
  • 网络welfare triangle
  1. 他将著名的福利三角货币需求曲线以下部分的面积定义为通货膨胀的福利成本。

    He defined the famous welfare triangle , the area under the inverse money demand function , as the welfare costs of inflation .

  2. 第五章以福利三角分析范式为视角,分别从市场、家庭、政府三个角度分析了大学毕业生群体的住房福利。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the college graduates ' housing benefits by the basic respective of the analysis paradigm welfare triangle , from the market , the family and government .

  3. 倒置的福利三角:从福利的范式转轨窥视中国社会救济的发展

    The inverted triangle of welfare : watching the development of social relief in China from the transition of welfare paradigm

  4. 最后,针对总结出的问题,从不同的主体层面,对如何构建一个良性互动的福利三角结构提出了相关的建议。

    At last , regarding the problems summed up , the paper provides some related suggestions to build a positive interactional welfare triangular structure .

  5. 福利三角结构视野下的中国法律援助制度浅析长三角区域立法协调下的湖州参与与应对

    Judicial Fairness and Welfare Harmony : Perfect the Legal Aid Institution with Chinese Characteristics ; Brief Analysis on Huzhou 's Participation and Response to the Legislation Coordination of Yangtze River Delta

  6. 基于以上思路,本文在上篇的理论部分主要通过对理想福利三角理论和社会排斥理论的论述,探讨了市场机制下福利三角的失灵以及城市贫困群体在欧洲国家的出现。

    Based on the above mentioned methods , this paper firstly comments theories of welfare triangle and social exclusion , discussing the out of order of welfare triangle under the market economic mechanism .

  7. 通过描述南京市大学毕业生的群体特征、住房及住房保障状况、住房及其保障意愿,以福利三角分析范式,从市场、家庭和政府三个角度分析了大学毕业生住房福利的影响因素。

    By describing the housing condition , the group characteristics and the housing security of college graduates in Nanjing , the paper uses the analysis paradigm of welfare triangle , analyzes the factors to housing welfare of college graduates by the respective of market , family and government .