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Quantitative analysis by HPLC and found the latter homoharringtonine alkali content was significantly higher than the former .
Effect of Alkali Content on Fly Ash Inhibiting ASR
Matrine was determined by HPLC .
The effects of salt or base contents on the transient interface tension had been discussed .
Analysis on the Contents of Camptothecin in Young Camptotheca acuminate Leaves Picked in Different Dates by HPLC
Determination of piperine in Liuwei Muxiang San by RP HPLC
CONCLUSIONS The new HPLC is accurate , simple and quick for the quality control of Matrine in Sophors flavescens Ait .
Content comparision of matrine in different processed products of root of Sophora tonkinensis Comparision of GAP Implementation in China and Abroad and Base Construction of Chinese Medicinal Materials
Conclusion : This method is accurate as same as HPLC , and could be used for quality control of berberine from Qingjing capsules .
Third , relative electrical conductivity , the content of MDA and sinapine in seed exudates added with the increase of the seed deterioration degree .
Results The calli treated with 0.3 % EMS grows faster , contains higher content of total indole alkaloids than the contrast .
Since no obvious leap point can be observed when determine the total acid or total alkaline of petroleum products by potentiometric titration , the feasibility and reliability of pH end-point titration method are examined .
At the alkali content of 2.0 % and with the same molar rate of n ( Li ) / n ( Na ) of lithium compounds , their long_term effects in inhibiting expansion are related with the solubility .
The effects of the plant growth regulators , such as GA , ABA , B_9 and CCC on tuberization of etiolated sprouts or potato plants were not interrelated to their effects on solanine content .
Results Both of the design methods adopted trichloromethane as the solvent , with the solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:7.5 and reflux time of 3 h with 3 repetitions for the highest yield of alkaloids .
The results show that the diabase samples have relatively low SiO2 content and high total alkalis , and are rich in Ti and P , but poor in Ca , with an average Mg # of 55 . All samples belong to alkaline series .
Moreover , there is an interactive effect between the initial cracking time and resistivity inflexion , as well as maximum heat peak . A ratio of resistivity step / heat step ( as K value ) indicates a relation between early-age deformation and alkali content of cement-based materials .
The lower the loss on ignition , alkali content and SO3 content of fly ash are , the better the crack resistance of the blended cement paste is .
The effect of environmental factors such as soil moisture , natural soil drought , PEG drought , soil quality , light intensity and light quality on the growth , photosynthesis , camptothecin ( CRT ) concentration and yield of one-year-old Camptotheca acuminata seedlings were investigated .
Method : Orthogonal design L_9 ( 3 ~ 4 ) was used to study the best extraction condition with the content of the synthesized evaluation of total extraction , total saponin and total matrine .
At the period of low-alkali concrete , the expansion by 1N NaCl soak is higher than that by 1N NaOH , and a further lower expansion can be produced by NaOH + NaCl soak , yet at the late stage the results are exactly opposite ;
The concretes with high and low alkali contents were used for the test . 1N NaOH , 1N NaOH + 3 % NaCl and 1N NaOH + 7 % NaCl were all used as the soak , and the ambient temperature of the reaction was 38 ℃ .
DCA ordination on their UV spectra showed that the UV spectra of the leaf extracting solution form H.serrata of Pan'an was distinctly different from others , revealing the UV spectra could be applied to identify the sample with higher content of assemble alkaloids of huperzine .
AEA is a high efficiency excellent quality and energy-saving concrete expansion agent with low alkalinity , large expanding energy , small additive and dry shrinkage , high late strength of concrete . It has very good shrinkage compensation and long stability .
The experimental results of extracting berberine from Rhizoma coptidis showed that the two steps of extraction only needed 6 min , the concentration of berberine in the extract was 53.5 % and the granule sizes between 160 and 400 μ m did not take effect on the extraction .
Vinblastine content only with below-branch height had significant negative correlation .
Rational Choice of the Silico-Regulating Materials and Reduction of the Clinker
Influence of compatibility on content of berberine in Gegen Qinlian Decoction
Study on the Method for the Determination of Piperine in Pepper
Content Determination of Magnesia , Sulfur Anhydride and Alkali in Cement