
zū lìn yè wù
  • leasing;charter business
  1. 飞机租赁业务在亚洲吸引了越来越多的关注和投资,日本三菱(MitsubishiCorp)和香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)近年都投资于该业务。

    Aircraft leasing is attracting growing attention and dollars in Asia , with Japan 's Mitsubishi Corp and Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-shing among recent investors .

  2. 厂商开展融资租赁业务的目的和动机

    The Purpose and Motives of Firms Developing the Financial Leasing Business

  3. 为丰田汽车贷款和租赁业务提供资金的ToyotaFinancialServices周二称,正与日本国有出口银行谈判,申请融资。

    Toyota Financial Services is in talks with Japan 's state-run export bank to line up financing , it said Tuesday .

  4. 随着流媒体业务逐渐取代DVD租赁业务,后者终将消亡。

    DVDs will eventually fade from the scene as streaming replaces it .

  5. 公司将继续对在线业务和DVD邮寄租赁业务及两者的定价实行打包经营。

    They would continue to blend the online and DVD-by-mail offerings and pricing .

  6. 基于SLA的业务保障在光网络带宽租赁业务中的应用

    SLA Based Optical Network Service Assurance Management

  7. 本文用Excel表格处理软件制作融资租赁业务的租金计算模型。

    With the help of Excel Spreadsheet Processing Software , an effective calculating model for rent of capital business is suggested in this article .

  8. 在近10年内,中国市场中有很多租赁业务失败的例子,其中也包括了国际大企业约翰·迪尔集团(JohnDeere)。

    During the last 10 years , there were some examples of failed rental operation , including JOHN DEERE .

  9. 对许多客户而言,尽管DVD租赁业务需要通过邮递来完成,由此会带来一些不便,但相较于流业务,它可能更划算。

    DVD rentals , despite the relative inconvenience of rental by mail , might look like a bargain by comparison for many customers .

  10. 海航将拥有中国最大的飞机租赁业务,去年9月海航通过子公司渤海租赁(BohaiLeasing)斥资25亿美元收购Avolon。

    HNA , which bought Avolon for $ 2.5bn in September last year through its subsidiary Bohai Leasing , will now control the largest leasing fleet in China .

  11. BAA打算通过私人飞机管理和租赁业务赚取大部分收入。

    BAA aims to derive most of its revenue from managing and chartering private jets .

  12. 其实不祥之兆早已出现:数字流媒体视频必将成为更好的解决方案,吸引更多人使用,从而淘汰传统的DVD租赁业务。

    The writing was on the wall for some time on how digital streaming wasgoing to become a better solution for more people than heading to your localDVD store .

  13. 铁路货车租赁业务,不论是经营租赁还是融资租赁在国内都比较少见,本文是站在ZB公司立场上针对此类业务分析铁路货车租赁业务的风险管理。

    Railway freight cars lease business is rare in domestic market whatever for operating lease or finance lease .

  14. Netflix首席执行官里德•哈斯廷斯上周宣布,该公司将分拆DVD租赁业务,将其改组为新公司Qwikster。

    Netflix CEO reed Hastings announced last week that the company would be splitting off its DVD rental service into a new business to be called qwikster .

  15. 新金融工具:委托租赁业务探讨

    New Financial Instrument : Study of Trust Renting Business Leasing

  16. 我国是在八十年代初引进了融资租赁业务。

    Our country is in the 1980s to introduce lease financing business .

  17. 国际租赁业务在进入90年代后得到了迅速的发展。

    In the late 1990s , its international leasing industry had developed rapidly .

  18. 工程机械行业融资租赁业务分析

    Analysis of Financing Lease Business in Engineering Machinery Trade

  19. 从事租赁业务的外商投资企业为外商投资租赁公司;

    Foreign invested enterprises engaged in leasing business are foreign invested leasing companies .

  20. 关于企业申请融资租赁业务的思考和经营构思

    Mulling over Applications for Rental Financing Operation from Enterprise

  21. 第一章:飞机租赁业务概述。

    Chapter One summarizes the operation of plane leasehold .

  22. 目前,机械设备租赁业务已呈现规模化发展的特点。

    Currently , mechanical equipment leasing business has become a large-scale agricultural development characteristics .

  23. 这封信授权科利马克代表光辉开展租赁业务。

    The letter authorized Klimax to engage in chartering business on behalf of Brilliant .

  24. 负责完成租赁业务的各项市场调研工作,包括案头工作及实地调查工作;

    Responsible for leasing business market survey and other desk research and field study ;

  25. 公司并没有授权第六业务部门开展租赁业务。

    The company did not authorize the sixth business department to do chartering business .

  26. 工程起重机租赁业务的经济分析

    Economy analysis of rental business of mobile crane

  27. 大力发展坦克租赁业务。

    Tanks would be far easier to rent .

  28. 飞机租赁业务在我国虽然起步较晚,但发展速度很快。

    Business on leasing airplane begins lately in china , however , it develops dramatically .

  29. 本文就医疗设备的融资性租赁业务在中国开展的前景进行分析和探讨。

    This thesis analyzes and studies the prospect of developing armamentarium financial lease in China .

  30. 日本和中国的银行正在兴致勃勃地竞购某些资产,尤其是飞机租赁业务。

    Japanese and Chinese banks are bidding enthusiastically for some assets , particularly aircraft leasing .