
  1. 空白背书不记载被背书人,以持票人为票据权利人。

    As the endorsee is not recorded in the blank endorsement , the bearer is considered as the person in power of the bill .

  2. 背书是一切有价证券权利转让的重要方式,而背书的连续性是影响票据权利人的票据权利的重要因素。

    Indorsement is fundamental way that the rights of all kinds of active securities transfer , and the uninterrupted series of indorsement is the most important factor which decides the bill rights of holders .

  3. 票据的丧失直接影响票据权利人票据权利的实现。

    The loss of bills influences directly the realization of the rights of bill owners .

  4. 冒用他人票据则是指非票据权利人冒充票据权利人行使票据权利。

    The counterfeit of other 's bills means that the non-bill obligee poses as bill obligee to exercise the right of bills .

  5. 第三部分:运用基础理论探讨我国票据法所规定的对票据权利人丧失票据的三种救济方法的具体适用及相应的法律原理。

    Part Three : Applying the basic theory , discuss the three methods of remedy for those obligee of bills , who forfeit the bills , stipulated in china 's laws governing bills , their application and the corresponding principles of laws .

  6. 票据权利的善意取得制度在于化解原票据权利人与最后善意持票人之间的冲突。

    Boon Fide acquisition of instrumental rights aims at solving the conflict between the former owner of instrumental rights and final holder ` s.

  7. 构建我国票据法上的民事责任制度体系,对于救济票据权利人的利益、制裁违法票据行为以及完善票据立法具有重要意义。

    The construction of a civil liability system in Commercial Instrument Law is of great significance to the benefit of relieve bill obligee , to the punishment of illegal bill activities and to the completion of bill legislation .