
pò gé
  • Exceptions;break a rule;make an exception
破格 [pò gé]
  • [break a rule] 打破约束,不遵常规

  • 破格录用

  • 惟思将来也,事事皆其所未经者,故常敢破格。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

破格[pò gé]
  1. 这份工作有晋升的机会.破格晋升某人为副教授

    The job offers prospects of promotion . Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor ; give sb . an accelerated promotion to associate professor

  2. 有关捕捉大鱼的所有内容只是一点破格罢了。

    All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence .

  3. 伍德沃德担任教练后破格起用了一些年轻人出场。

    Woodward has fast-tracked a number of youngsters into the line-up since he became coach .

  4. 有人告诉他,28岁的他已经过了破格提升的年龄。

    He was told that , at 28 , he was too old for fast-track promotion .

  5. 词语搭配就是指两个或两个以上的词的习惯共现,可以分为固定搭配、常规搭配和破格搭配;Collocation的语篇衔接功能

    Collocation is the habitual co-occurrence of two words or groups of words in natural texts . Collocation and Cohesion in Discourse

  6. 科室主任的破格任用与系统培养

    Unconventional Appointment and Systematic Culture for Directors of Department in Hospital

  7. 来宾对这种破格礼遇感到高兴,但并没有受宠若惊。

    The guest was pleased By the distinction But not overwhelmed .

  8. 由于他自己的努力,他被破格录取。

    He was granted special admission on account of his effort .

  9. 他那所学院破格提拔他当副教授。

    His college gave him accelerated promotion to associate professor .

  10. 高校教师职务评审工作探讨青年教师破格晋升高级职称评审方法研究

    Study of Appraisal Method of Young Teachers'Breaking Rules to Promote Higher Professional Post

  11. 但是她对弗莱德的破格优待,现在使他更不好受。

    But this very fact of her exceptional indulgence towards him made it harder to fred .

  12. 类型电影的本质内涵是模式化,它的创新是在模式基础上的破格;

    In essence , genre films are formula films and their innovations base on their formulas .

  13. 做诗的自由度大,破格多,既容易玩味摆弄,又饶有兴趣。

    There is a lot of poetic license , making poetry not only easy but also interesting to write .

  14. 他学过法律,并在19岁时被法院破格录用。

    He studied law and was admitted to the bar at the age of 19 , against bar regulations .

  15. 阿甘被破格录取,并成了橄榄球巨星,受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。

    Forrest Gump is an exception taking , and to become a football star , by President Kennedy met .

  16. 现在有个机会可以担负起一件真正棘手的任务,一显身手,赢得破格的升迁。

    Here was a chance to take on really prickly job , show his stuff , and earn brilliant advancement .

  17. 对那些真正有本事的人,要放手提拔,在工资级别上破格提高。

    People of genuine ability should be promoted without hesitation and given pay raises of more than one step at a time .

  18. 对在高新技术成果转化工作中业绩突出者,可破格评定相应的专业技术职务任职资格。

    Those who have made outstanding achievements in the transformation of new and high-tech achievements may be awarded corresponding professional titles by waiving conventional constraints .

  19. 出色的演奏技艺和强烈的愿望最终打动了考官,高健被破格录取,成为武警军乐团的一名小号手。

    Because of his outstanding skill and determination , the judges made an exception , and Gao Jian was admitted into the China Armed Police Band .

  20. 有的人可以破格提成工程师,不一定都要经过见习技术员、技术员再提为工程师。

    When necessary , exceptions can be made where a person can become an engineer without having to proceed from technician on probation to technician first .

  21. 因此他就利用了这样一个大好时机,把去西印度群岛的消息作为一件破格提升的待遇,透露给他的老朋友;

    Therefore he availed himself of so favourable a moment for breaking the West Indian intelligence to his friend , as a piece of extraordinary preferment ;

  22. 桑儿一度是他的好朋友,如果桑儿当上了这个家族的首领,也许他可以得到破格提拔,挤进里面去。

    Sonny had been his friend once and if Sonny became the head of the Family maybe he 'd get a break , get on the inside .

  23. 对于考核不合格者,要低聘或解聘专业技术职务,考核优秀者可以破格晋升专业技术职务。

    Unqualified to assessment person , want low hire or dismiss major technical position , assessment is outstanding person can abnormality is rising and professional technical position .

  24. 破格演色稿:这是一套不照实际印刷先后次序的演色稿。显示出四色套印的每一个组合的色彩效果。

    Bastard progressives : Set of progressive proofs not in accordance with the actual printing sequence , but showing every possible color combination of the four process colors .

  25. 评议会把他从讲师提升为教授。破格晋升某人为副教授

    The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor ; give sb . an accelerated promotion to associate professor

  26. 一位英国的工程领域教授听说了这位未受过正规教育的天才后破格录取他加入自己在伯明翰大学的研究生项目。

    A British engineering professor heard of this untutored genius and , despite his lack of formal schooling , recruited him into his graduate program at the University of Birmingham .

  27. 如果奥巴马重新入主白宫并履行这一破格的承诺,他将面临三项挑战。这些挑战要么在他初次当选时还不存在,要么有所变弱。

    Were Mr Obama to regain the White House and pick up on that stray promise , he would face three challenges that were either absent or weaker than when he was first elected .

  28. 打破那些关于台阶的过时的观念,创造一些适合新形势新任务的台阶,这才能大胆破格提拔。

    Only by doing away with the outdated concept of the " staircase ", or by creating new staircases suited to the new situation and tasks , can we boldly break through the conventions in promoting cadres .

  29. 破格晋升高级职称对激发青年教师工作积极性,发挥其潜能起着非常重要的作用,提出将申报者的实际工作与专家评判相结合的评审方法。

    Breaking rules to promote higher professional post is important to stimulate young teachers ' working enthusiasm , and to give play to their potentials . This paper puts out a more scientific and reasonable appraisal method .

  30. 尽善义务即属于此类被破格为法律义务的义务道德。本文认为应根据网络服务提供者提供服务内容和行为模式的不同,确定其应承担不同的法律义务和相应的法律责任。

    This text thinks that according to the dissimilarity of the service and the behavior patterns , making sure that it promises a load of duty and the different liability of the Internet service provider should bear .