
sī xīn
  • selfishness;self;selfish motives;selfish motives (or ideas);in one's heart
私心 [sī xīn]
  • [selfish motives (or ideas)] 为私人利益打算的念头

  • 私心重

  • 私心杂念

  • [in one's heart] 个人心里;内心里

  • 私心十分感激

  • 私心庆幸

私心[sī xīn]
  1. 自己没有私心,就不会猜忌别人。

    If you have no selfish motives , you will not be suspicious and envious of others .

  2. 想做大好人,一有私心就全完了。

    To be a great kind man is spoiled by selfishness .

  3. 她那样做决不是出于私心。

    She didn 't do it for any reason of self .

  4. 我主动提出要帮助你是有私心的。

    I have an ulterior motive in offering to help you .

  5. 她毫无私心,这样做只是出于对他们安全的担心。

    She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety .

  6. 她是个没私心的姑娘。

    She is a selfless girl .

  7. 鲍勃以牺牲汤姆的利益来满足其私心。

    Bob had an axe to grind at tom 's expense .

  8. 他很坦白,没有私心。

    He 's honest and selfless .

  9. 他们没有私心

    They have no thought of selves .

  10. App.net的重大意义是什么:Facebook刚刚创建时,它似乎完全没有任何私心。

    Why it matters : when Facebook first launched , it seemed entirely altruistic .

  11. 因为我有占有你的私心。

    Because I had the selfish idea of owning you .

  12. 有为:带有欲念私心的思维和行为。

    Youwei : the thoughts or behaviors with desires and selfish mind .

  13. 当然,库克并非没有私心。

    Of course , Mr Cook was not being altruistic .

  14. 他和其他的参议员一样,并不是没有私心的。

    He was no more altruistic than the other senators .

  15. 不管从理论上说他们的私心是什么,雇主往往怀有偏见。

    Whatever their theoretical self-interest , employers are often prejudiced .

  16. 每个人都有私心,觉得自己的想法特棒。

    Everybody has a bias to think their own idea is brilliant .

  17. 匿名关系到正义的程序,正义实施依仗匿名,以避免人为的私心;

    Justice depends on anonymous to avoid manual selfness ;

  18. 私心对社会国家平静、祥和的危害是很严重的。

    Selfishness does severe harm to the peace and tranquility of a country .

  19. 你要问我参与这事有没有私心

    Oh , you mean do I have a selfish motivation for this ?

  20. 试著要有爱心,不要有私心,你们就一定会懂。

    Try to be loving , selfless , then you will just know .

  21. 我希望这不是你出于私心。

    I 'm hoping it 's not personal .

  22. 这个少女纯洁地、无私心地爱着他,时时刻刻都在为他祝福。

    The girl 's selfless devotion was a source of constant happiness to him .

  23. 私心是罪的老根子。

    Selfishness is the root of all sin .

  24. 他一脑袋全是私心。

    His mind is preoccupied with private cares .

  25. 其动机既有私心,更有真意,并非全部投机。

    Its motives both selfish and more the true meaning , not all speculation .

  26. 他的行为看来毫无算计的私心。

    His behaviour seems free of all calculation .

  27. 所有人都有私心的。

    Everyone has a skeleton in the closet !

  28. 道德、无私心就是人生的花。

    When can my life put forth flowers ?

  29. 他如道,他不应让私心战胜责任感。

    He knew he must not suffer selfishness to triumph over his sense of responsibility .

  30. 伯爵听了这番自私心受伤和野心失败的话,感到很满意。

    The count listened with satisfaction to this tale of wounded self-love and defeated ambition .