
  • 网络Social integration;Social Inclusion;social mix
  1. 经济学家、秘鲁发展和社会融合部前部长卡罗丽娜•特里维利(CarolinaTrivelli)表示:“充分利用这些基础手机有着巨大潜力,特别是在农村地区。”特里维利现在执掌一个全国移动货币计划。

    Carolina Trivelli , an economist and Peru 's former minister of development and social inclusion , who now runs a nationwide mobile money initiative , says : " There is huge potential in trying to squeeze as much as possible out of these basic mobile phones , particularly in rural areas . "

  2. 促进社会融合&公共图书馆的本质职能

    Advancing Social Inclusion : Public Libraries ' Essential Function

  3. 对于MPCP政策效果的评价,本文采用亨利·列文的自由选择、效率、公平、社会融合四维度的分析框架进行效果的评价。

    This article adopts the framework of Henry Levin and evaluates the outcome of MPCP from the following four aspects : freedom to choose , efficiency , equity and school cohesion .

  4. 社会主义经济问题专题社会融合问题专家会议

    Special Topic on Socialist Economic Problems Expert Meeting on Social Integration

  5. 城市化背景下流动人口社会融合问题分析

    On Social Integration of Mobile Population against the Background of Urbanization

  6. “你倒真会盘问啊!”社会融合问题专家会议

    " What probing questions you ask !" Expert Meeting on Social Integration

  7. 工业和材料问题委员会社会融合问题专家会议

    Committee on Industry and Materials Expert Meeting on Social Integration

  8. 北欧国家智障人士社会融合研究

    A Review on Society Inclusion of Intellectually Disabled People in North Europe

  9. 对外来常住人口社会融合条件与机制的思考

    Research on Situation and Mechanism of the Migrant Resident Population 's Social Integration

  10. 西宁市流动人口的调查与城市社会融合问题研究

    On the Mobile Population in Xining City and the Integration of Urban Society

  11. 大城市外来少数民族人口的社会融合研究

    A Study on Social Integration of the Floating Minority Population in Big Cities

  12. 在对于社会融合的影响因素的分析中,人力资本、家庭环境以及工作状况均发挥了一定的作用。

    Human capital , family environment and work condition affect their social integration .

  13. 特殊教育与社会融合推广;

    Special Education and Social Integration Program for Physically and Mentally Challenged Children ;

  14. 首先,人力资本对社会融合的经济维度具有显著积极的影响。

    First of all , human capital has positive effects on economic dimension .

  15. 法国的城市政策&社会融合作为解决隔离问题的公共手段?

    City Policy in France & Social Mix as a Public Answer to Segregation ?

  16. 促进社会融合对于构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要意义。

    It is significant to promote social integration for building a socialist harmonious society .

  17. 加强西安市农民工社会融合的对策研究

    A research on improving the social integration of migrant workers in Xi ′ an

  18. 科学发展观视角下的农村新移民社会融合问题的解决

    Using Scientific Development View to Solve the Social Integration Problem of Rural New Migrants

  19. 城市流动儿童的社会融合与政策取向:一个个案研究

    The Social Integration and Educational Policy Orientation for Migrant Children : A Case Study

  20. 上海外来人口生存状态与社会融合研究

    Research on the Survival Conditions and Social Inclusion of the Immigrants in Shanghai City

  21. 这并是世界人类祈求和平友好&社会融合的共同愿望。

    It is the common desire of all human beings-peace , friendship , integrated society .

  22. 因此,他们难以实现在城市合理流动和社会融合。

    So they can hardly make the reasonable flow and mix together with the city .

  23. 本文论述了在4所小学里对正常儿童和残疾儿童的社会融合所作的研究。

    This study described social integration of students with and without special needs in 4 elementary schools .

  24. 本研究对促进残疾儿童的社会融合在实践和研究工作上都是很有意义的。

    Implications for practice and research for promoting social integration of children with special needs were drawn .

  25. 未来德国社会融合的发展和成果,我们拭目以待。

    Let us wait and see the future development of social integration in Germany and their achievement .

  26. 社会融合问题专家会议

    Expert Meeting on Social Integration

  27. 农业技术作为生产力的首要因素,与经济、社会融合在一起,成为支撑人类文明的有力杠杆。

    Fused with economy and society , agricultural technology is a powerful lever to support human civilization .

  28. 理解家庭需求有助于促进成年智障人士的社会融合。

    Understanding family needs can help to promote society inclusion of intellectually disabled ( ID ) adults .

  29. 流动儿童社会融合的身份认同问题研究&以北京市为例

    A Research on the Identity of Floating Children Integrating into Society & A Case Study of Beijing

  30. 相反,农村可以搭上城市化的大潮,建立一个具有经济可行性和社会融合性的未来。

    Instead , villages can ride the wave of urbanisation toward building an economically viable and socially integrated future .