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sǔn ké
  • scale-like outer skin of a bamboo shoot
  1. 采用挥发性酸和碱调节鲜笋壳压榨液pH值,分别获得无盐FractionⅠ和fractionⅡ;

    Using volatile acid and alkali to regulate the pH of pressed juice from bamboo shell , saltless Fraction ⅰ and Fraction ⅱ were got separately .

  2. 笋壳(BambooShootShell)作为一种优质的生物质,纤维素、木质素的含量很高,利用笋壳通过流化床快速热解方式制取生物油,具有重要的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。

    As a high-quality biomass , bamboo shoot shell highly contains cellulose and lignin . Bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of bamboo shoot shell in the fluidized bed has important environmental , economic and social benefits .

  3. 笋壳的热解TG曲线分为脱水、预热解、热解(剧烈失重)、炭化(缓慢失重)四个阶段,主反应阶段主要集中在250~650℃左右。

    Bamboo shell pyrolysis TG curve was divided into four phases , such as dehydration , warm-up solution , pyrolysis ( severe weight loss ), carbonization ( slow weight loss ) . Reaction stage mainly concentrated in about 250 ~ 650 ℃ .

  4. 根据红外光谱分析和GC-MS的分析结果,可以看出制取的生物油成分很复杂,其中添加了KNO3的笋壳,热解得到的生物油含有的可辨识化合物最多,有38种。

    According to the results of infrared spectroscopy and GC-MS analysis , the bio-oil composition was very complex . There were 38 kinds of recognizable compounds in the bio-oil from the bamboo shell which added additive KNO3 .

  5. 笋壳黄酮提取工艺及对油脂抗氧化性研究

    Ultrasonic Extraction Conditions of Bamboo Shell Flavones and Its Antioxidative Activity on Oil

  6. 笋壳流化床快速热解制取生物油的研究

    Study on Bio-oil from Fast Pyrolysis of Bamboo Shoot Shell in the Fluidized Bed

  7. 一道稳妥选择是配有辣椒酱和柠檬酱的清蒸笋壳鱼。

    A sure bet is the steamed sand goby with chilli and lemon sauce .

  8. 纯净的笋壳&文渝光

    Pure Bamboo Shoot Shell & Wen yuguang

  9. 这种表面结构使得笋壳纤维具有一定的抱和力,有一定的可纺性能。

    Such surface structure gives bamboo shell fiber a certain degree of cohesive force which means spinnability .

  10. 笋壳鱼通常生长在河口、礁湖、盐沼及泰国沿海水域。

    Sand goby is a fish usually present in estuaries , lagoons , salt marshes and along coastal waters of Thailand .

  11. 同时,将废弃笋壳转化为商品重新输入农产品生产产业链,形成资源的循环利用。

    Therefore , the waste BSS were re-enter the agricultural production chain , and recycling of resources was formed . 5 .

  12. 成分分析表明,笋壳的纤维素和半纤维素含量较高,适宜用于热解。

    The higher content of cellulose and hemicellulose indicated that the bamboo shoot shell might be made utilization through the method of pyrolysis .

  13. 以笋壳为原料,石英砂为流化介质,在自行设计的流化床上进行了热裂解试验。

    Pyrolysis experiment with the bamboo shoot shell was carried out in the self-designed fluidized bed in which quartz sand was as the fluidizing medium .

  14. 试验结果表明:笋壳的红外吸收光谱图主要由烃基、羰基、碳水化合物及苯环等吸收带组成。

    The experimental results showed that bamboo shell infrared absorption spectra mainly included alkyl , carbon-based , carbohydrate and absorption bands , the composition of benzene and so on .

  15. 对毛竹笋壳进行热重分析、红外光谱分析,并进行动力学分析,求取热分解过程的反应活化能及动力学参数。

    Analyzed TG , infrared spectroscopy and kinetic analysis of the mao bamboo shoot shell , achieved the reaction of thermal decomposition process and kinetic parameters of activation energy .

  16. 笋壳作为常见生物质的一种,大多被丢弃或直接燃烧,不仅造成了环境污染,也是资源的极大浪费。

    As a common biomass , most of bamboo shoot shell is discarded or burned directly , causes not only environmental pollution , but also a great waste of resources .

  17. 本文以毛竹笋壳为原料,提取竹笋壳黄酮,优化提取工艺,采用多种方法进行分离纯化,并对竹笋壳黄酮的抗氧化性和对酪氨酸酶影响的动力学进行了研究。

    This reserch is study on the flavonoids extracted from bamboo shell Then products were separated and purified with many methods . Its antioxidant activity and effect on tyrosinase activity has been sudied .

  18. 青贮后,笋壳的结晶度和热稳定性均得到了提高,分别从43.23%提高到53.06%和从320℃提高到了327℃,但纤维类型并没有发生改变。

    The crystallinity and thermal stability of fiber from ensilaged BSS were improved , as the crystallinity was increased from 43.23 % to 53.06 % , and maximum temperature also increased from 320 ℃ to 327 ℃ .

  19. 本论文旨在研究利用农业废弃物笋壳制备生物炭,并进行生物炭改良土壤性能的研究。首先,对笋壳进行了成分分析和表征。

    In this context , this dissertation aims to study the pyrolysis of agricultural waste bamboo shoot shell to obtain biochar for improving soil . Firstly , the main components and characterization of bamboo shoot shell were conducted .

  20. 本文对笋壳进行了热重分析,研究了笋壳流化床快速热解工艺,分析了热解得到的生物油的品质,测试并研究了热解固体产物的吸附性能。

    This paper analyzed TG of the bamboo shoot shell , studied process of fast pyrolysis in the fluidized bed , analyzed the quality of the bio-oil , measured and studied the adsorption properties of solid product . 1 .

  21. 结果表明:加工副产物的笋头和笋壳中,纤维明显高于食用部分,而粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分等含量较低。

    Results showed that fibers in by-products were much higher than edible part , while crude protein , fat and ash were lower .