
  • 网络tunisian
  1. 许多突尼斯人表示,他们对未来充满希望。

    Many Tunisians say they are hopeful for the future .

  2. 然而,Jabbes这样的突尼斯人仍然认为总体来说这意味着表达的自由。

    Still , Tunisians like Jabbes e it means freedom of expression ,

  3. 他称,他所在的政党将尊重妇女权利和突尼斯人亲西方的价值观。

    He said his party would respect women 's rights and Tunisia 's pro-Western values .

  4. 突尼斯人必须拒绝经济协议和新自由主义政策,已退化的社会。

    Tunisians must reject the economic agreements and neo-liberal policies that have degraded their society .

  5. 贾布里的父亲是突尼斯人,母亲是西班牙人,她可以讲五国语言,是马赛种族多元化的真实写照。

    Jaabiri , whose father is Tunisian and whose mother is Spanish - speaks five languages and is a mirror of multi-ethnic Marseille .

  6. 夜晚,首都投票点就要关门之际,还有突尼斯人来到这里投票。

    Well after dark , right up until the moment the polling stations closed their doors , Tunisians were still arriving to vote in the capital .

  7. 相关人员表示,他们调查了一些居住在慕尼黑、德国其他南部城市以及比利时的突尼斯人。

    Authorities say they 're investigating a number of men of Tunisian origin living in Munich and other southern German cities as well as in Belgium .

  8. 这使得突尼斯人对革命的预期更高他们知道自己能达到何种高度,只要在眼前这个紧要关头能得到一些额外的援助。

    That has set the bar higher for the revolution Tunisians know what they can achieve , if only they had some additional assistance at this critical time .

  9. 丹麦官员说,四名被捕男子是44岁的突尼斯人、29岁的黎巴嫩人、寻求庇护的伊拉克人和一名来历不明的人。

    Danish officials said the four arrested are a44-year-old Tunisian , a29-year-old born in Lebanon , an Iraqi asylum-seeker and a fourth man whose origin was not yet clear .

  10. 联合国也已确认遇难的三位最高级别联合国官员:突尼斯人赫迪。安纳米,联合国驻海地稳定特派团团长;

    The United Nations also confirmed the death of three of its most senior officials in the quake : H é di Annabi , the Tunisian chief of the mission ;

  11. 他经常举行古怪的音乐会,让一些疯狂的吉卜赛人在小筝上演奏粗犷的音乐,或是让一些面容庄严,戴黄头巾的突尼斯人拨弄绷紧的琵琶弦。

    He used to give curious concerts in which mad gypsies tore wild music from little zithers , or grave , yellow-shawled Tunisians plucked at the strained strings of monstrous lutes .

  12. 但是这激怒了法国政府,因为现在突尼斯人认为自己有权任意前往欧洲境内任何一个国家,对大多数人来说,这意味着去法国。

    But this has angered the French government because now the Tunisians are exercising what they see as their right to travel inside Europe , which for the vast majority means coming to France .

  13. 这场巨变发生前不到一个月,邻国突尼斯的年轻人刚刚推翻了其总统,阿拉伯世界里另一个历经风雨的强人,宰因.阿比丁.本.阿里。

    The upheaval comes less than a month after a sudden youth revolt in nearby Tunisia toppled another enduring Arab strongman , President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali .

  14. 周一NTC发表声明称,它已为在突尼斯疗伤的利比亚人支付了数以十万计美元的医疗费。

    The NTC issued a statement on Monday saying it had released hundreds of thousands of dollars to help cover the hospital bills of injured Libyans undergoing treatment in Tunisia .

  15. 一月份的突尼斯革命驱逐了总统扎因·阿比丁·本·阿里,许多突尼斯人说,他们对未来很有信心。

    Tunisia 's revolution ousted President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in January . Many Tunisians say they are hopeful for the future .