
cí chì dào
  • magnetic equator
磁赤道[cí chì dào]
  1. 在磁赤道上磁针会保持水平。

    On the magnetic equator the needle would remain horizontal .

  2. 磁赤道异常区电离层F区不均匀体发展过程中的闪烁谱研究

    Scintillation spectra investigations during the evolution of irregularities in the equatorial F region

  3. 120°E磁赤道上空电离层电子浓度总含量的混沌特性分析及非线性预测初探

    Analysis of chaotic properties and nonlinear prediction of ionospheric total electron content over 120 ° E magnetism equator

  4. 广州电离层观测站位于磁赤道附近(地磁经纬度:183.0°E,11.5°N)。

    Guangzhou Ionospheric Observatory is located near the geomagnetic equator ( geomagnetic coordinate 183.0 ° E , 11.5 ° N ) .

  5. 过渡高度也表现出明显的纬度关系,在接近±20°的磁赤道地区,hT基本上不随纬度变化;但在大于±30°磁纬区域hT随纬度很快增加。

    The transition height shows a pronounced latitude dependence . In low latitudes near ± 20 °, transition heights are approximately independent of latitude , but above geomagnetic latitude ± 30 °, transition height increases rapidly with latitude .

  6. 关联维数和李雅普诺夫指数比较典型的值出现在磁赤道上空的,分别为3.6092和0.3369,确定TEC存在混沌现象。

    The typical correlation dimension and the typical Lyapunov exponent , appeared over magnet equator , are 3.6092 and 0.3369 separately on .

  7. 本文利用120°E磁赤道上空电离层TEC1996~2004年的观测数据讨论电离层TEC参量的混沌特性,并探讨利用混沌理论对电离层参量进行预报的可能性。

    This paper discusses chaotic properties of ionospheric total electron content ( TEC ) based on the TEC data from 1996 to 2004 , and analyzes possibility to predict it by using the chaos theory .

  8. 将笔者以前关于近磁尾赤道面附近的漂移气球模不稳定性工作推广到非赤道区和存在非定常地向流的情形。

    Previous work on drift ballooning instability in the equatorial region has been extended to include a decelerated non stationary flow and to consider the off equator regions .

  9. 磁层源赤道电急流的模式研究

    A model study of the equatorial electrojet caused by magnetospheric source

  10. 近地磁尾近赤道区域磁场分布的多项式拟合

    Polynomial Fit of the Magnetic Field in the Near-earth Magnetotail around the Equator Region

  11. 在磁尾磁层顶重联引起磁鞘粒子向磁层注入和各向异性的IMF压力的共同作用下,磁尾和电流片表现出相对于磁赤道面的旋转特征及扁平化现象;

    As the effects of the magnetic reconnection on the near-tail magnetopause and the anisotropic pressure of the IMF , the magnetotail shows a twisted and flattened profile .