
  • 网络First Mountain;First Hill
  1. 轿子山为滇中第一山,是位于轿子山自然保护区中部的旅游小区。

    Jiaozishan mountain locates in the central part of Jiaozishan nature reserve .

  2. 九华历来被推为“东南第一山”。

    The mountain is thus famed as the " no.1 mountain in Southeast china " .

  3. 罗浮山,素有“岭南第一山”、“第七洞天”、“第三十二福地”等诸多美誉,是驰誉国内外的道教、佛教圣地。

    Luofu Moutain is well-known as the NO.1 Mountain in South China , the seventh Taoist Place and the32nd Taoist Land .

  4. 本厂座落于风景秀丽的浙南第一山“方岩”北郊,交通便利,厂房宽敞,设备工艺先进,技术雄厚。

    It located in north of " Fangyan " mountain which is praised as the first mountain in Zhejiang , the scenery is beautiful , the traffic is convenient , and the factory building is spacious .

  5. 阿历克·德贝维尔上车在苔丝身边坐下,就赶马沿着第一座山的山脊快速向前驶去,一路上不住口地把苔丝恭维赞扬,而给苔丝运送箱子的大车远远地落在后面。

    Having mounted beside her , Alec d'Urberville drove rapidly along the crest of the first hill , chatting compliments to Tess as they went , the cart with her box being left far behind .

  6. 他们是第一批在山的东面旅行的人。

    They were the first people to travel east of the mountains .

  7. 她永远忘不了第一次看到喜玛拉雅山的情景。

    She never forgot seeing the Himalayas for the first time .

  8. 上世纪初,第一位到莫干山山顶景区观赏的外国人是坐在轿子上被抬上去的。

    The first foreign vacationers to visit the mountaintop resort area of Moganshan , at the turn of the last century , were carried up in sedan chairs .

  9. 每个人都是扶轮社员,并且每个人都安排了他或她,他们的第一次来到洛基山盐湖城镇结成国际友谊的国际扶轮年会之旅。

    Each is a Rotarian and each makes his or her first trip to an RI convention where they have come to forge international friendships in the Rocky Mountain town of Salt Lake City .