
  • 网络magnetic anomaly;magneticanomaly
  1. 用Euler反褶积方法反演台湾海峡磁异常

    Inversion of magnetic anomaly data in Taiwan Strait using Euler deconvolution

  2. 2.5D地质体重磁异常无解析奇点正演计算研究

    Analytic singularity-free forward computation of gravity and magnetic anomaly for 2.5-D geologic body

  3. 应用Fuzzy相似优先比划分断裂构造产生的磁异常

    Application of Fuzzy Similar Priority Ratio to Differentiation of Magnetic Anomalies Caused by Fracture Zone

  4. 运用定量解释方法剖析磁异常&以大板金矿区C6磁异常为例

    THE APPLICATION OF QUANTITATIVE INTERPRETATION IN MAGNETIC ANOMALY ANALYSIS : A case study of the C_6 magnetic anomaly in Daban gold field

  5. 重磁异常波谱的截断影响及KALMAN滤波

    Finite length effect and Kalman filtering in the spectral analy-sis of gravity and magnetics

  6. 在发现的重磁异常(含Cr的超基性岩,含Cu、Ni的基性超基性岩)和目标矿种元素及组合异常(贵金属和有色金属)基础上,确定异常源和矿床靶区;

    Based on the discovery of heavy magnetic anomalies , target ore elements and composite anomalies , determining the deposit target and anomalies sources .

  7. 利用Radon变换进行三度体重磁异常反演三维位场的快速反演方法及程序设计

    3D inversion of potential field by using radon transformation the rapid inversion of 3-D potential field and program design

  8. 利用磁异常Za的频谱反演二度体磁化方向

    Inversion of magnetization direction by the frequency spectrum of magnetic anomalies Za for 2-D bodies

  9. 由此得到的Za磁异常平面图,北部为正异常区,异常很不规则,有三个局部异常;

    The resultant Z_a magnetic anomaly map consists of two major magnetic anomaly zones : positive anomaly Zone in the north part and the negative anomaly zone in the south part .

  10. 磁异常走向没有重力异常明显,但主要也为NNE向。

    Tend towards of magnetic anomaly is not distinctness compared with gravity anomaly . But it is also NNE .

  11. 航磁异常图上NNE向负磁异常带,在上延航磁图上异常清晰,包含着更为丰富的地壳深部信息。

    The NNE negative aeromagnetic anomaly , much clear after up-continuation , provides an information about the deep crust beneath the plateau .

  12. FX-3600P计算机程序在磁异常数据处理有关问题中的应用

    Application of fx-3600P calculator programs to equations of magnetic anomaly data interpretation

  13. MAGSAT卫星矢量磁异常的矩谐分析

    Rectangular harmonic analysis of Magsat vector magnetic anomaly in China

  14. 中国地区MAGSAT卫星标量和矢量磁异常图

    Scalar and vector magnetic anomaly maps for China derived from Magsat data

  15. 文中采用坐标旋转变换、应用Gauss散度定理及Stokes定理,建立了用角点坐标和磁性参数值表示的均匀磁化多面体磁异常各分量及总磁异常的精确表达式。

    The accurate formulae which express component and total magnetic anomalies of uniformly-magnetized polyhedron by using angular coordinate and magnetic parameters are derived from coordinate-turning conversion , Gauss ' divergence theorem and Stokes ' theorem .

  16. 为了消除区域场的影响,分离出局部磁异常,对实测磁异常向下做了500m、1000m和3000m延拓。

    Moreover , the downward continuations for 500m , 1000m and 3000m were also conducted so as to extract the local anomalies from the regional field .

  17. 利用精密磁测对不同类已知断层的观测表明,可将断层磁异常简化为单极(monopole)磁场模型。

    Observations on different types of known faults by making use of precise magnetic measurements have shown that the magnetic anomalies of faults can be modeled by those of a monopole .

  18. 据此模型,绘出了高度400km处矩谐模型的理论磁异常图。

    According to the rectangular harmonic analysis model the satellite magnetic anomaly maps were constructed .

  19. 在东海陆架边缘区,磁异常以正为主,最大可达+350nT,该区所对应的磁性基底埋深较浅,一般在2~3km。

    In Region 1 , most of the anomalies are positive , the magnetic basement is about 2 ~ 3km deep .

  20. 作者通过对DS锡锌矿床岩矿石磁性特征值之一的Q(Jr/Ji)值研究,总结了该矿床的锡锌矿体与岩矿石磁性关系的几个规律:即磁异常与矿体关系密切;

    Based on studies of the Q values ( Jr / Ji ), the magnetic characteristic values of rocks and ores of the DS Sn-Zn deposit , the author has drawn several conclusions : magnetic anomalies are closely related to the orebodies ;

  21. 南部表现为混合异常,上部(大致为胶州湾最中间地带)磁异常为近东西向条带状展布,而胶州湾南部基本呈NE向正负相间分布。

    And the southern survey area is a mixed magnetic anomaly area with the magnetic anomaly in the middle Jiaozhou Bay showing near east-westly trending banded distributions and that in the southern Jiaozhou Bay showing NE trending alternate positive and negative anomaly distribution .

  22. 本文在多成分单流体MHD模拟基础上,计算了火星空间大尺度电流体系,并对磁异常对火星空间电流的影响进行了分析。

    Based on the multi-species , single fluid MHD model , this paper calculates and analyzes respectively the distribution of the currents in the Martian space , with the influence of the currents due to the crustal magnetic fields .

  23. 在修正了Briggs提出的移动变形图案相关分析法基础上,对全球非偶极子磁场以及6个行星尺度磁异常区的漂移特性和强度变化进行了研究。

    In this paper we modified the Briggs ' method of correlation analysis of moving random pattern and studied the characteristics of the westward drift and intensity variations of the non dipole geomagnetic field and 6 planetary scale geomagnetic anomalies .

  24. 在上述盆地中央,地幔顶部约10km厚,也是强磁性的,此外,在南中国海,地壳和地幔顶部也是强磁性的,卫星磁异常的源位于上述部位。

    In centre of these basins , the uppermost part of mantle , about 10km thick is also strongly magnetic . Moreover , under South China Sea , the crust and uppermost part of mantle is strongly magnetic too .

  25. 主要结论如下:(1)成矿作用与侏罗纪PUNTACOLES超单元的角闪二长-闪长岩体关系紧密,处于航磁异常优选靶区位置,区域上成矿条件优越。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Mineralization is closely related with Jurassic PUNTA Coles super unit hornblende monzonite-diorite rock mass , and locates at the preferred target of the aeromagnetic anomalies .

  26. 利辛M4.1地震前的流磁异常及其变化安徽省利辛县4.1级地震震中区烈度考察

    Anomalies in mobile geomagnetic survey and their variations prior to the Lixin , Anhui M 4.1 earthquake Investigation for intensity of epicentre area of M4.1 earthquake in Lixin County of Anhui Province

  27. 断层倾角45°&60°对应着最佳观测条件,其压磁异常峰值可高达12nT;

    It appears that strike-slip fault with a dip angle of 45 ° - 60 ° provides the optimum observation condition where the maximum piezomagnetic anomaly is as high as 12 nT .

  28. IGRF(国际地磁参考场)是有关地球主磁场与长期变化的模型,IGRF的误差主要来源于:忽略外源场、球谐级数的截断、台站分布的不均匀、测量、忽略地壳磁异常场等。

    IGRF ( International Geomagnetic Reference Field ) are the models of geomagnetic main field and secular variation . The IGRF errors are from neglecting external field , truncation level of the spherical harmonic series , observatory distribution , measurement , and neglecting the crust geomagnetic anomalies .

  29. 线性规划法解磁异常反问题

    To solve the inverse magnetic anomaly problem by linear programming method

  30. 均匀磁化多面体磁异常计算方法

    A method for estimating the magnetic anomaly of an uniformly-magnetized polyhedron