
  1. 经过两年多的内部争执和对抗后,奥巴马(obama)政府首次就加快与塔利班的秘密谈判达成一致意见。

    After more than two years of internal disputes and rivalries , the Obama administration is for the first time United on stepping up its secret talks with the Taliban .

  2. 在近几天举行的秘密谈判中,马克•扎克伯格和Instagram公司的首席执行官凯文•希斯特罗姆这两位公司创始人都对外抛出了各种天文数字,包括Facebook高达1040亿美元的潜在市值。

    During several days of secret negotiations between Mark Zuckerberg and instagram CEO Kevin systrom , both founders tossed around numbers , including a potential value of $ 104 billion for Facebook .

  3. 举行了秘密谈判以期解决争端。

    Secret talks were held in the hope of settling the dispute .

  4. 济南惨案发生后,国民政府迫使日本将济案转入外交交涉,中日两国先后在南京、上海进行了近十次谈判,最终在秘密谈判中达成了解决的协议。

    After the Jinan Incident , the National Government forced a diplomatic settlement from Japan .

  5. 经过秘密谈判商讨事务的领导人举行会议的地方。

    The meeting place of a group of leaders who make their decisions via private negotiations .

  6. 总统决定不再隐瞒有关秘密谈判的事实。

    The president decided not to keep back the facts concerning the secret negotiations any longer .

  7. 秘密谈判的第一份协定确立一个基准价格,业内其它企业将遵循这一价格。

    The first agreement creates a benchmark price that is followed by the rest of the industry .

  8. 微软也与雅虎展开了秘密谈判。在这个阶段,微软有充分的理由不得不小心行事。

    Microsoft , which has also entered confidential talks with Yahoo , has every reason to tread carefully in this process .

  9. 两党的批评人士都抱怨称,一共只有为数不多的参与者匆匆忙忙地进行秘密谈判,然后将谈判结果作为既定事实告知国会。

    Critics in both parties complain that , after frantic private negotiations among a handful of participants , Congress was presented with a fait accompli .

  10. 随后是历时五年的秘密谈判,曼德拉面对众多官员,最终与南非总统德克勒克进行了谈判。

    Five years of private meetings followed , with Mr. Mandela sitting down with various officials , and ultimately the president , Mr. de Klerk .

  11. 蒋介石的亲信们暗地里派遣使者,几乎经常不断地在上海等处和日寇保持联系,进行秘密谈判。

    In Shanghai and elsewhere , emissaries secretly dispatched by Chiang kai-shek 's trusted followers are maintaining almost uninterrupted contact and carrying on clandestine negotiations with the Japanese invaders .

  12. 双方最快可能在周二公布达成交易的消息,但上述人士并未获得公开谈论秘密谈判的授权,他们提醒说,谈判还在继续,并且仍有可能破裂。

    A deal could be announced as soon as Tuesday , though these people , who were not authorized to speak publicly about private negotiations , cautioned that talks were continuing and might still fall apart .

  13. 以色列《国土报》周二在报道中称,以色列和叙利亚的代表曾进行了近两年时间的秘密谈判,并且在去年夏天黎巴嫩境内爆发战争之前,为一份和平协议建立了框架。

    Israeli and Syrian representatives held nearly two years of secret negotiations , coming up with a framework for a peace deal , before war erupted in Lebanon last summer , the Israeli daily Haaretz reported tuesday .

  14. 美国政府于1941年曾与日本进行8个月的秘密谈判,试图对日本作出局部让步,以缓和太平洋局势,避免美日战争发生。

    In 1941 , the U.S.government negotiated secretly with Japan for 8 months , and was ready to make some compromise to Japan in order to ease the tensions in the Pacific area , hoping in this way to avoid war with Japan .

  15. 话语分析与国际谈判研究&以基辛格秘密访华谈判为例

    Discourse Analysis and International Negotiation : Case Study on Kissinger 's Beijing Secret Trip