
  • 网络negotiation
  1. 论背书禁止对票据流通性的限制

    On the Limitations to Negotiability of Instruments from Nonnegotiable Endorsement

  2. 论电子商务的应用对票据流通性的影响

    An Analysis on the E-Commerce 's Influence to the Negotiability

  3. 票据流通中的风险承担规则

    Rule of Risk-bearing in the Process of Instruments Negotiation

  4. 票据流通与金融发展

    Bill Circulation and Financial Development

  5. 詹姆斯的背书形式也会影响今后使该票据流通的努力。

    The form of the indorsement James uses will also affect future attempts to negotiate the instrument .

  6. 票据流通的形式主要是背书转让,而背书连续则是票据背书行为的关键规则。

    The form of notes in circulation is mainly negotiable endorsement , and the continuous act of endorsement is the key rule of negotiable endorsement .

  7. 《电子商务示范法》和《统一电子交易法》中提出的两种应对措施相结合就能够解决电子商务的应用给票据流通性带来的冲击。

    The two solutions given by UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce and Uniform Electronic Transaction Act are enough to meet the challenge brought by e-commerce .

  8. 各国立法一般尽量缩小对物的抗辩范围,以保障票据流通安全;

    Various countries generally try their best to dwindle the range of defense to object in bill legislation , in order to ensure the safety of bill circulation ;

  9. 在票据流通过程中,票据伪造作为一种现象而客观存在,它给相关的票据当事人造成了一定的经济损失,并损害了票据信用功能。

    In the circulation of the bill , forged bill has made certainly the party concerned of the bill concerned economic losses and impaired the function of bill credit .

  10. 本罪的主要客体应该是票据流通秩序,而非所谓的票据管理秩序,二者分别代表了公和私两种不同的法益。

    This paper holds that the major object of this crime should be " bill circulation order ", instead of so called " bill administration order ", for both respectively representing two different legal benefits : public one or private one .

  11. 在这些制度中,有一项较为重要而独特的制度,对保障票据的流通必不可少,这就是票据追索权制度。

    The Right of recourse of negotiable instrument is an important system among them .

  12. 票据的流通性是票据产生的根本原因,也是票据经久不衰的强大的生命力所在。

    The bill is securities with strong negotiability power . The negotiability explains the birth and the enduring life of Bill .

  13. 约定的背书禁止和法定的背书禁止是背书禁止的两种形式,两者对票据的流通性均产生一定的限制。

    Contractual nonnegotiable endorsement and legal nonnegotiable endorsement are tow forms of forbidding endorsement Both of them limit the negotiation of instruments .

  14. 票据若想流通必须依托于专门的从事货币汇兑等业务的金融机构的发展,离开了金融机构的付款,那么票据的职能就无法实现。

    Notes circulation must rely on specialized engaged in currency exchange and other business development of financial institutions . Without payment of financial institutions , the functions of the Notes will not be achieved .

  15. 而票据的流通依赖于票据反复不断地转让,虽然理论上票据可以通过背书交付与单纯交付两种方式进行转让,但背书交付才是票据转让最基本、最主要的方式。

    The circulation of bill depends on its repeated and continuous transference . Although in theory bill rights can be transferred by both endorsement and pure delivery , the former one is more principal and fundamental .

  16. 在票据广泛流通的同时,为它提供清算服务的票据交换制度也在不断发展、演变、完善,并取得较大成就,成为近代中国金融制度创新和信用制度建设的重要内容。

    While the clearing system which served the bill 's clearing was developing and improving continually and made greater achievement and became an important content of modern China 's financial system innovation and the credit institutional improvement .

  17. 显而易见,票据的自由流通极大地促进了社会经济的快速发展。

    Clearly , the free circulation of bills has greatly promoted the rapid socio-economic development .

  18. 由于对国际间票据结算、流通产生积极的作用,这一现代票据法的基本原则早已为国际社会所普遍承认和遵守。

    The principle has been widely acknowledged in the world as a basic principle of the bill law .

  19. 随着全球经济的日益一体化,票据的国际流通越来越频繁。

    With the integration of the global economy , the international circulation of negotiable instruments has become more and more frequent .

  20. 而实现票据强大的流通性功能的关键就是要保证票据本身的无因性,即票据的流转不应受原因关系的影响。

    And the realization of the notes a strong liquidity function is the key to ensure the negotiable instrument itself without reason , namely the negotiable instrument circulation to cause effect relationship .

  21. 为保护其他法律主体的利益,兼顾票据的正常流通,在实施票据公示催告制度的过程中,应注意以下几个问题:1.公示催告的期间计算问题;

    Interest of other legal subject requires protection and normal negotiation of bill need to be taken into consideration , thus the institution of bill public summons for exhortation is becoming more and more important .

  22. 为保持人民币稳定,中国人民银行(PBoC)买入几乎所有流入中国的外汇,对其进行投资,然后通过发行本币票据,试图从流通系统中吸走这些现金,以冲销这些外汇对中国的货币影响。

    To keep the renminbi stable , the People 's Bank of China buys nearly all the incoming foreign currency , invests it , and then tries to sterilise the monetary impact in China by issuing local currency bills to take the funds out of circulation .

  23. “此处所指之合理期间乃事实问题,但假如此类票据于完成后流通至适时执票人,”

    " Reasonable time for this purpose is a question of fact : Provided that if any such instrument after completion is negotiated to a holder in due course ,"

  24. 票据的生命在于流通,促进流通是票据法的最高原则,票据流通制度的完善程度是决定一部票据法成败的关键因素。

    Promoting circulation is the superior principle of the law of bill . The perfect degree of the bill circulation system is a key factor determining success or failure of a law of bill .

  25. 追索权在保障持票人利益,维护票据信用,促进票据流通方面不可或缺。

    Right of recourse is essential on protecting interests of holder , credit of bills and promoting instruments circulating .

  26. 票据法以追求票据流通便捷与流通安全为其立法宗旨。

    The convenience and safety of the transaction of the negotiable instruments is a target of the Law on Negotiable Instruments .

  27. 完善票据市场体系促进票据市场流通

    Improve market system and circulation of negotiable instruments

  28. 流通是票据的生命,背书是票据流通的主要方式。我国票据法律法规对票据背书进行了较为具体和详细的规定,但也存在一定的问题。

    Circulation is the life of bill , endorsement is a major way of bill circulation .

  29. 票据作为现代市场经济的重要流通媒介,实际上只起到了支付结算的作用,使票据的流通功能大打折扣。

    Bill is a circulation medium which played important role in modern market , actually played only a settlement in the role of the bill circulation function .

  30. 某种意义上讲,没有票据背书,就没有票据的流通,也就没有现代意义上的票据法律制度。

    To some extent , there will be no bill circulation if there were no bill endorsement , let alone the legal system of negotiable instruments in the modern sense .