
jìnɡ ɡòu
  • make a bid for;scramble to buy;rush to buy
  1. 翠丰集团对迪克森公司展开了恶意竞购。

    Kingfisher launched a hostile bid for Dixons .

  2. 鲍伊债券早期的成功增强了葛涵思(GuyHands)2007年竞购音乐公司百代(EMI)的信心。

    The early success of Bowie Bonds was a factor underpinning Guy Hands " 2007 bid for EMI .

  3. 著名的里兹饭店开价1亿英镑供各方竞购。

    The famous Ritz hotel is up for grabs for £ 100m .

  4. 在美国成立了控股公司以出价竞购金斯顿通信公司。

    The US shell company was set up to mount a bid for Kingston Communications .

  5. 德国经济部长古腾伯格在周末接受报纸采访时表示,两家竞购方必须提高其报价,方能获得政府援助。

    German economy minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg said in a weekend newspaper interview the two suitors must improve their bids to win government backing .

  6. 竞购人还必须在当天将狗带回家,并签署书面承诺,声明他们将遵守当地法规,不转售或转让狗狗的所有权。

    They are also required to take them home the same day and sign a written commitment stating that they will follow the local regulations and will not resell the dogs or transfer ownership .

  7. 根据拍卖规则,每只狗的起拍价为200元,竞购人必须先观看一段狗狗的视频,然后才能出价。

    According to the auction ’ s rules , the starting bid for each dog is 200 yuan ( $ 30 ) but participants must first watch a video about their favored animal before being able to bid .

  8. 微软VS新闻集团,谁是最可能的竞购者?

    Microsoft VS News Corporation , who is the better choice ?

  9. 那次竞购最后未获成功。刘特佐和1MDB还与一家叫做沙特石油国际公司(PetroSaudiInternational)的石油开采企业有业务往来,这家公司的创始人是一个沙特商人和一个沙特王子。

    Mr. Low and 1MDB also had dealings with an oil-drilling company called PetroSaudi International that had been founded by a Saudi businessman and a Saudi prince .

  10. 两个私人股本公司财团一直在竞购ClearChannel,预计它们将在本周末的最后期限之前提交强有力的报价。

    Two consortia of private equity buyers have been competing to acquire Clear Channel , and are expected to submit strong bids by this weekend 's deadline .

  11. 此外,《华尔街日报》的这篇报道还称,微软公司(Microsoft)正计划与银湖投资集团(SilverLake)和加拿大退休金计划投资委员会(CanadaPensionPlanInvestmentBoard)联手竞购雅虎。

    And the WSJ reports that Microsoft is looking into a bid for Yahoo with Silver Lake and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board .

  12. 昨天我一直在研究戴尔公司(Dell)最近的竞购案(还能有其他事吗?)

    I spent much of yesterday working on Dell ( what else ? )

  13. 例如,至少有两家组织在试图竞购.eco域名。

    At least two groups are looking at bidding for . Eco , for example .

  14. 一家中国集团已投入仙童半导体公司(FairchildSemiconductor)的竞购战。

    A Chinese group has jumped into the bidding war for Fairchild Semiconductor .

  15. 友邦总裁麦智信(markwilson)坚称,该公司将站在优势立场与潜在竞购者进行谈判。

    Mark Wilson , AIA president , insists that the division will negotiate with potential bidders from a position of strength .

  16. 该交易仍有待美国海外投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestmentintheU.S.)的国家安全审查。卢特尔说,还可能出现其他竞购企业。

    The deal remains subject to a national security review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. And Mr. Luter said that other bids could still emerge .

  17. 知情人士称,西蒙一直在与卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)等主权财富基金讨论帮助其竞购的事宜。

    Simon has been talking to SWFs such as the Qatar Investment Authority about contributing to its bid , people familiar with the matter said .

  18. 随着南山人寿(nanshanlifeinsurance)的出售进程进入决定性阶段,预计一些海外集团将会与当地竞购者携手组成竞争财团。

    Some overseas groups are expected to team up with local bidders to form rival consortia as the sale process for Nan Shan life insurance enters its decisive phase .

  19. 潜在的私人股本竞购者包括CVC和马来西亚的NavisCapital。

    Potential private equity bidders include CVC and Navis Capital , the Malaysia-based group .

  20. 一些金融买家表达了竞购兴趣,其中包括汽车零部件制造商Delphi的所有者比佛利山公司PlatinumEquity。

    Several financial buyers have expressed interest , including Platinum Equity , the Beverly Hills firm that owns Delphi , the auto parts maker .

  21. 在日本,“毒丸计划”(poisonpill)防御措施日益增多,而且收购法规不利于外国竞购者。

    In Japan , " poison pill " defences are multiplying , while takeover rules have been weighted against foreign bidders .

  22. 竞购北电的专利组合将能为Android带来一些法律保障,不过当竞标进入白热化时,谷歌却开始玩起游戏来。

    And when bidding for the patents that would have bought Android some legal protection got serious , Google started playing games .

  23. 有望拿下沃克斯豪尔及欧宝55%股权的竞购方之一,是布鲁塞尔投资公司rhjinternational。

    One frontrunner to buy the 55 per cent stake in Vauxhall and Opel is RHJ international , a Brussels-based investor .

  24. 东京证交所(tokyostockexchange)将起草公司收购防御指导方针,这可能会加大日本的上市公司阻止主动竞购(unsolicitedbid)的难度。

    Tokyo Stock Exchange is to draw up corporate takeover defence guidelines that could make it harder for listed companies in Japan to thwart unsolicited bids .

  25. 政府背景的清华紫光(TsinghuaUnigroup)竞购美光(Micron)失败,但芯片设计企业芯成半导体有限公司(IntegratedSiliconSolution,ISSI)被卖给了中国买家。

    State-backed Tsinghua Unigroup 's bid to buy Micron failed , although chip designer Integrated Silicon Solutions was sold to a Chinese buyer .

  26. 单单这新闻标题联想称或将竞购RIM以巩固移动事业部已经足够让一些傻子散财。

    The headline Lenovo says rim bid among options to boost mobile unit was enough to make fools part with their money .

  27. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)等投资银行曾因利益冲突激烈而抽身相关竞购,但现在正纷纷重新加入。

    Investment banks such as Morgan Stanley are returning to a business that they withdrew from because of rampant conflicts of interest .

  28. 第一份竞购出价来自于黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup),与之携手的是规模相对较小的私募股权公司FranciscoPartners和InsightVenturePartners。

    The first rival offer comes from the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , which is working with smaller private equity firms Francisco partners and insight venture partners .

  29. 卡尔•伊坎昨日发布了举债筹资52亿美元竞购戴尔公司(DellInc.)股权的细节。

    Carl Icahn yesterday laid out the details of his $ 5.2 billion in debt financing for Dell Inc. tender offer .

  30. 同时,在摩托罗拉(Motorola)考虑如何处理其电信网络业务之际,华为也被认为是一个潜在竞购者。

    Motorola is considering options for its telecoms network business and Huawei is considered a potential bidder for the unit .