
  • 网络welfare effect
  1. 贸易自由化、外资并购与寡头市场的福利效应分析&对(Farrell,Shapiro1990)模型在开放条件下的扩展

    International Merger & Welfare Effect Analysis in Oligopoly Structure Under Trade Liberalization : an Extension of Farrel and Shapiro 's Model

  2. 本文放松Barros和Cabral的假定,在跨国公司的决策集为{对外直接投资,出口}的情况下,建立动态的博弈模型对较发达地区、欠发达地区通过优惠政策竞争FDI的福利效应进行探讨。

    The paper relaxes hypothesis of Barros and Cabral and researches on welfare effect of competing for FDI between the developed and less & developed regions by the dynamic game model on condition that the decision set of MNC is { FDI , export } .

  3. 中国服务业承接FDI和国际外包的福利效应比较

    Welfare Comparison on China 's Undertaking of FDI and Foreign Outsourcing in Service Industry

  4. 以logit模型为基础兼并模拟能同时预测兼并的价格效应和福利效应。

    In this way , the logit model can be used to predict the price and welfare effects of mergers .

  5. 在实证研究中,介绍了巴拉萨模型、引力模型和CGE模型三种用于研究自由贸易协定的福利效应最常用的模型,及产业内贸易指数、显性比较优势指数等实证分析指标。

    The dissertation also employs several models in empirical studies , such as Balassa model , gravity model , CGE model , intra-industry index , revealed comparative advantage and so on .

  6. 本文试用扩展的(Farrell,Shapiro1990)模型,在关税减让为特征的自由贸易化趋势下,对同质产品的横向外资并购带来的价格及福利效应进行边际分析。

    The effect of international merger on market structure , price and social welfare under the trend of trade liberalization is discussed and developed further under the model of Farrell and Shapiro 1990.The paper analyze horizontal merger in Cournot oligopoly with homogeneous goods .

  7. 本文对经典的Macdougall一般福利效应模型做进一步拓展,引入税收激励来分析外商直接投资对福利效应的影响,结果表明:税收激励政策能否增进一国福利水平主要取决于外资企业的技术外溢。

    This article extends the classic FDI model of Macdougall and introduces the tax incentive to analyze the welfare effects . Results indicate that : whether the tax incentive policies could improve the welfare for the host country mostly depends on the technological spillover of foreign investments .

  8. 东道国税收激励政策的福利效应分析

    Analysis of the Welfare Effects of Tax Incentive in Host Countries

  9. 对一国社会福利效应的判定不存在单一化结论。

    The total welfare effect is complicated with no simplified answer .

  10. 中国人口年龄结构与养老保险制度的福利效应

    Demographic Structure and the Welfare Effect of Pension System in China

  11. 公路收费模型及其福利效应分析

    The Road Toll Models and Analysis of the Welfare Effects

  12. 标准竞争的主导性预期与联盟及福利效应分析

    Dominating expectations and standard alliances in standard competition and its welfare effects

  13. 论代理权争夺的福利效应

    On the Welfare Effect of the Contention for Procuration

  14. 在此背景下中国的养老保险制度应该在多大程度上发挥再分配的功能是养老保险制度改革需要确定的一个原则。采用中国的参数,评价养老保险制度的福利效应是本文的主要目的。

    We evaluate the welfare effect of pension system by employing Chinese data .

  15. 资本账户开放的福利效应与政策选择

    Welfare Effects and Policy Choices of Opening Capital Account

  16. 我国成品油价格形成机制及其社会福利效应分析

    China 's Refined Oil Pricing Mechanism and Its Effect on Social Welfare Analysis

  17. 双边市场下电视传媒平台兼并的福利效应分析

    Analysis of the welfare effects of television media platform merger in two-sided markets

  18. 国际金融中心演进对国家福利效应的实证检验

    An Empirical Study on the Evolution of International Financial Center and National Welfare

  19. 外商直接投资、市场集中与福利效应分析&以我国零售产业为例

    Foreign Direct Investment , Market Concentration and Welfare Effect

  20. 规模经济视角下关税同盟福利效应研究

    The Research of Welfare Effect on Customs Union Angled on Economy of Scale

  21. 试论德意志民族的实用主义关税同盟理论的发展与福利效应评析

    The Development Progress of Customs Unions Theory and The Analysis of the Welfare Effect

  22. 而且,福利效应对于低收入阶层的影响最为显著。

    And , " the welfare effect " is much more distinct for low-incomer .

  23. 二元产品与居民福利效应分析

    Effect analysis of dual products and household welfare

  24. 产业内贸易的福利效应及贸易政策取向

    The Welfare Effect of Intra-Industry Trade and It 's Influence on International Trade Policy

  25. 因此,清除具有负福利效应的市场进入障碍是中国市场化进程中的一项重要任务。

    So reducing artificial entry barriers is a very important task towards market economy .

  26. 关税、走私和福利效应

    Tariff , Smuggling and Effects on Welfare

  27. 两类经济一体化福利效应的研究&发达国家经济一体化与发展中国家经济一体化的福利效应比较

    A Comparative Study on Welfare Effects of Regional Economic Integration of Developed and Developing Countries

  28. 服务业外包的福利效应分析

    The Welfare Effect Analysis of Service Outsourcing

  29. 价格歧视战略与福利效应分析

    Tactics of Price Discrimination and Welfare Effects

  30. 兰州市房地产业发展模式及其社会福利效应分析

    Analysis on the Development Model and Social Welfare Effect of Real Estate Industry in Lanzhou