
  • 网络Third-party application
  1. 安装第三方应用程序(如SSH)来启动或停止脚本。

    Install a third-party application like SSH to start or stop scripts .

  2. 如果第三方应用程序已启用脚本拦截,则ide将出现,然后又消失。

    If a third-party application has script blocking enabled , the IDE will appear and then disappear .

  3. 它以Web服务的形式向第三方应用程序提供关于供应和请求的统计数据。

    It offers statistics about offers and requests as a Web service to third-party applications .

  4. 它亦能与任何可通过web服务发出命令的第三方应用程序交互。

    It is also intended to interact with any third party application that can issue commands via web services .

  5. 访问Domino的第三方应用程序中的软件问题。

    A software problem in a third-party application accessing Domino .

  6. 对于一个遇到内存泄漏的系统管理员来说,承载着大量第三方应用程序的WebSphereApplicationServer就像是一个黑盒。

    To a system administrator encountering a memory leak , a WebSphere Application Server hosting a number of third party applications is like a black box .

  7. 三星提供的第三方应用程序看上去酷似Word、PowerPoint和Excel。

    Samsung provides third-party apps that look like exact copies of Word , PowerPoint and Excel .

  8. 在移动互联网快速发展的今天,以用户为中心的设计思想在APP(第三方应用程序)的设计研发过程中愈加得到重视。

    User-centered Design Methodology in APP design has been more attention in the fast development of mobile internet today .

  9. 使用开放式数据库连接(ODBC)的第三方应用程序可以读取此数据。

    Third-party applications that use Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ) can also read the data .

  10. 这主要是为了让第三方应用程序开发人员确保对引擎产生的原始ARMcorrelator的任何修改的稳定性。

    It is up to the third-party application developer to ensure stability of any modification to the original ARM correlator generated by the engine .

  11. 通过安装第三方应用程序防火墙,防火墙在XSS攻击到达Web服务器和易受攻击的脚本之前拦截它们,并阻塞它们。

    By installing a third-party application firewall , which intercepts XSS attacks before they reach the Web server and the vulnerable scripts , and blocks them .

  12. 遗憾的是,当使用“取出即可用”的Python以及Python中可用的许多第三方应用程序进行Web服务开发时,常常没有多少代码可写。

    Unfortunately , when using Python out of the box , and many of the third party applications available in Python for Web services development , there is often little code to write .

  13. 对于该任务,假定已经提供了第三方应用程序foo,但是旧版本使用的共享库没有安装在您的Linux计算机上。

    For this task , assume that the third-party application foo has been provided , but an older version uses a shared library not installed on your Linux computer .

  14. 有了OAuth,一个资源所有者可以授权第三方应用程序访问受保护的资源,而不损害用户证书。

    With OAuth , a resource owner can authorize third party application access to the protected resource without compromising user credentials .

  15. 第三方应用程序和netsh命令都是基于公开的无线承载网络函数来实现的。

    Third-party applications and the netsh commands are based on using the public wireless Hosted Network functions .

  16. 用户可以直接接入这一永久连接(always-on)的智能系统,也可以通过使用这一人工智能云服务的第三方应用程序接入。

    Consumers can tap into that always-on intelligence directly , but also through third-party apps that harness the power of this AI cloud .

  17. 最终用户可以使用第三方应用程序或netsh命令与无线承载网络交互。

    End users interact with the wireless Hosted Network feature in Windows using third party applications or netsh commands .

  18. Eclipse开发平台可以用于管理多种开发任务,包括测试、性能调整及程序调试等,而且还可以集成来自多个供货商的第三方应用程序开发工具。

    Eclipse developing platform can be used to manage many kinds of developing tasks , including test , performance adjustment and programe adjustment and so on . It also can be used to integrate the third paty application developing tools from many merchants .

  19. 但是,尽管组织可能看到了CLM解决方案带来的价值,但他们可能已在其他第三方应用程序生命周期管理产品上投入了巨资。

    However , while an organization may see the value that the CLM solution brings , they may already be heavily invested in other third-party application lifecycle management products .

  20. 通过在MFC主程序中嵌入第三方应用程序,直观、便捷地完成HMM状态的复制、删除、联接等可视化操作,之后把数据反馈给主程序,最后在主程序中完成核心的HMM算法。

    MFC by third-party applications embedded in the main program , intuitive , easy to complete HMM state of the copy , delete , link and other visual operation , after the data back to the main program , and finally completed in the main core of the HMM algorithm .

  21. 它催生了第一批智能手机Treo,吸引了大量第三方应用程序,为今天的应用程序商店塑造出了原型。

    It led to one of the first smartphones , the Treo , and attracted a library of third-party apps , foreshadowing today 's giant app stores .

  22. 如果希望通过TCPWrappers控制SSH访问,就需要把libwrap.a复制到LIBPATH指向的目录中(对于第三方应用程序,这个目录是/usr/local/lib)。

    If you wish to control SSH access via TCP Wrappers , you will need to copy the libwrap . a into a directory where your LIBPATH points to ( for third party applications , this could be : / usr / local / lib ) .

  23. 其他问题:目前第三方应用程序基本没用。

    Other problems : Third-party apps are mostly useless right now .

  24. 很多第三方应用程序都在其网站上发布了简单易用的演练。

    Many third-party applications have easy-to-use walk-throughs posted on their Web sites .

  25. 新浪还为其微博网站第三方应用程序的提供者设立了开发者基金。

    Sina also set up a developer fund for third-party application providers on its microblog .

  26. 这是一个讨论“第三方应用程序”的公共邮件列表。

    This is a public mailinglist for discussion of development of " third party applications " .

  27. 而且,它隐秘的文档对于设计和生产好的第三方应用程序不是一个出发点。

    And its cryptic documentation is hardly a starting point for designing and producing great apps .

  28. 对策设定:原则上,对第三方应用程序的限制与对官方应用程序的限制是一样的。

    Policy-settings : By default , 3rd party apps should have the same limits as our applications .

  29. 智能手机支持第三方应用程序的扩展功能,使手机更能满足用户需要,便利了用户生活。

    The third-party applications provide functional extensions to meet smartphoneusers ' requirements , which make life more convenient .

  30. 导致服务器挂起的原因包括,资源问题(资源不足)、第三方应用程序冲突和硬件问题。

    Causes of server hangs include resource problems ( insufficient resources ), third-party application conflicts , and hardware problems .