
dì èr yǔ yán xí dé
  • second language acquisition
  1. 关于Krashen第二语言习得理论的五个假设及相关思考

    Five Hypotheses : A Theoretical Model of Second Language Acquisition Theory

  2. 美国语言学家Krashen提出了关于第二语言习得的5个理论假设。

    The five hypotheses of Second Language Acquisition Theory presented by linguist Stephen D.

  3. 他是研究第二语言习得的专家。

    He is an expert in studying the acquisition of a second language .

  4. UG理论与第二语言习得研究

    UG Theory and SLA Research

  5. 北美著名学者MerrillSwain在对第二语言习得进行深入研究的基础上提出了语言输出假设的三个功能:(1)关注/诱发功能;

    Merrill Swain ( 1995 ) claims that output hypothesis has three functions : ( 1 ) the noticing / triggering function ;

  6. 所谓多角度指的是分别从符号学、历史语言学、语用学、第二语言习得和外语学习等应用语言学角度来同时研究pun。

    By multi-dimensional study it means the study is mainly carried out in terms of semiotics , diachronic linguistics , pragmatics , second language acquisition and foreign language learning .

  7. 证实了4-M模型在第二语言习得方面的第一个假设:内容语素产出的准确度要高于两类系统语素产出的准确度。

    The first hypothesis is confirmed : content morphemes are produced more accurately than both types of system morphemes .

  8. Pica(1984)发现第一语言对第二语言习得的影响是语言教学研究者所关注的首要课题。

    Pica ( 1984 ) listed ten most popular subjects concerned by foreign language teaching researchers , among which the influence of native language ( NL ) on second language acquisition is on the top .

  9. 每一种数据分析方法对第二语言习得研究均有其独特的贡献。

    Each makes its unique contribution to second language acquisition research .

  10. 课堂环境下的第二语言习得:理论框架与分析单位

    Second Language Acquisition in Classroom Setting : Conceptual and Analytic Framework

  11. 外语学习与第二语言习得的关系

    The relationship between foreign language learning and the second language acquisition

  12. 过渡语是第二语言习得中一个重要的概念。

    Interlanguage is a very important notion in second language acquisition .

  13. 第二语言习得中语用负迁移现象的分析

    Analyzing the Phenomena of Negative Pragmatic Transfer in Second Language Acquisition

  14. 不同语言输入方式与第二语言习得成就之间的关系

    The relationship between different input modes and the achievements in SLA

  15. 年龄和学习时间对第二语言习得的影响

    The Influence of Starting Age and Length of Learning on SLA

  16. 第一语言和第二语言习得过程中的差异

    Disparities Between Learning of First Language and Acquisition of Second Language

  17. 因此,第二语言习得研究随之迅猛发展起来。

    Therefore , the study of SLA develops very quickly .

  18. 第二语言习得者获得不同习得能力的原因探微

    On Causes of Different Acquired Competence in Second Language Learning

  19. 论翻译法在高职高专学生第二语言习得中的运用

    The application of the translation method to SLA of Vocational College Students

  20. 试析第二语言习得中的参数设定

    A Tentative Analysis of Parameter Setting in Second Language Acquisition

  21. 神经元网络动态认知过程与第二语言习得

    The Dynamic Process of Cognition by Neural Network and SLA

  22. 交互式输出教学法与第二语言习得

    On Interactive Output Language Teaching Approach and Second Language Acquisition

  23. 国内外研究第二语言习得的现状;

    The current situation about the second language acquisition research ;

  24. 在第二语言习得过程中,动机处处都在起着作用。

    During the second language learning , motives function everywhere .

  25. 试从第二语言习得规律看外语教学

    Exploring Foreign Language Teaching Based on Second Language Acquisition Theory

  26. 论第二语言习得中的性格因素&内向与外向

    Personality Factors in Second Language Acquisition & Extroversion and Introversion

  27. 第二语言习得输入假说评析

    Some Considerations to the Input Hypothesis of Second Language Acquisition

  28. 评述基于认知加工的第二语言习得研究

    Comments on the Study of Second Language Acquisition Based on Cognitive Processing

  29. 本文探讨了第二语言习得中的触发性素材问题。

    The present research explores the triggering data in second language acquisition .

  30. 第二语言习得中语言创造性的培养

    The Training of the Students ' Language Creativity in SLA