- 网络Alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen;PPM;K-N;mgkg;Alkeline-N

The contents of alkali-hydro nitrogen , rapidly-available phosphorus and rapidly-available potassium were increased significantly ( P0.05 ) .
Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .
With depth increasing , the pH value elevated gradually , total nitrogen , available phosphorus and alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen were declined gradually .
Result showed that there was significantly correlation between soil protozoa and soil nitrogen . Therefore , soil protozoan is important among the alteration of soil nitrogen .
Soil microbial biomass had a significantly positive correlation with soil enzyme activities , but its correlation with soil hydrolysable N and available P was strongly affected by crop growth and fertilization system .
Long term investigation result showed soil organic matter and available N content yearly decreased by 1.11 g / kg and 1.68 mg / kg , respectively .
It showed : each treatment could improve the soil PH , organic matter , alkalized-nitrogen , CEC , rapidly available phosphorus .
Soil sample from the chilli field was taken to determine its bulk density , pH and the organic matter , overall nitrogon , inorganic nitrogen , quick-acting phosphorus and potassium .
PH , OM , AN , AK , Available Fe , Available Cu , Available Zn was fitting by exponential model , the range were 216 miters to 733 miters .
The results based on decision-making tree and GIS overlay analysis show that the soil organic matter always holds the first place in all knowledge rules , P and N rank the second .
The fitting theory model of the soil pH , the available nitrogen , soil available phosphorus , available potassium , slowly available potassium and the organic matter were the exponential model . 3 .
Artificial substrate for the higher organic matter content , so the maximum nitrogen ( 106.9 mg kg-1 ) .
The soil factors affecting the capacity of fixing-ammonium in tested soils were mainly parent material , soil clay composition , pH , CEC , organic matter , available N and concentration of NH4 + in soil .
Therefore , the sensitive soil physical and chemical indicators to grassland ecosystem degradation are : soil bulk density , total salt , pH , total nitrogen , available nitrogen , available phosphorus and potassium . 2 .
Changes of Available Nitrogen and Olsen Phosphorus in Air-dried Soil Samples During Storage
The spatial variety of soil available of paddy soil was analyzed by using soils sampled , geostatistics and altitude derived from DEM at the scale of1:100,000 in Zengcheng city .
Results showed that the polluted air caused the nearby forest decline of soil acidification , the content of soil organic matter , the total N and available N. The Acacia confusa stand could improve the soil chemical characteristics evidently .
Using principal component analysis and cluster analysis method , the minimum data set for evaluating soil quality of grassland degradation was built at last , which includes bulk density , pH , available nitrogen , available phosphorus and the total salt .
Results concluded from semivariance analysis based on Geostatistics showed that : pH , organic matter , total nitrogen and total phosphorus had a highly spatial correlation ; available nitrogen , available phosphorus , available potassium and water-soluble boron had moderate spatial correlation .
Soil SSA was negatively correlated with soil organic carbon , total nitrogen , and available nitrogen concentrations under the four land use patterns , however , the relationships between SSA and soil pH , sulfur and phosphorus were different among different land uses .
Soil alkali solution N had a significant negative effect on spore density , and soil organic matter presented negative correlation to spore density . Soil pH had a negative effect on hyphae percent colonization , and a significant negative effect on vesicle percent colonization .
The result also showed that the change of alkali hydrolysable N in the soil was little , and organic matter , pH value , and total nitrogen decreased with different degrees at the end of the year , but the decreases were not remarkable .
Water content has direct relationship with soil fungus quantity in 0 ~ 20 cm soil layers of nonfarm soil and normal fertility soil .
The main research results as follows : 1 . The value of soil pH and soil bulk density decreased , and electrical conductivity , content of organic matter , available nitrogen , available phosphorus and available potassium in soil increased under continous cropping of protected tomato .
Variance analysis of the chemical indexes of profile suggests that organic matter , total nitrogen , alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen , rapidly available potassium and CEC are greatly different among layers of soil profile .
Compared with the second soil survey , the decreased trend of soil pH was observed , the soil available nitrogen , available phosphorus and available potassium increased , while the increment of the available phosphorus was greatest , that of the available nitrogen was less . 2 .
Soil MWD , content of SOM , and alkaline N , alkaline phosphatase and urease activity were main soil quality factors , which strong affected the change of vegetation species .
The mean of organic matter content could achieve to 28.9g/kg and nitrogen content of base leaching could achieve to 153.9mg/kg . Especially for drying tobacco area , the ability of supplying nitrogen of 70 % soil or more was in the level from high to higher .
Correlation analysis indicated CPMI was not only related or extremely related to total N , total P , hydrolyzable N , readily available P , K and pH , but also sensitive to agricultural practices .
Organic matter , total N and alkali-hydrolyzable N in soils with 0 ~ 20 cm depth were much higher than those with 20 ~ 40 cm depth .