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zǔ fù
  • grandfather;grandpa;grandparent;grandfather and father
祖父 [zǔ fù]
  • (1) [grandfather]∶父亲的父亲;在世系上比父母更长一辈的男性祖先--亦称爷爷

  • (2) [grandfather and father]∶祖父和父亲。祖父对子孙说

  • 其他祖父积。--清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》

  • 思厥先祖父。--宋. 苏洵《六国论》

祖父[zǔ fù]
  1. 他的中间名是威廉,取自他祖父的名字。

    His second name is Willem , after his grandfather .

  2. 我的祖父在战争中丧生。

    My grandfather lost his life in the war .

  3. 我们所有的亲属都来参加了祖父八十寿宴。

    All our family came to Grandad 's eightieth birthday party .

  4. 我的祖父曾经在西班牙与法西斯分子作战。

    My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain .

  5. 她的祖父一路在船上打工支付船费来到美国。

    Her grandfather had worked his passage to America .

  6. 她的祖父教她变魔术。

    Her grandfather taught her to conjure .

  7. 我清楚地记得很小的时候祖父向我低头微笑的情景。

    I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small .

  8. 我曾祖父打制马掌、铁钉等诸如此类的东西。

    My great-grandfather made horseshoes and nails and what have you .

  9. 我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。

    My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners ' Union .

  10. 亚当经常呆在他祖父的办公室里。

    Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather 's office

  11. 他的祖父和外公都热衷于演说。

    Both his grandfathers were fired with an enthusiasm for public speaking

  12. 她的曾祖父显然是一位非常投入而且坚忍不拔的旅行爱好者。

    Her great-grandfather had clearly been a dedicated and stoical traveller .

  13. 我记得小时候觉得祖父的相貌很迷人。

    As a child I remember being riveted by my grandfather 's appearance

  14. 他非常欣赏她祖父的画作。

    He was an admirer of her grandfather 's paintings .

  15. 我曾祖父曾是这儿的头面人物。

    My great-grandfather was a person of some importance here

  16. 我的祖父每天都会吃一盘冷火腿,雷打不动。

    Every day without variation my grandfather ate a plate of cold ham .

  17. 为了摆脱贫困的煎熬,他们的祖父离开了村子。

    Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty .

  18. 布拉特比的祖父很有艺术天分。

    Bratby 's grandfather had been artistically inclined .

  19. 查尔斯从不掩饰他对祖父的景仰。

    Charles displays unreserved admiration for his grandfather

  20. 他的祖父是一名穆斯林阿訇。

    His grandfather was a Muslim cleric .

  21. 我的祖父非常传统。

    My grandfather was very Victorian .

  22. 我祖父是个屠夫。

    My grandfather was a butcher

  23. “库尔特·科恩是我祖父的名字,”克服了恐惧的劳拉开口说道。

    ' Kurt Kohn was my paternal grandfather 's name , ' Laura said when she found her voice .

  24. 他祖父不久前生病,目前正在逐渐康复。

    His grandfather is recovering from a short illness .

  25. 他从祖父那里继承了一小笔遗产。

    He received a small legacy from his grandfather .

  26. 这男孩是以祖父的名字起名儿的。

    The boy is named for [ after ] his grandfather .

  27. 祖父年纪大了,背有点驼。

    Grandfather is quite old and a bit hunchbacked .

  28. 父亲以祖父的名字约翰来给这个婴孩取名。

    The father called the baby John after his grandfather .

  29. 他为死去的祖父买了一个大花圈。

    He has bought a big funeral wreath for his dead grandfather .

  30. 这小孩以他祖父的名字被命名为汤姆。

    The boy was named Tom after his grandfather .