首页 / 词典 / good


xiào róng
  • smile;beam;smiling expression
笑容 [xiào róng]
  • [smiling expression] 带笑的脸庞

  • 笑容可人

笑容[xiào róng]
  1. 再见,那个用笑容打动我的男孩。

    Goodbye , That uses smiling expression to touch my boy .

  2. 每天看你的笑容。

    Look at your smiling expression every day .

  3. 她忍住泪水,强作笑容。

    She gulped back her tears and forced a smile .

  4. 她说自己很快活,但是她的笑容很勉强。

    She said she was enjoying herself but her smile was forced .

  5. 她脸上的笑容使得这一切都非常值得。

    The smile on her face made it all worthwhile .

  6. 他笑容满面。

    He had a big smile on his face .

  7. 他对所有的客人都以他的一贯笑容相迎。

    He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face .

  8. 他露出了笑容,双眼也满含着笑意。

    He smiled , his eyes full of laughter .

  9. 她是个严肃的女人,脸上很少出现笑容。

    She was a severe woman who seldom smiled .

  10. 他脸上挂着得意扬扬的笑容。

    He had a self-satisfied smirk on his face .

  11. 他脸上笑容一闪而过。

    A smile flitted across his face .

  12. 她脸上的笑容僵住了。

    The smile froze on her lips .

  13. 他笑容满面地面对记者。

    He beamed at the journalists .

  14. 她的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。

    A smile brightened her face .

  15. 他的女友是个超级靓妞,一头长长的金发,脸上带着灿烂的笑容。

    His girlfriend was a real uber-babe , with long blonde hair and a big smile .

  16. 她的笑容令人倾倒。

    Her smile was devastating .

  17. 他露出了和蔼的笑容。

    He smiled benignly .

  18. 她的笑容逐渐消失。

    Her smile faded .

  19. 要保持笑容!

    Keep smiling !

  20. 皮特的脸上重新浮现出笑容,但却狰狞可怕。

    Pitt 's smile returned , and it was hideously diabolic .

  21. 两个男人一面看着我,一面用胳膊肘顶顶对方,笑容里夹杂着一丝得意。

    Two men looked at me , nudged each other and smirked

  22. 笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。

    The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown .

  23. 他的笑容消失了,脸上的表情严肃了起来。

    His smile died and the look in his face hardened .

  24. 她猜想他正在尽力掩饰笑容。

    She fancied he was trying to hide a smile .

  25. 莉萨突然笑容满面地出现在门口时,她吓了一跳。

    She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles

  26. 他强忍住沾沾自喜的笑容。

    He tried hard not to smile in smug self-satisfaction .

  27. 玛莎勉强挤出一丝笑容。

    Martha managed to produce a dim , watery smile .

  28. 黑利打量着她,脸上带着神秘的笑容。

    Haley studied her , an enigmatic smile on his face

  29. 看到他脸上现出孩子气的笑容,她总算松了口气。

    She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin

  30. 他们受到了一如往常的欢迎,夸张的笑容和姿态如同一场闹剧。

    They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures