
pò yīn
  • alternative pronunciations
  1. 论歌唱的破音现象铬鞣黄牛鞋面革裂面问题浅议

    On Break of Singing Discussion about Break Grain of Chrome-Tanned Cattle Upper Leather

  2. “不,”我说道,但可笑的是,我破音了。

    " No ," I said , but , ridiculously , my voice broke .

  3. 声音颤抖或出现破音。

    Wavering or cracking voice .

  4. 论歌唱的破音现象

    On Break of Singing

  5. 五分之一的英国人在公共场合发言这方面都有一段不堪回首的回忆,最让人尴尬的错误就是说话破音,或是突然发出尖声。

    A fifth of people have had a public speaking nightmare that they would rather forget and the most embarrassing speaking blunder is having your voice break or squeaking high pitched unexpectedly .

  6. 演唱会上,李易峰演绎了16首歌曲。平心而论,与专业歌手相比,他的表现距离完美还有很大差距,演唱中不乏一些破音和跑调。

    Li performed 16 songs at the concert , which , to be honest , was far from perfect compared with professional singers . There were some notes broken or not in tune .

  7. 孙东云的声音非常沙哑,而且很难知道他的音域有多广,因为他每分每秒都像是准备要破音一般。

    Dong Woon 's voice is very mute and it 's hard to hear how broad his range might be because it always feels like he 's going to break at any second .

  8. 训诂上则以因声求义的理论主张和破假借、明音转的训诂实践沟通声音与意义的联系;

    Thirdly through the theory and the practice of Chinese ancient hermeneutics , It brought the meanings into contact with the sounds ;