
kē mù
  • subject;subject (in a curriculum);course;headings in an account book;-ology
科目 [kē mù]
  • (1) [subject (in a curriculum)]

  • (2) 学术等按不同性质划分的类别

  • (3) 学校教学中指课程名目

  • (4) 古代分科取士的名目,始自隋唐

  • (5) [headings in an account book]∶会计账目

科目[kē mù]
  1. 英语在这一级别是必修科目。

    English is a compulsory subject at this level .

  2. 我把历史课作为辅修科目。

    I 'm taking History as a subsidiary subject .

  3. 课程中的科目构成了一个连贯的整体。

    The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole .

  4. 他终于设法修读了这一科目。

    He managed to wangle his way onto the course .

  5. 两门科目之间有相当多的共通之处。

    There is considerable overlap between the two subjects .

  6. 这一学程开了设计和计算机技术的选修科目。

    The course offers options in design and computing .

  7. 这些书按科目分类。

    The books are grouped together by subject .

  8. 你在准备哪些科目的高级证书考试?

    What A levels are you doing ?

  9. 英语是我学得最好的一门科目。

    English is my best subject .

  10. 唯一的要求是你选的题目必须与你的研究科目有关。

    The only stipulation is that the topic you choose must be related to your studies .

  11. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。

    English , Maths , ICT and science are compulsory subjects .

  12. 今年,吉姆将重考没有及格的科目。

    This year , Jim is resitting the exams he failed

  13. 令人惊讶的是,数学课被选为他们最喜欢的科目。

    Surprisingly , mathematics was voted their favourite subject .

  14. 他们也会迫使学校更加注重基础科目的教学。

    They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects .

  15. 及格率提高最多的科目是艺术设计、商业研究和音乐。

    Among the subjects for which the pass rate has risen the most are art and design , business studies , and music .

  16. 图书馆的书是按科目分类的。

    The books in the library are classified by subject .

  17. 这次考查分两个部分,包括下列科目。

    This examination is divided into two parts and covers the following subjects .

  18. 中文是我们这些理科学生的选修科目。

    Chinese is our optional course to us students of science .

  19. 历史是可以让他全神贯注的科目。

    History is a subject that absorbs him .

  20. 他对这个科目了解得很透彻。

    He knows the subject inside out .

  21. 这学期他有三门副修科目。

    He had three minors this semester .

  22. 他在重修不及格的科目。

    He is working off his conditions .

  23. 我们有一些选修科目。

    We have some optional subjects .

  24. 吉姆考试成绩突出,所有的科目都名列前茅。

    Jim distinguished himself in the examinations , reaching the top place in all his subjects .

  25. 那是你学得最好的科目,你应该能够毫不费力地通过考试。

    It 's your best subject and you should be able to pass the exam standing on your head .

  26. 巴拉克.奥巴马总统设立的最高奖助金竞争把重点都放在了阅读与数学的科目上,并拨出大笔款项鼓励每一个州把学生的考试成绩和老师的业绩评估捆绑在一起。

    President Barack obama 's race to the top grant competition consolidated the focus on reading and math , and leveraged federal funds to push states to tie teacher evaluation to student test results .

  27. 本身较少涉及人际关系的科目,如数学,可以通过团队解决问题和同伴辅导的方式获得其社交方面。

    Less inherently interpersonal subjects , such as math , could acquire a social aspect through team problem solving and peer tutoring .

  28. 现在教育工作者们正在尝试用一些方法把这个模式应用于一些学术科目中。

    Now educators are experimenting with ways to apply this model to academic subjects .

  29. 快乐:学校所缺乏的科目

    Joy : A Subject Schools Lack

  30. 学生们对考试类型的偏好也不尽相同,通常取决于科目和课程的难度。

    Students ' test-form preferences vary , too , often depending on the subject and course difficulty .