所占领的约旦河西岸的大部分土地上撤走,在巴以谈判中以1949年停战线即绿线为基础,进行小幅度调整。

    Israel will probably withdraw from most of the territory occupying in the Third Middle East War in 1967 under some conditions and make small-sized adjustment based on the Green Line in the peace negotiation .

  2. 第三次中东战争结束后,鉴于形势的变化,美国彻底摆脱以往以争取阿拉伯国家为重心的惯性思维,开始将扶植以色列、确保以色列的军事优势作为一项长期的政策。

    After the third Middle East War , considering the existing situation , America pushed beside its usual way of roping Arab States , started a long term policy of supporting Israel and keeping its military advantages .