
  • 网络neuropsychiatric disorder
  1. 结论:荧光定量套式RT-PCR方法能够避免PCR后处理导致的假阳性污染,并实现准确定量,对于研究BDV感染与人类神经精神疾病的关系有很好的应用价值。

    Conclusion : The fluorescence quantitative nested RT-PCR method for detection of Borna disease virus can eliminate PCR cross-contamination which causes false positive , and real-time detection ensures accurate quantity . It can be used to study the association between BDV infection and human neuropsychiatric disorders .

  2. 深部脑刺激对神经精神疾病的治疗与未来展望

    Deep Brain Stimulation for Neuropsychiatric Disorders and its Perspective in Therapeutics

  3. 这是一种起病于儿童期,以简单或复杂的不自主、重复、快速的一个或多个部位肌肉抽动和发声抽动为主要临床表现的神经精神疾病,可伴有不同程度的多动、注意力不集中、强迫动作或其他行为症状。

    This is a neuropsychiatric disease that starts in childhood , with simple or complex involuntary , repetitive , rapid muscle twitching , and can be accompanied by varying degrees of hyperactivity , inattention , forced movement or other behavioral symptoms .

  4. 较短的测量计算用时使MRI海马结构体积测量在相关神经精神疾病诊断中的应用成为可能。

    The shorter time used in measurement made it possible for MRI volumetric measurement of hippocampal formation to be applied in assessment of relevant neuropsychiatric diseases .

  5. 另一方面,NMDA受体功能异常也参与了多种神经精神疾病的病理过程。

    On the other hand , NMDA receptor is also involved in many neuronal degeneration diseases .

  6. 正电子发射断层显像(PET)是近年来迅速发展起来的一种先进的核医学诊断技术,在临床上已广泛用于肿瘤、神经精神疾病和心血管疾病等的诊断和基础研究。

    Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) is a powerful medical imaging method that has found wide applications in the last decade for research and clinical diagnosis of tumor , neuropsychosis and cardiovascular disease .

  7. 60例神经精神疾病脑脊液HVA及5-HIAA含量测定的初步分析

    The Preliminary Analysis of HVA and 5-HIAA Concentration in CSF of 60 Patients with Neurologic and Psychiatric Diseases

  8. 锌元素与小儿神经精神疾病

    The Relationship between Trace Element Zinc and Neuropsychical Diseases in Childhood

  9. 肝移植术后并发神经精神疾病原因分析及其护理对策

    Causes of Neuropsychological Complications After Liver Transplantation and Nursing Care

  10. 深部脑刺激在神经精神疾病治疗中的应用研究进展

    Advances in application of deep brain stimulation in treatment of neuropsychological diseases

  11. 迷走神经刺激治疗在神经精神疾病中的应用

    Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Neuropsychiatric Disorders

  12. 治疗神经精神疾病类药物对母儿的影响评价

    Evaluation the effect of neurological and psychiatric medications during pregnancy for both mother and fetus

  13. 精确的脑功能定位以及诊断某些神经精神疾病等。

    Accurate location of the brain functional area and diagnosis of some neuropsychiatric disorders et aI .

  14. TGF-β1在神经精神疾病患者血清中的含量变化及分析

    The Content Change and Analysis of TGF - β _1 in Serum of Patients with Neuropsychosis

  15. 但是,基于对神经精神疾病以及其它大脑疾病的观察,我们也知道正确的‘调谐’必然很重要。

    But we also know how important the proper'tuning'must be , based on our observations of neuropsychiatric and other brain illnesses .

  16. 生物药剂因素,如浓茶、咖啡、兴奋剂、戒断反应等,或是其他神经精神疾病所引起。

    There were many reasons induced insomnia such as physical body , environmental factors , biomedical drugs and other nervous psychosis .

  17. 抗抑郁药:在精神病科用于缓解抑郁症的药物。治疗神经精神疾病类药物对母儿的影响评价

    Antidepressant : Any drug used to treat depression . Evaluation the effect of neurological and psychiatric medications during pregnancy for both mother and fetus

  18. 目前,谷氨酸的兴奋性毒性作用也被认为与一些神经精神疾病如脑血管疾病、创伤、癫痫、精神分裂症的病理机制相关。

    Recent researches indicated that glutamatergic dysfunction also participate in the pathophysiology of some neuro - and psycho-diseases such as cerebral vascular disease , trauma , epilepsy and schizophrenia .

  19. 1990年世界卫生组织调查全球疾病负担(GBD)结果显示,神经和精神疾病占第一位,是疾病负担中的18%。

    The study of GBD from WHO show that nervous disease and mental disorder is the most heavy burden account 18 % .

  20. 头针对神经精神系统疾病疗效卓著。

    The head acupuncture treatment has remarkable effect on nerve system diseases .

  21. 亚急性和严重的神经或精神疾病母亲同样是母乳喂养的禁忌症。

    Substance abuse and severe neuroses or psychoses also are contraindications to breast-feeding .

  22. 浅议药源性神经精神系统疾病

    On drug induced diseases in nervous-mental system

  23. 结果:常见的药源性神经精神系统疾病临床表现复杂,诱发的药物涉及面广。

    Results The clinical characteristics of drug induced diseases in nervous-mental system were complex and the drugs involved were various .

  24. 此独一无二的技术极可能开启一扇研究神经或精神疾病中大脑细胞结构变化之门。

    This unique capability opens up a door to the study of cytoarchitectural changes of cerebral white matter in neurological or psychiatric diseases .

  25. 目的:探讨药源性神经精神系统疾病常见的临床类型及诱发药物,旨在有助于临床合理用药。

    Objective To summarize the clinical types of drug induced diseases in nervous-mental system and revulsant and offer a gist for rational drugs using .

  26. 广泛应用于肿瘤、神经与精神疾病以及心血管等疾病的诊断、治疗与研究中,是本世纪最重要的成像设备。

    Is a kind of imaging equipment combined positive electron tomography which is widely used in the analysis of the heart and brain and tumor , s function and blood feeding and metabolism .

  27. 事实并非如此,仅仅祈祷并不比同时服用些吗啡效果好。但在一期《神经与精神疾病》中报告,那些每星期至少做一次礼拜的人痛苦少些。

    Koenig and colleagues reported last month in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease that among sickle cell patients , those who go to church at least once a week had the lowest pain scores .

  28. 通过对放射性药物的特异性显像,PET在肿瘤、心脏病及神经和精神系统疾病的临床诊断中展现出无法替代的优点,受到越来越多的关注和重视。

    By means of the specificity of imaging radiopharmaceuticals , PET shows its irreplaceable advantages in the clinical diagnosis , such as cancer , heart disease , neurological and psychiatric diagnosis , and is more and more concern and attention .

  29. 这项研究中仅纳入与神经疾患、精神疾病或药物滥用疾患无关的MCI患者。

    Only people whose mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) was not related to neurologic disorders , psychiatric illness , or substance abuse disorders were included in this study .

  30. 这家总部位于加州帕洛阿尔托的公司成立仅一年,是由AlzaCorp.【2001年被强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)收购】的一群高管创立,计划收购治疗神经性和精神疾病的药物,同时实现商业化。

    The Palo Alto , Calif. - based company had been founded one year earlier by a group of executives at Alza Corp. ( acquired by Johnson & Johnson in 2001 ) , with plans to acquire and commercialize drugs for treating neurological and psychiatric disorders .