
  • 网络rare species
  1. 本种是稀有种,首次于1978年在香港岛紫罗兰山发现。

    A rare species , first discovered in 1978 from Mount Violet .

  2. 小麦的稀有种及其在育种中的利用

    Rare species in Triticum and their utilization in breeding

  3. 稀有种和常见种的反应在片段化后期不同的阶段分别决定了SAR的变化趋势。

    Responses of common and rare species determine the trend of SAR respectively at different stages of post-fragmentation .

  4. 野生稀有种药用植物遥感监测方法及其标准的建立

    Establish remote of sensing monitoring method and standard on wild rare medical plant

  5. 优势种15种,普通种42种,稀有种21种。

    Three are 15 dominant species , 42 common species and 21 rare species .

  6. 其中优势种2个,常见种11个,稀有种11个。

    There are 2 dominant species , 11 common species and 11 rare species .

  7. 无论是优势种还是稀有种都趋向于在林地和边界处生活;

    Both dominant species and rare species tended to live in field margin and / or woodland .

  8. 本种为稀有种,于1881年在歌赋山首次发现,近一百年内无记录。

    This rare species was first discovered in 1881 from Mount Gough and since then no record has been added .

  9. 对数级数分布模型和对数正态分布模型能较好地拟合土壤动物群落物种-多度分布格局,形成富集种少,稀有种多的格局。

    Log-series and log-normal distribution models could well fit to the species-abundance distribution of soil animals communities , but broken-stick model cannot .

  10. 分属于16个科47个种(变种),其中多特有种及稀有种。

    They are classified into 47 species ( varieties ) in 16 families , many of which are endemic and rare species .

  11. 青岩油杉是国家二级保护植物,为稀有种,目前仅贵州的青岩,惠水有少量生长。

    Keteleeria davidiana , a rare species , is the second importent protected plant in the country , growing mostly in Qingyan , Huishui of Guizhou .

  12. 结论黄胸鼠体表寄生恙螨种类十分丰富,优势种不明显,稀有种的恙螨占大部分。

    It is concluded that the species of chigger mites on Rattus flavipectus were extremely rich , and most of them were rare species without prominent dominant species .

  13. 前者侧重于研究城市野生生物对当地居民的价值和益处,而不强调稀有种和濒危物种及它们的生境。

    Less emphasis is placed on rare or endangered species or habitats , and considerable weight is given to the values and benefits of urban wildlife to local people .

  14. 其中,偶见种或稀有种的频度出现的百分比均高于常见种和优势种,体现了该区域植物种质资源种类的均匀性。

    Among them , occasional and rare species that appear more frequently than the common and dominant ones , which reflected the blance of plant germplasm resources in this area .

  15. 并对33种鸟采用遇见频次指数法进行数量统计,其中优势种5种,常见种8种,稀有种20种。

    And the statistics of 33 species of birds , by means of meeting frequency index , show that there are 5 dominant species , 8 common species and 20 rare species .

  16. 本文介绍了实地观察到的鸟类23种,隶属7个目,12科。其中优势种4种,普通种11种,稀有种8种,猛禽少。

    Twenty - three kinds of birds which belong to seven others or tWelve families were found There were four dominant species , eleven ordinary species and eight rare species and preying birds were rare .

  17. 在黄河故道发现了三种列入IUCN/ICBP的濒危种或稀有种,在将来的研究中,应注意其鸟类学重要性;

    Endangered / rare species listed in I-UCN / ICBP Red Data Book were found in the Old Course of Yellow River and the ornithological importance of the area should be highlighted in the future serveys ;

  18. 四川省60种珍稀濒危鸟类中,有2种在国内绝迹,8种属于濒危种,20种属于稀有种,24种属于易危种,其余6种濒危等级属于未定。

    Among 60 the rare and endangered bird species , 2 species are extinctive in our country , 8 species are endangered , 20 species are rare , 24 species are vulnerable , and other 6 species are not evaluated .

  19. 有省级重点保护植物13种,隶属8科12属,占陕西省地方重点保护植物总数的22.0%,其中濒危种2种、稀有种4种、渐危种6种,保护类型未定的有1种。

    13 species were provincial key protected belonging to 8 families and 12 genuses in the reserve and there 22 % of the total local key protected species including 2 endangered species , 4 rare species , 6 vulnerable species and 1 unknown pecies .

  20. 被列为一级重点保护的有3种,二级保护的有8种,三级保护2种。从它们的生存现状看,有10个稀有种,3个渐危种。

    With regard to the protection grade , 3 species are of grade 1 , and 8 species are of grade 2 , and 2 species are of grade 3.As for their existing status , 10 are of rare species , 3 are of vulnerable .

  21. 如果你发现了稀有鸟种进行繁殖,请通知RSPB但是对于其他人则应保密。

    If you find a rare species breeding , inform the RSPB but otherwise let it remain a secret .

  22. 如果发现了稀有鸟种,应慎选告知的对象。

    If you find a rare bird , think carefully about who you should tell .

  23. 稀有10种;

    21 vulnerable and 10 rare species .

  24. 属濒危2种,稀有14种,渐危17种。

    Of which 2 species belong to endangered species , 14 species to rare species , and 17 species to vulnerable species .

  25. 1985&1988年我们对省内二十个县(市)的畜禽外寄生虫区系进行了调查研究,现将其中稀有的八种食毛目羽虱类(Mallophaga)进行了记述。

    Investigation of Fows Lice in the Yuli Prefecture of Shaanxi Province From 1985 to 1988 , a survey on the Mallophaga fauna of animals and birds was carried out in 20 counties of Zhejiang Province .

  26. 此外,本区系有国家保护植物18种,稀有植物8种。

    Moreover , there are 18 species of state protected plants and 8 species of rare plants in this flora .

  27. 爱心指数:因为血是极其稀有的一种食物种类,雌吸血蝙蝠必须吐出凝结的血液来喂养它们的幼儿,直到幼儿成长到可以自己猎食为止,这样的状况需持续几个月。

    The Care Factor : Because blood is surprisingly scarce as a food source , vampire bat mothers have to make up for it by regurgitating congealed blood for their hungry , helpless pups . This goes on for several months , until the pups become old enough to hunt on their own .

  28. 黑色岩系将成为PGE和稀有金属的一种新来源。

    Black shales will become a new resource of PGE and rare metals .

  29. 基德将安特托昆博称为“稀有飞禽的一种”——似勒布朗-詹姆斯、科比-布莱恩特和迈克尔-乔丹这种有潜力能够改变比赛的人。

    Kidd called Antetokounmpo " one of those rare birds " who could potentially change the game like LeBron James , Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan .

  30. 在电话里,麦克法兰表示,正如偏僻的加拉帕哥斯群岛孕育了稀有的动植物种,孤立的日本地理与历史也培养了一种独特的文化。

    On the phone , Macfarlane had said that just as the isolated Galapagos Islands evolved rare fauna and flora , Japan 's geographic and historical isolation created a distinct culture .