
  1. 第一视频将引进模拟生产的布。

    The first video will introduce a production of cloth simulation .

  2. 不过,身为第一视频集团有限公司(以下简称:第一视频)董事局主席的张力军似乎并没有为此而大费脑筋。

    However , as the chairman of the Board of VODone Limited ( hereinafter referred to as " VODone "), Zhang Lijun seems never panic and rests calmly on his arm-chair .

  3. 去年7月首创世界纪录2017年,李子柒在YouTube发布第一支视频“用葡萄皮染的布做裙子”。

    Li uploaded her first video on YouTube , about how to make a dress using the cloth dyed with color extracted from grape skin , in 2017 .

  4. 同年4月23日下午8点27分,在YouTube上发布了第一个视频,名为Meatthezoo。

    On April 23 , 2005 , at 8:27 p.m. they posted the first video called Me at the zoo .

  5. 阿喜于2020年7月初具雏形,三个月后Jesse在抖音上发布了阿喜的第一个视频。

    Angie started taking shape in July 2020 , and within three months Zhang had posted his character 's first video to Douyin .

  6. 他的第一段视频“土司煮蛋”于2010年1月在YouTube公开,接着是“炖菜”。

    His first video ' poached egg on toast ' was posted on YouTube in January 2010 and was soon followed by ' ratatouille ' .

  7. 作为遥遥领先的第一大视频网站,youtube在吸引观众观看在线直播方面要赶上诸如超级碗(superbowl)之类火爆的电视直播节目,仍有一段路要走。

    YouTube the largest video website by some distance still has some way to go before it can attract a live audience to match TV blockbusters such as the super bowl .

  8. ANTIMON的第一段视频中,汽车机器人可以根据口令移动手臂和脑袋,但目前尚未研发行走功能。该公司表示,如果能够为新的研发项目落实资金,行走功能是可以实现的。

    The first video of ANTIMON shows that it can move its arm and head on command and while walking functionality has not been developed yet , the company claims it 's doable if they can secure reasonable funding for a new research and development project .

  9. 马拉拉·尤沙夫赛自去年10月遭遇袭击以来发表了第一份视频声明。

    Malala Yousafzai released her first video statement since last October 's attack .

  10. 在那些注册了课程的学员当中,大约有50%从未观看第一个视频。

    Some 50 per cent of those who register never watch the first video .

  11. 我们打开第一个视频然后等�

    We opened the first video and waited

  12. 这个四个孩子的妈贝嫂制作的第一个视频里,小七正用勺子将融化了的巧克力装进模具中。

    In the first video , the mother-of-four recorded her daughter spooning the melted sweet treat into a mould set .

  13. 摇滚乐队绝对不是第一个视频游戏才需要特殊的硬件,也不会是最后一次。

    Rock Band was definitely not the first video game to necessitate special hardware , nor will it be the last .

  14. 第一个视频是由安徽卫视录制的,在视频里一群大学生告诉父母自己爱他们。

    The first , filmed by an Anhui TV station , shows a number of college students telling their parents they love them .

  15. 通过对跟踪的第一帧视频中的人体区域进行手工标注,建立马尔可夫链模型。

    Markov chain model is built at first by marking manually the area of human body to be tracked at the first frame of video .

  16. 好比第一个视频中的“虐兔女”,在她的事情曝光前,她的朋友同学全都说她很乖巧善良,谁也没有想到她会为了金钱而如此残害动物。

    Before the incident was made in spotlight , her friends and classmates all said that she was very timid and kind ! No one had thought that she would persecute animals so cruelly for the sake of money !

  17. 周二,美国娱乐业巨头奈飞,和马云阿里巴巴旗下的第一大流量视频网站优酷土豆签订协议,买下32集侦探剧《白夜追凶》(DayandNight)的海外版权。

    The U.S. entertainment giant unveiled a deal Thursday with Youku Tudou , the flagship streaming video service of Jack Ma 's Alibaba Group , for worldwide rights outside of China to Day and Night , a 32-episode detective drama series .

  18. 自1976年蒙特利尔奥运会采用了第一块黑白视频显示屏以来,各种大屏幕特别是LED显示屏得到了迅猛发展,在现代信息社会中更是随处可见。

    Since the first B W video display appeared in Montreal Olympics in 1976 , various big displays , especially LED displays developed so rapidly . Now in an information society , a lot of screens can be seen anywhere .

  19. 我这样来描述CCL所发挥的作用:类似于你第一次在视频中看到自己。

    The way I describe the role that CCL plays is that it is a situation akin to seeing yourself on video for the first time .

  20. 谷歌Chrome浏览器的最新广告展示了一个孩子生活中的一系列重大事件,每件事都关乎互联网的方方面面——YouTube上,孩子学会走路后迈出第一步的视频;

    A recent advertisement for Google Chrome showed a series of important events in a child 's life , each one belonging to a different part of the Internet - the first steps on YouTube ;

  21. 但在他记忆力依旧清晰的当年,他的女儿多萝西(Dorothy)曾经把他的录音回忆录誊写为一份48页的文件,美国华人博物馆以此为底本,制作了一份四分钟的第一人称叙述视频。

    But when his memory was still sharp , his daughter Dorothy transcribed 48 pages of his taped recollections , which became the basis of a four-minute first-person narrative produced by the museum .

  22. 感谢收看“怎样挽回失败的第一印象”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Bounce Back From A Bad First Impression

  23. 经过第一次的视频会议,使学员们更加透彻的了解微型金融的商业化。

    The first tele-conference has offered students a greater understanding of the commercialization of mini-finance .

  24. 他们的第一个原创视频叫地铁,内容就是纽约市内从坚尼街到康尼岛的一段铁路旅程。

    Its first original video is titled Subway and consisting of a rail journey between Canal St. and Coney Island in New York .

  25. 导演NirvanMullick是玩凯恩的游戏的第一个人,视频“凯恩的游乐场”也是他制作的。

    Filmmaker Nirvan Mullick was the first to pay to play Caine 's games . He is also responsible for the " Caine 's Arcade " video .

  26. 原型系统包括两层次的应用,第一层次是视频分割的简单应用,主要是检测当前监控区域中是否有运动目标出现。

    It mainly consists of two levels . The fist application is to detect whether or not moving object occurs in surveillance region . This problem can be resolved directly by video segmentation .

  27. 在六年前将第一个Henri的视频发到网上的Braden说:我从来没想过这将成为一种事业,或者能够从中盈利。

    In no way did I ever think this was going to be a career , or any money was going to come out of it , said Braden , who posted the first Henri video six years ago .

  28. 我国第一个国家音视频编解码标准AVS(《信息技术先进音视频编码》系列标准简称)是数字音视频产业的基础性标准,具有自主知识产权,在技术和性能上处于国际先进水平。

    The first Chinese audio-video coding standard AVS (" Information Technology Advanced Audio and Video Coding " standards ) is the basis standard in digital audio and video industry , it possesses independent intellectual property rights and has reached the international advanced level both in technique and in performance .

  29. 在本文中,v4l2src插件是video4linux2源;其默认行为是查找内核能够识别的第一个支持的视频设备及其生成的流视频。

    In our present situation , the v4l2src plug-in is the video4linux2 source ; its default behavior is to find the first supported video device known to the kernel and stream video off it .

  30. 中央电视台第一个数字化演播室视频系统介绍

    First Digital Studio in CCTV ── An Introduction to Video System