
  1. 社会公共道德建设在构建基层和谐社会中的作用研究

    The Function of Social Morality in Constructing the Basic Level Harmonious Society

  2. 医德教育是社会公共道德教育和医学职业道德教育的总称。

    Education of medical morality refers to the appellation of education in society public morality and medical profession morality .

  3. 只要突出大众文化的审美情趣,使之符合社会公共道德规范,那么它对大学生便有了教育意义。

    As long as the aesthetic appeal of popular culture is highlighted and brought in conformity with public morality , it is educational to students .

  4. 加强社会公共道德建设,确立全体社会成员共同遵循的价值取向和行为准则,已成为当前构建基层和谐社会的一项紧迫任务。

    To strengthen the morality advancement and fix the value orientation and behavioral rules for all members has become a very urgent task for current basic level harmonious society construction .

  5. 从道家所倡导的柔弱不争的处世态度这一方面,论述了道家文化对当今社会公共道德底线滑落的消极影响;

    From the aspect of Taoist soft attitude to life , this article analyses that Taoist culture has a negative effect on the falling of our social public ethic 's baseline .

  6. 用户不得违背法律法规或社会公共道德在本网站发布被视为侮辱、诽谤、淫秽或其他任何不良内容的信息。

    The user shall not breach legal rules or the social public morality to publish any messages , which is unlawful or abusive in any way , including defamatory , libelous , pornographic , obscene information .

  7. 在作出不起诉决定时,当然也要基于公共利益的考虑,该决定的作出绝对不能损害他人及公共利益,不能违反法律以及社会公共道德。

    This decision , of course , also based on the consideration of the public interest , this decision has no harm to others or the public interest , or not in violation of the law and public morality .

  8. 公共道德责任意识建设:现代文明社会中公共道德建设的一项突出任务

    Construction of the consciousness of Public Moral Responsibility : A Prominent Task for the Construction of Public Morality in the Context of Modern Society

  9. 社会公共领域中道德现象的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Morality Phenomenon in the Public Area of Society

  10. 网络不良信息是指通过互联网散布的不符合法律规定、有违社会公共秩序与道德、对社会产生有害影响的信息。

    Unhealthy information on the Intemet refers to the information which violates the legal stipulation , breaks the social public order and morality , and brings harmful effect on the society .

  11. 在此基础上,运用博弈论的方法去研究社会公共领域中道德的选择过程;第二,运用博弈论的分析方法去研究当前社会公共领域中一些不道德现象的产生原因。

    On this base , I will use the method of game to research the process of choosing morality in public area ; Second , using analysis method of the game theory to study the reasons of some non-morality phenomenon in public area of society .

  12. 通过加强对一系列道德机制的了解,必须形成有效的道德合力;拓宽环保道德在低碳生活中的应用领域;提升社会民众的公共道德意识;优化个体综合道德素质。

    By strengthening the understanding of a series of moral mechanism , we must shape effective moral force ; to broaden the application field of environmental morals in the low-carbon life ; improve public morals consciousness of the society people ; optimization of personal moral qualities .

  13. 社会公德是社会的公共道德,它是现代社会的产物。

    Social morals , as the product of modern society , is social public morality .

  14. 因此,要为让这个社会讲诚信施加压力,诚信就会变成社会的公共道德。

    In conclusion , laying stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society .

  15. 中国目前正在进入老龄社会,但是孝道在当今社会却屡屡遭遇尴尬。道家柔弱不争的处世之道与当今社会公共道德的滑落

    China is stepping into the aged society , but piety is in puzzle today . Taoist Soft Attitude to Life and the Falling of Our Social Public Ethic 's Baseline at Present

  16. 社会公德在维护公共利益、公共秩序和保持社会稳定方面起到了突出的作用,是社会的公共道德修养和社会文明程度的重要表现。

    Social morality has played a prominent role in the maintenance of public interest , public order and maintains social stability , is the social public moral accomplishment and social civilization degree of important performance .