
  1. 但单位或个体经营者聘用的员工为本单位或雇主提供加工、修理修配劳务,不包括在内。

    However , workers and staff employed by units or individual business operators who provide processing , repair and installation services for their units or employers shall not be included .

  2. 申报退税的自来水、电、煤气、暖气的发票和修理修配劳务的发票无最低限额要求。

    There is no requirement on the minimum amount of the invoices of tap water , electricity , gas , heating and of repairs and replacement services under application for tax refund .

  3. 不包括加工、修理、修配业务,因为它们要缴增值税。

    They do not include the processing , repairs , and replacement services , for they are subject to the value added tax .

  4. 加工和修理、修配,不属于条例规定的劳务(以下称非应税劳务)。

    Processing , repair and replacement shall not be included in " services as prescribed in the Regulation "( hereinafter referred to as " non-taxable services ") .