
  • 网络Tax Advisory;Tax consulting;Tax
  1. 为跨国公司和国内企业提供税务咨询和合规性服务;

    Provide tax consulting and compliance services to multinational and domestic companies .

  2. 税务咨询:电话及网上咨询,担任常年税务顾问。

    Tax consulting : Tel and Online consulting , serve as tax consultant .

  3. tokai将其称之为私人银行业务,涵盖了西方传统私人银行提供的大部分服务,包括投资咨询、税务咨询和遗产咨询。

    Tokai calls this private banking , and it can cover most of the services conventional private banks offer in the west , including advice on investment , tax and inheritance .

  4. Peelo先生说,埃亨先生在有关期间“不时”寻求税务咨询,但他没有给出税务顾问的名字。

    Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern had during the period concerned sought tax advice " from time to time " but did not give the name of any adviser used .

  5. 利用超文本技术建立了一个税务咨询系统。

    A taxation consultation system is established by hypertext technique .

  6. 我们请了一位税务咨询师,以便我们少交点税。

    Our company employed a tax consultant so that we pay less tax .

  7. 超文本技术及其在税务咨询系统中的应用

    Hypertext and Its Application to Taxation Consultation System

  8. 现还担任中国税务咨询协会首席顾问。

    He is now also the Chief Adviser to China Association of Taxation Consultancy .

  9. 就在我的第二个税务咨询高峰期过后,我已经在我客户的项目中担当高级的角色了。

    After my second busy season in tax consulting , I took a senior role in my clients'projects .

  10. 在那里干了4年后(包括两年在洛杉矶为好莱坞公司提供税务咨询服务),他对金融产生了兴趣。

    After a four-year spell there ( including two years in Los Angeles advising Hollywood companies on tax ) he grew interested in finance .

  11. 税务咨询公司毕马威表示,有一点是可以肯定的,那便是这项法规的实施将压榨外籍人员和他们所在的公司。

    All that is clear , says KPMG , a tax consultancy , is that the law will squeeze both expats and their employers .

  12. 年内,各咨询服务中心和中央电话咨询服务中心为273万人次提供服务。税务咨询:电话及网上咨询,担任常年税务顾问。

    The public enquiry service centres and central telephone enquiry centre received 2.73 million clients in 1999 . Tax consulting : Tel and Online consulting , serve as tax consultant .

  13. 由于避税给跨国企业带来极大利益,许多跨国企业往往聘用税务咨询专家专门从事避税活动,造成巨大的税款流失。

    This kind of evading brings great interests to those transnational enterprises , so a lot of them employ tax consultant specializing in activity of evading payment of duty , which causes the enormous tax loss .

  14. 税务咨询机构均富国际会计师事务所发现,大约五分之四的中国公司高级管理层中有女性任职,欧盟的这一数字仅为50%左右,美国则是三分之二。

    Grant Thornton International , the tax consultancy , found that roughly eight out of 10 companies in China had women in senior management roles , compared with approximately half in the European Union and two thirds in the US .

  15. 根据税务及咨询公司EY的最新调查,在世界范围内,人们的工作时间比以往更久。

    According to new research from tax and consulting firm EY , people across the globe are working longer hours than ever before .

  16. 具体执行标准,需要向主管税务机关咨询。

    Specific executive standard , need seeks advice to director tax authority .

  17. 税务业务咨询问答系统

    WTO consultancy question answer system of Taxation

  18. 毕马威是一家网络遍布全球的专业服务机构,专门提供审计、税务和咨询等服务。

    KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit , Tax and Advisory services .

  19. 从伦敦到香港,向律师和税务顾问咨询的海外美国人激增,他们担心在9月23日最后期限之前,自己是否正确申报了海外资产。

    Lawyers and tax advisers from London to Hong Kong have had a surge in inquiries from expatriate Americans worried about whether they have correctly declared offshore assets ahead of the September 23 deadline .

  20. 每个行业都需要管理人员,从一线主管到高管人员。毕马威的人力资源经理郝痊说。该公司是一家网络遍布全球的专业服务机构,专门提供审计、税务和咨询等服务。

    In every industry there is a need for managerial staff , from front-line supervisors to top executives , said Hao Quan , HR director of KPMG , a global network of professional firms providing Audit , Tax and Advisory services .

  21. 他给我们提出有关税务方面的咨询意见。

    He advises us on tax matters .

  22. 税务及相关咨询&我们协助客户作税收申报,并代表客户与新加坡税务机关沟通。

    Tax Compliance and Advisory - We assist in the preparation of Singapore tax returns , and in correspondences with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore .

  23. A公司是全球知名的专业服务公司,是世界四大会计师事务所之一,为全球企业提供财务审计、税务、财务交易咨询和企业咨询等专业服务。

    Company A is a well-known professional service organization ; it is one of the big four accounting companies . Its main services include accounting audit , tax , finance consulting and management consulting .

  24. 向税务专家或者向国际税务律师咨询会得到有益的帮助。

    It may be helpful to consult a tax specialist or attorney familiar with international tax matters .

  25. 代理机构的形式有税务师事务所、会计师事务所、税务咨询公司等。

    The forms of agency include tax accounting firm , public accounting firm , tax consulting firm , etc.