
xī tǔ kuànɡ wù
  • rare-earth mineral
  1. 是我省首次发现的含砷稀土矿物。它为在该区中生代火山岩中寻找稀土资源提供新的线索。

    However , it is a new clue of prospecting rare-earth mineral resources in the Mesozoic volcanic rock of the region .

  2. 本文叙述了包头铁矿石经还原焙烧后磁选尾矿中稀土矿物,用氟硅酸及其盐类作活化剂,在适当的矿浆pH值及矿浆浓度下,可以顺利地进行浮选回收,获得的结果较为满意。

    Rare-earth minerals in railings obtained after the reduction roast and magnetic separation of Bao tou iron ores can be floated successfully using fluorosilicic acid and fluorosilicates as activating agent at the appropriate pH value and pulp concentration . And satisfactory results can be obtained .

  3. 大量的SAED和晶格象揭示了这类稀土矿物各成员之间的相互结构关系。

    The structure relationship between various regular mixed-layer minerals in the rare-earth minerals have been revealed by the SAED and lattice images .

  4. 氟碳酸盐稀土矿物新捕收剂及选别效果初步分析

    A new collector for bastnaesite and its effect on mineral processing

  5. 稀土矿物电子探针定量分析研究

    Study on quantitative analysis of rare-earth minerals with electron probe

  6. 从萤石、重晶石、方解石中优先浮选稀土矿物的研究

    Selective floatation of rare earth minerals from fluorite , barite and calcite

  7. 从离子吸附型稀土矿物中制取混合稀土氧化物

    The Preparation of Mixed RE Oxide out of Absorb Mould RE Mineral

  8. 稀土矿物改性尼龙6的研究

    Study on nylon 6 modified with rare earth mineral

  9. 细粒稀土矿物浮选研究

    Flotation Research for fine Particles Rare Earth Minerals

  10. 微量稀土矿物分析

    Analysis of Rare-earth Minerals in Micro amount

  11. 羟肟酸类捕收剂的合成、性质及在稀土矿物浮选中的作用机理

    Synthesis , Properties and Role Mechanism of Hydroximic Acid as Collectors of RE Mineral Flotation

  12. 激光固体采样-ICP-发射光谱法测定稀土矿物和氧化铒中的镱

    Determination of Ytterbium by laser sampling ICP-AES

  13. 研究稀土矿物(氟碳铈矿)填充改性尼龙6的力学性能和热性能。

    I The mechanical and heat properties of rare earth mineral filled nylon 6 have been studied .

  14. 稀土矿物中常见的一种银色金属元素,用于镁和铝的合金中。

    A silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals ; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys .

  15. 中国北方元古宙沉积岩中自生稀土矿物特征及其意义&以北京、大连地区为例

    Characteristics of REE Minerals from Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern China and Their Significance & Case Studies of Beijing and Dalian Areas

  16. 一种白色的软质金属元素,易失去光泽,存在于稀土矿物中,通常被归为稀土类。

    A white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily ; occurs in rare earth minerals and is usually classified as a rare earth .

  17. 日本研究人员宣称,他们在海底发现了用于诸多高科技器械的稀土矿物。

    Japanese researchers say they have discovered vast deposits of rare earth minerals , used in many hi-tech appliances , in the seabed .

  18. 本文讨论了稀土矿物分解以及从中提取稀土的基本化学反应和反应过程中稀土的物理状态变化。

    The contents related in this present work include chemical reactions and physical changes for decomposing rare earth ore and extracting REO from the ore.

  19. 该命令将重点关注半导体芯片、电动汽车用大容量电池、稀土矿物和药品等四种关键产品。

    The order will focus on four critical products such as semiconductor chips , large-capacity batteries for electric vehicles , rare earth minerals and pharmaceuticals .

  20. 所筛选出的四类添加剂能全面地适应我国南方某类稀土矿物提取中各矿源对杂质的控制要求。

    Four sort of additives chosen can meet the impurities control requirements during leach of a sort of rare earth ore in the south of our country .

  21. 元素钍存在于稀土矿物中,其自身不能形成独立矿物,而是以类质同像混入物的状态分散于铈钙硅石矿物中。

    The element thorium existed in the rare earths mineral and can not form an independent mineral , but scatter as mixed isomorphism matter in the Ce-Ca silica .

  22. 由于稀土矿物价廉,能降低材料成本,因而稀土矿物填充尼龙6具有一定的工业应用价值。

    The rare earth mineral is cheap , so the cost of nylon 6 can be decreased . The rare earth mineral filled nylon 6 has a practical industrial value .

  23. 机械活化作用下载金矿物的形貌特征从包头铁矿石还原焙烧磁选尾矿中浮选回收稀土矿物

    Characteristics of the Shape and Appearance of the Gold Carrying Minerals Under the Function of Mechanical Activation RECOVERY OF RARE-EARTH MINERALS FROM TAILINGS OBTAINED AFTER THE REDUCTION ROAST AND MAGNETIC SEPARATION OF BAO TOU IRON ORES

  24. 从包头铁矿石还原焙烧磁选尾矿中浮选回收稀土矿物从包钢选矿厂选铁尾矿中回收稀土研究概况与生产实践

    RECOVERY OF RARE-EARTH MINERALS FROM TAILINGS OBTAINED AFTER THE REDUCTION ROAST AND MAGNETIC SEPARATION OF BAO TOU IRON ORES Study and Practice on Rare Earth Mineral Retrieving from Tailings from Iron Ore Dressing in Baotou Iron and Steel Company

  25. 列出了我国产出的铌钽稀土矿物种类和各类各族中的种数,并简要论述了它们的主要矿物学特征。

    The mineralogical class and group of Nb , Ta and RE minerals and the numbers of their species and varieties in China are listed . And the main mineralogical characteristics of these minerals are briefly mentioned as well .

  26. 磁选机理研究表明,采用齿板介质和调节激磁电流使磁选机产生足够的磁场力,来分离稀土矿物与脉石矿物,是可能获得好的分选效果;

    The research on the magnetic concentration indicated that the better beneficiation for rare earth mineral separating from the gangue minerals is due to the sufficient magnetic field force was produced by the magnetic concentrator through adopting magnetic plate medium and adjusting exciting current .

  27. 采用4%HCI介质,0.0024%CPA-pHA及在680~690nm范围内的合适波长,测定大多数类型的稀土矿物中的稀土总量,由于采用同一的标准,故引起的偏差小于10%。

    4 % HC1 medium , 0.0024 % CPA-pHA and suitable wavelength in the region of 680 ~ 690 nm are adopted to determine the total rare earths in most classes of rare earth minerals . The deviation in using the same standard is below 10 % .

  28. 在稀土矿物在加工利用中,原矿、精矿和选矿尾矿中,放射性钍系基本处于放射性平衡状态,但在稀土产品、富集物、富铈渣和冶炼废渣中,钍系处于非放射性状态。

    In the processing and utilization of rare-earth minerals , radioactive thorium series is in radioactive equilibrium basic state in raw ore , concentrate and mineral processing tailings , but in the rare earth products , enrichment , Ce-rich slag and smelting waste , the thorium series is non-radioactive state .

  29. 中国的网络间谍活动、汇率操纵、涉及稀土矿物的贸易争端以及中日之间在东中国海日渐升级的紧张局势全都在剧中有所体现。普通美国观众可能不会注意到其中的一些细节,然而中国观众却会深有感触。

    Chinese cyber-theft , currency manipulation , a trade dispute involving rare-earth minerals , and escalating tensions between China and Japan in the East China Sea all make an appearance in the show , rendered with the kind of detail the average U.S. viewer might not notice but that will ring mostly true with China watchers .

  30. 铝盐对稀土等矿物浮选的影响

    Influence of aluminium salts on Flotation of minerals such as rare-earth