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sī chóu
  • personal grudge;personal enmity;personal enmity (or grudge)
私仇 [sī chóu]
  • [personal enmity (or grudge)] 由个人利害冲突而结下的仇恨

  • 私仇宿怨

  • 以先国家之急而后私仇也。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

私仇[sī chóu]
  1. “就你所知,没有人跟她有私仇吗?”邦德问道。

    " There was no one as far as you know who had a personal grudge against her ?" asked bond .

  2. 但报私仇却不会有这般幸运;

    But in private revenges , it is not so .

  3. 那位探长跟我家有私仇

    That detective has a vendetta against my family .

  4. 沃尔特,你说过兰斯跟我有私仇

    Walter , you say Lance has a vendetta ?

  5. 他们的斗争结下了私仇。

    Their fighting ended in personal hatred .

  6. 墨西哥一警员涉嫌在赌博场所纵火报私仇而被捕。

    A state police officer in Mexico has been arrested in connection with an arson attack .

  7. 与此相反,欲报私仇者过的是巫师一般的生活,他们活着时于人有害,死去则可叹可悲。

    Nay rather , vindictive persons live the life of witches ; who , as they are mischievous , so end they infortunate .