
  • 网络shooting period
  1. 毛竹笋用林合理竹龄结构及其笋期生长规律

    Rational age structure and growth regularity during shooting period of Phyllostachys pubescens forest for shoot

  2. 不同笋用竹种笋期生长规律观察

    Observation on growth regularity during shooting period of different shoot uses bamboo species

  3. 在4种覆盖措施中,以塑料小拱棚最为经济实用,与对照相比,其成活率提高了40%,出笋期提早10d;

    From economical and practical viewpoint , the small arched plastic greenhouse is the best one among 4 mulching measures in which the survival rate increased by 40 % over the control and the time of bamboo shooting was 10 days earlier than the control .

  4. 绿竹(Dendrocalamopsisoldhami)用途广泛,成林快、笋期长、产量高、营养丰富,具有较高的经济价值和生态效益。

    Green bamboo ( Dendrocalamopsis oldhami ), which is widely used in many aspects and grows into forest fast . It has long shoot-yield period , output high , nutrient-rich with high economic value and ecological benefits .

  5. 绿竹笋期生物学特性观察研究

    Observatory studies on biological characteristics of Bambusa atrovirens in spouting period

  6. 紫竹笋期生长规律的研究

    A preliminary study on the growth of bamboo shoots of Phyllostachys nigra

  7. 毛竹笋期的营养动态

    Trends nutrient dynamics in the shoot stage of Mao bamboo

  8. 毛竹笋期的营养动态毛竹林结构的动态特性

    Nutrient dynamics in the shoot stage of Mao bamboo

  9. 不同下垫面对土壤热状况和出笋期的影响

    Effects of different underlying covers on soil thermal condition and date of bamboo shoot emergence

  10. 龙竹与毛竹在孕笋期基本无淀粉分布。

    There are very few starch in Dendrocalamus giganteus and Phyllostachys edulis during they are pregnant .

  11. 刚竹属竹种笋期生长特性初步研究论林木引种与森林可持续经营

    A preliminary study on the growth characteristics of shoot stage in the new plantation forests of Phyllostachys species

  12. 这些结果显示,从笋期到幼竹期,母株对慈竹克隆后代的贡献越来越小。

    These results indicates that the contribution of mother ramet to clonal offspring becomes less and less from new shoot stage to younger bamboo stage .

  13. 竹笋在5月份出土,在16天的发笋期内平均密度达到2.7笋/m2。

    In May , bamboo shoots emerg - ing from the ground achieved an average density of 2.7 shoots m-2 during the sprouting phase of 16 days .

  14. 玉米笋采收期的研究

    Study on the Harvest Time for Baby Corn

  15. 在雷竹竹鞭笋芽分化期(8月至翌年4月)用恒重法、伯川法和双缩脲法对雷竹竹鞭的含水量、糖类和蛋白质含量进行测定。

    The moisture content , carbohydrates and protein contents of Lei bamboo rhizome during the period of the mixed bud differentiation were measured by use of constant weight , colorimetric method and biuret method .

  16. 麻竹山地笋用林笋期叶片光合及呼吸性状研究

    Study on the photosynthetic and respiratory character of leaves of forest planted on mountain and used for shoot of Dendrocalamus latiflorus during growing shoots

  17. 不同类型玉米笋产量因素及采笋期的分析

    Analyses of the Factor of Yield and the Period of Harvest of the Three Types of Maize as Baby Corn

  18. 对海涂哺鸡竹笋产量分布和竿径变化规律初步研究结果表明,哺鸡竹出笋不均勾,盛笋期在整个笋期的中前期;

    Preliminary study on shoot output distribution and culm diameter change law of Phyllostachys vivas showed that sprouting of shoot was uueven ; peak period was at early and middle stage ;

  19. 研究结果表明:1毛竹笋芽的发育可以分为四个过程,即笋芽的休眠期、笋芽的萌动期、笋芽的发育期和成熟期。

    The results were as follows : 1 . The developmental process of the shoot bud could be divided into four stages : the dormant stage , the germinating stage , the development stage and the mature stage .