- base deletion

Two base deletion of the alpha ( 1,2 ) fucosyltransferase gene responsible for para-Bombay phenotype
A one base deletion is discovered in purA gene from inosine producing strain and guanosine producing strain , which will cause the open reading frame shift mutation .
Thirty base pair ( 30 bp ) deletion in latent membrane protein 1 oncogene in lymphoepithelial carcinoma of salivary glands
Study of Relationship Between IR Gene Deletion in The mtrR Gene Promoter and Antibiotic Resistance of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Detection of the 30 base pair deletion of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 in extranodal nasal type NK / T-cell lymphoma and its prognostic significance
The result showed that the PCR product of buffalo FSHR is 939 bp . Compared with the Chinese Simmental , the homology of this sequence is 97.44 % and there is 1 bp absence in-720 bp .
Compared with live specimen , 80 % bases of 18S rDNA sequence are identical , 7 % are deleted , and 11 % are replaced in formalin-fixed specimen .
In non-coding region it shows mutation of single nucleotide deletion or substitution .
Results : Recombination vectors were obtained by both methods and better cloning efficiency was achieved and rare base deletion and mutant were found in the PCR method .
None of the F genes of the isolated NDV virulent strains suffered any base deletion and insertion , but there are mutations in many points scattering about .
Interestingly , both mutant alleles had a single-base deletion , which was confirmed by PCR-RFLP .
Identification of a novel 5-base pair deletion in calcineurin B ( PPP3R1 ) promoter region and its association with left ventricular hypertrophy
All of frameshift mutations were deletion or insertion of 1 2 bp and most of them ( 7 / 9 ) happened at simple nucleotide repeat sequences , particularly within ( A ) n tracts ( 5 / 9 ) .
The late-flowering phenotype was not resumed by applying exogenous gibberellin . A 10 nt fragment deletion was found in the coding region of CO gene , resulting in premature termination of CO protein and the absence of the 92 amino acids of C-terminal domain .
An absence of T base at position 267 . U.
Results Single-base deletion of A / T was observed in all 5 strains .
The eminent differences were also a continuous delete mutation of three nucleotides at one site and one insert mutation of a single nucleotide at another site in Yunnan yak ′ s genome .
A hypothesis for molecular mechanism for GT variation of rice is presented , that is DNA insertion , deletion or base substitution in coding sequence of alk contributes to GT variation of rice .
A total sequence of 599 nucleotide base pair was obtained by alignment with homologous sequences of another two Sardinella species in GenBank . There were 445 parsimony-informative sites and 154 variation sites , but no insertion / deletions were observed .
There existed much greater mutation of insertion / absence at 2 locations .
There were 9 point mutations , including 4 missense mutations , 2 nonsense mutations , 3 silent mutations . The other 2 cases were frameshift mutations due to base insertion and deletion .
Of the 426 bp mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences obtained , A % + T % was about 65.0 % , four nucleotide sites were substituted , and no base composition of the sequences was inserted and lost .
Results of the mitochondrial COI gene sequence revealed that deletion / insertion were detected among COI gene fragments .
Having deletion or insertion of one or two base ( s ) in flanking sequence ;
Nucleotide base transitions were found at 3 loci in the sequence , while there is no insertion , deletion and transversion mutation .
Case had 1 base pair insertion TT → TAT in 85 codon and 1 base pair deletion GCA → GA , which may result in nonsense mutation .
In all of the 24 bases of mutants , the base replacement occupies about 87.5 % of the total mutants with only a small portion of gene deletion ( 12.5 % ) .
The results showed that every base in ITR sequences was important for the activity of transposons . Deletion of any base could result in failture of identification and cut of the transposons .
Mutations can be a change in a single base of DNA ( point mutation ) or a loss of base pairs ( deletion ) affecting a single gene , or a movement of chromosomal regions ( translocation ) affecting many genes .
And then , comparing the control region fragments with each other by Mega software , 114 sites were variable among all the partial mitochondrial control region sequences including 84 parsimonious message sites and five deletion / insertion sites .