
  • 网络rupture zone;fractured zone;Fracture zone;zone of fracture
  1. 断层破裂带附近采场采动效应的流固耦合分析

    Hydro-mechanical coupling analysis of mining effect around fault fractured zone

  2. 关于巷道周围岩体内应力分布曲线形态和破裂带范围计算方法的商榷

    Discussion onthe Shape of Stress Distribution Curve in Rock Body around a Roadway and the Calculation Method of the Range of Fractured Zone

  3. Quickbird影像处理及其在东大滩地表破裂带研究中的应用

    Quick Bird Image Processing and Its Application in the Study of the Surface Rupture Zone of Dong Da Tan

  4. 作者采用P波和S波到时差重新进行了震源定位,得到184次微震的定位结果,连同1998年1~2月张北震区3级以上地震事件定位结果一起勾画出6.2级地震的震源破裂带。

    These micro-earthquakes together with the relocated earthquakes with magnitude large than 3.0 occurred along Zhangbei seismic zone in January 1998 outline a focal rupture belt of M6.2 earthquake .

  5. 多时相MSS、TM影像分析表明,1997年玛尼7.9级地震是先存地震地表破裂带再次破裂的结果。

    The analysis of multi-phase MSS and TM shows that the surface rupture is re-fracturing along an old fault .

  6. 流经破裂带的一系列沟谷发生左旋同步扭曲,平均滑动速率为134~168mma,属AA级活动水平。

    A series of dongas and valleys cut by the rupture show isochronous sinistral strike slip , the slip rate is 13.4 ~ 16.8mm/a on an average that belongs to AA activity level .

  7. 绝大多数地震沿着其中埋深15km(±5km)的第一水平破裂带发生,使北部区成面积性地震区。

    Most earthquake have occurred in 15 km (± 5 km ) depth which is first horizontal ruptural zone , so north region becomes seismic area .

  8. 该破裂带由两条走向、运动方式不同的次级破裂构成,最大垂直位移89m,最大水平位移1113m,是一条不连续的张剪性破裂带。

    It consists of two subparallel secondary fractures which are different in their strikes and modes of motion . The maximum vertical displacement is 8-9m . , while the maximum horizontal one 11-13m .

  9. 该方法既保持了现场观测的真实性与精度优势,又利用了INSAR实时获取连续形变场的技术特点,通过一系列近似计算最终获得主破裂带上连续变化的水平及垂直同震形变曲线。

    This method not only keeps the authenticity and precision of fieldwork but also makes good use of the INSAR technology . Through approaching the truth step by step , we got the co-seismic horizontal and vertical component curves continuously changing along the main rupture zone .

  10. 结果利用关系式确定的破裂带基本长度为103km,根据地表地震破裂标志确定的中卫地震地表破裂带长度为110km,估算结果与实际调研结果基本吻合;

    Results The elementary length of the fracture zone which is estimated by the relation was 103 km , and based on the fracture marks , the fracture zone length of the earthquake was 110 km . The estimated result is close to the field survey result .

  11. 地震块体模型的共轭剪切破裂带数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Conjugate Shear Fracture Bands for Seismic Block Model

  12. 变形岩体软弱破裂带的处理技术

    Treatment of Weak and Cracked Area in Deformed Rock Mass

  13. 破裂带发展的扫描电镜实验研究及其对地震前兆的启示

    SEM study of fracture development in compressed marble specimen and implications for earthquake precursors

  14. 中国内陆地震&西北三次强震破裂带考察

    Intracontinental Earthquakes in China-Investigation of Fracture Zones of Three Strong Earthquakes in Northwest China

  15. 1927年5月23日甘肃古浪8级地震破裂带的发现

    The fracture belt of Gulang earthquake on may , 23 in 1927 in Gansu Province

  16. 唐山地震地面主破裂带及地震成因探讨

    A Study on the Principal Surface Fracture Belt and the Cause of Occurrence of the Tangshan Earthquake

  17. 隐伏活断层未来地表破裂带宽度与位错量初步研究

    Primary study on possible width and displacement of future surface rupture zone produced by buried active fault

  18. 昆仑山地震地表破裂带东段几何学与运动学

    Geometry and kinematics in the east segment of the surface rupture zone occurring during the Kunlun earthquake

  19. 伊兹米特地震地表破裂带和发震构造特点

    The Characteristics of the Seismic Surface Rupture Zone and Earthquake - Generating Structure of the Izmit Earthquake

  20. 该破裂带结构单一,垂直位错与水平位错的变化趋势有所差异。

    This rupture has a single structure and the change trend of vertical and horizontal dislocation are different .

  21. 沿北京顺义-良乡断裂北段存在地表破裂带。

    There exists a ground rupture zone along north section of the Shunyi Liangxiang fault zone near Beijing .

  22. 1997年玛尼7.9级地震的构造环境和地表破裂带特征

    The tectonic condition and the feature of surface rupture zone of the Mani earthquake ( Ms 7.9 ) in 1997

  23. 空的卷轴,破裂带,带子插入失败及其它的故障都会通过监控器发现并显示出来。

    The breaking of the band , the band insertion failure and other malfunctions are detected and displayed on the monitor .

  24. 因煤矿突水中大部分突水是与断层破裂带有关,应用隔水关键层原理分析断层突水机理是非常有必要的。

    In order to study the failure characteristics of surrounding rock masses and mechanism of water inrush caused by karstic collapse .

  25. 此地震带具有统一的现代区域构造应力背景,是华北东南部的一条现代地壳剪切破裂带;

    This seismic zone is a recent crust shear rupture zone under the uniform modern tectonic stress field in a large scale ;

  26. 齐心庄探槽位于1679年三河-平谷8级地震夏垫地表地震破裂带东段。

    The Qixinzhuang trenches are located at the eastern segment of the Xiadian ground fracture zone caused by the1679 Sanhe-Pinggu M8 earthquake .

  27. 主破裂带长36km,垂直位错量1.5&2m,水平位错量1.5m。

    The main fracture zone was 36 km in length , with vertical dislocation of 1.5-2 m and horizontal dislocation of 1.5 m.

  28. 这与本区黄土地震滑坡的分布范围、全新世活动断裂的展布及地震破裂带遗迹的分布相吻合。

    It is consistent with the area of ancient towns distribution , loess landslides distribution , Holocene active fault and the earthquake rupture zone .

  29. 勘探发现,某水电站右坝肩边坡,除正常卸荷裂隙外,发育有大量的夹泥型破裂带。

    It has been discovered by exploration that besides the normal stress-release cracks there exist a lot of mud-intercalated fracture zones in the right bank slope .

  30. 河北磁县西部山区最新地表破裂带的发现与1830年磁县7.5级地震的关系

    The Discovery of the Freshest Surface Fracture Zone in the West Mountain of Cixian County of Hebei Province Related to the 1830 Cixian Earthquake of M 7.5