
yìng mù
  • hardwood
硬木 [yìng mù]
  • [hardwood] 质地细致坚硬的木材,如紫檀、松木等

  • 硬木家具

硬木[yìng mù]
  1. 硬木地板上铺着一张波斯地毯。

    A Persian rug covered the hardwood floors .

  2. A:是的。价格低,区位又好,硬木地板。

    A : Yeah I mean low price , good area , beautiful hardwood floors then I met the landlord .

  3. 他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。

    He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor

  4. 樱桃木主要用来制作家具,这种硬木呈现出非常光亮的棕色。

    The wood of the cherry-tree is much used for making furniture . It is a hard wood , of a very pretty , brownish colour .

  5. 主要用于:中密度纤维、硬木、PVC等材料。

    Mainly applies to : medium-density fiber , hardwood , PVC and other materials .

  6. 就在那时,他的注意力被AAU(美国大学联合会AssociationofAmericanUniversities)教练丹尼·普里切特转移到了篮球场(hardwood硬木地板代表篮球场)上。

    It was then that his attention was turned to the hardwood by AAU coach Danny Pritchett .

  7. 对水性高分子-异氰酸酯胶黏剂(API)主剂进行改性,以提高API的耐水、耐热及胶接硬木的性能。

    Aqueous vinyl polymer-isocyanate adhesive ( API ) was modified to improve its bonding strength , water - and heat-resistance when it was used for hardwood bonding .

  8. 7S大豆蛋白尿素变性后在硬木上有较好的湿润性。

    7S soy protein modified with urea had the better wettability on hardwood .

  9. 这家公司的老板是汤姆•苏利文,他是靠创办硬木地板零售企业LumberLiquidators发家的。

    The company is owned by Tom sulllivan , the entrepreneur who made his fortune starting lumber liquidators .

  10. Antigo1°deMaio餐厅虽然在就餐环境上差了一些,但是供应各种传统的葡萄牙安慰食物,吸引着一代又一代挑剔的里斯本人走进它那仅有口袋般大小,由瓷砖墙面、方格桌布和硬木椅构成的屋子里。

    Short on physical comfort but brimming with traditional Portuguese comfort food , Antigo 1 ° de Maio has drawn generations of discerning Lisbonfolk to its pocket-size room of tiled walls , checkered tablecloths and stiff wooden chairs .

  11. 在其位于缅因州伯纳姆(Burnham)的工厂中,硬木(主要为购自该州可持续管理森林的白桦木)被剥除树皮,然后切割成木板等待干燥。

    At its factory in Burnham , Maine , hardwoods ( primarily white birch purchased from managed forests in the state ) are stripped of their bark and cut into boards for drying .

  12. 蛋白质的二级结构测量表明β-折叠对于3M尿素变性后的大豆蛋白在硬木上的粘接强度起着重要作用,而无规则卷曲是降低1M尿素变性7S大豆蛋白粘接强度的主要因素。

    Protein secondary structures measurement indicated that the β - sheet played an important role on the adhesive strength of soy protein modified with 3 M urea with hardwood and random curl was the major factor reducing adhesive strength of 7S soy protein modified with 1 M urea .

  13. 松木是软木,柚木是硬木

    Pine be a soft wood and teak be a hard wood

  14. 巨人有一枝很长的硬木棍。

    The giant had a long staff made of hard wood .

  15. 我叫大尾毛,这位是大硬木,我兄弟。

    I 'm tailfeather , this is toughwood , my brother .

  16. 橡木、赤杨木和枫木是具代表性的美国产硬木。

    Oak , birch , and maple are representative American hardwoods .

  17. 松是软木;橡是硬木。

    Pine is a softwood , oak is a hardwood .

  18. 护家小秘笈:硬木家具怎样进行维护与保养?

    Guarding Success Secrets : How to preserve hardwood furniture and maintenance ?

  19. 他说经常听到有人在老的硬木地板上走路的声音。

    He often said he heard footsteps on the old hardwood floors .

  20. 英国仅次于日本,是热带硬木的第二大使用国。

    The UK is the biggest consumer of tropical hardwoods after Japan .

  21. 铁饼是一个外包铁皮有硬木或金属的圆盘。

    Thediscus is a steel-rimmed hardwood or metal circular platter .

  22. 而且硬木的档次与奥迪汽车的内饰十分相配。

    The woods match the sheen of an Audi interior .

  23. 我们刚刚把一个双相情感障碍的离婚妇女给滚到硬木地板上去了,还是脸先落地。

    We just rolled a bipolar divorcee face-first onto a hardwood floor .

  24. 雨果:这片硬木上的纹理很美丽。

    Hugo : The grain is beautiful on this piece of hardwood .

  25. 像胡桃木、橡木和桉树这样的硬木也烧得很好。

    Hardwoods such as hickory , oak and ash also burn well .

  26. 地毯有点翘起来,硬木地板?

    Carpet 's a little loose . Hardwood floors ! !

  27. 出产深色木材的几种硬木的任意一种。

    Any of several hardwood trees yielding very dark-colored wood .

  28. 雨林被那些为了贩卖有价值的硬木的伐木者砍倒。

    Rainforests are cut down by loggers who want to sell valuable hardwoods .

  29. 好啊,不过似乎这里也有根“硬木”啊。注意点好吗?

    Okay , but there seems to be plenty of wood right here .

  30. 适合切削材料:不带活木节的软,硬木以及热带木。

    Material : Soft , hard and exotic solid wood without loose knots .