
yìnɡ zuò
  • hard seats
  1. 夏季硬座和硬卧车厢内CO2浓度超过国家卫生标准。夏季样品达标率也明显低于普通客车,差异有显著性(P0.01)。

    In summer , the concentrations of CO 2 in hard seat cars and soft berth car exceeded the national standard with a statistic significance ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 简述了南京浦镇车辆厂生产的25G型硬座车和硬卧车的车体钢结构及其静强度试验结果。

    The static strength test results and carbody steel structures of 25G semi cushioned seat cars and semi cushioned berth sleeping cars are described briefly .

  3. 通过分析比较,认为YZ25G硬座客车是改造卫生车的最佳首选车型,改装后可以保证伤员患者的及时救治和紧急运送。

    Based on analysis and comparison , YZ25G hard-seat train is the best one to refit from civil-train to hospital car .

  4. 请问有一张硬座活是硬卧的票吗?

    Do you have a hard seat or a hard sleeper ?

  5. 硬座车是带硬垫座位的车厢。

    A hard-seat car is a car with semi-cushioned seats .

  6. 铁路空调客车硬座车厢空气品质的主观评价

    Subjective assessment on indoor air quality in hard seats compartment of air-conditioned train

  7. 25型空调双层硬座客车的制造

    The Manufacture of the Air-conditioned , Double-Deck , Semi-cushioned Seat Coach Type 25

  8. 他旅行时总是坐硬座。

    He always sits hard-seat when he travels .

  9. 旅客列车空调硬座车厢内热舒适性研究

    Research of Thermal Comfort in Railway Passenger Cars

  10. 外宾:那么硬座和软座车厢又怎么样呢?

    Then how about hard-seat and soft-seat cars ?

  11. 这列火车只有硬座。

    The train only had hard seats .

  12. 出口伊朗双层空调硬座车简介

    Brief Description of the Air Conditioned , Double Deck , Semi cushioned Seat Cars Exported to Iran

  13. 一些影剧院、俱乐部将硬座换为软座,安装了空调和微机电脑装置;

    A number of theaters , clubs hard seat will be replaced by soft-seat , air-conditioning installed computer and computer equipment ;

  14. 这周五的,是七月二十一号吧?我要一张硬座。

    Lily : This Friday , please . It 's July21st , right ? I want a hard seat , please .

  15. 当他在印度旅行时,他跟其他农民和普通民众一起乘坐的是一种带”不用预定的硬座“的交通工具。

    When he travelled across India , he travelled " hard-seat , unreserved ", together with peasants and other ordinary people .

  16. 车架喷塑,沉降式硬座垫,8“宽前轮,24”后轮,双支撑,附安全带。

    Painted frame , hard cushion , 8 ′ wide front and24 ′ rear wheel , double brace , with safety belt .

  17. 西宁和玉树之间,每天至少3般车,硬座和卧铺车,行程18小时左右。

    Xining have at least 3 daily bus ( hard seat and hard sleeper ) to Yushu and drive about 18 hours on two driver .

  18. 运用k-ε紊流模型对空调硬座车内三维流场和温度场进行了数值模拟。

    By the k ε turbulence model , the three dimension distributions of airflow field and temperature field in air conditioned train passenger compartment are simulated numerically .

  19. 根据我国目前的国情,铁路硬座客车车厢超员的现象是非常严重的,尤其是在节假日和寒暑假期间。

    According to the current situation of our country , the phenomenon of overcrowding is seriously common in railway , especially holidays and during winter and summer vacation .

  20. 方法对乘坐硬座车厢旅客采取自身前后对照方式,干预前后分别进行问卷调查和定性访谈,对采用的艾滋病健康教育材料和方式效果进行评价。

    Methods Before-after study was applied in passengers of railway , and the questionnaire surveys and qualitatively interview were taken to analyze the effect of AIDS health education on them .

  21. 火车&硬座,无疑是中国社会中最普通不过的长途交通工具,它是远载行李和旅客的庞然大物,像是行驶并浮动在铁路线上、城市间的非固定的不安情绪。

    The " Hard-seat " compartment is a very common choice of transportation in China , these carriages are often crowded with passengers and luggage piled up in the most various and unsecured ways .

  22. 运用k&ε湍流模型对铁路空调硬座车内气流组织进行了数值模拟。

    The air organization in the air-conditioned compartment was investigated by k & ε turbulence model by SIMPLE programs , and the 3-D distributions of the airflow and temperature field in the chamber were numerically simulated .

  23. 针对我国长途铁路硬座车座椅乘坐不舒适问题,提出了解决措施&构建一种新型斜靠式双层座椅的铁路客车。

    In view of the uncomfortable chairs on long distance railway semi-cushioned coach in our country , the measure for solution is put forward ─ to construct a new type railway coach with reclining type double-deck chairs .

  24. 采用三维紊流模型,应用有限单元法计算了空调列车(硬座车)室内气固耦合传热问题,对空调列车室内气流组织,主要是速度场和温度场进行了数值模拟。

    By k ε turbulence model , the indoor air flow and solid heat transfer programs are resolved by finite element method , and the air distribution of the velocity and temperature fields in the chamber are numerically simulated .

  25. 注释:中国的火车分为软卧、硬卧、软座、硬座四个级别,票价依次递减。

    What 's the difference between a hard berth sleeper and a soft-berth one ? Note : There are four classes on the train : soft berth , hard sleeper , soft seat , hard seat . The prices are lowered accordingly .