
fǎ mǎ
  • weight;counterweight;balancing weight;counterpoise;makeweight;weight used on a balance
砝码 [fǎ mǎ]
  • (1) [makeweight]∶在秤上补足重量的东西

  • (2) [weight used on a balance]∶指具有精确规定重量的一块金属或其他材料,用以称量其他物体(如用于天平中)

砝码[fǎ mǎ]
  1. 在市场竞争日益加剧的今天,CS战略即是企业可以利用去争取竞争优势的一个重要砝码。

    In increasing market competition days , CS strategy is an important weight that the enterprise can use to get the advantage of competition .

  2. 本文介绍用M1级砝码检定/校准电子台秤的工作中,怎样分析不确定度来源,计算各分量的标准不确定度、合成标准不确定度以及扩展不确定度的方法。

    This article introduced how to analyze uncertainty source in the work of class M1 weight verification / calibration electric platform scale , calculates various heft method of standard uncertainty , synthesis standard uncertainty and expansion uncertainty .

  3. F2级砝码折算质量的测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement on Quality of F_2 's Level Weight

  4. F1等级砝码标准装置测量不确定度的评定

    The Uncertainty Evaluation of Measurement Device for fis Level Weight

  5. 用电子天平检定/校准M1级砝码时发现的问题

    Problem of Appraising and Calibrating M1 Grade Poise by Electronic Balance

  6. 克砝码分量(500mg)质量量值的不确定度评定

    Gram weight of ( 500mg ) weight Quality Evaluation of Uncertainty

  7. 他现在正在奥巴马过度政府领导对杂乱无章的FDA进行评估,这个角色可以提高其竞选胜利的砝码。

    He 's now leading the assessment of the troubled FDA for the Obama transition committee , a role that could boost his chance of being nominated .

  8. 答:我觉得主席不是缺少动力或想象力,他只是手头没有合适的砝码,而当初有条件的时候KG又不在自由市场上。

    Big E : I don 't think Rod lacked the motivation or imagination , he just didn 't have the pieces to get it done , and KG wasn 't on the market when they did .

  9. 然而,能够使得良好的易用性和精美的视觉设计合理融合于UI界面设计中更是网页产品争夺市场的重量级砝码。

    However , making a good ease of use and elegant visual design and reasonable convergence on the UI web interface design is the key to compete for market heavyweight product weights .

  10. 以光的等厚干涉原理为基础(1),用读数显微镜和砝码测量透明介质的杨氏模量,并用CCD显像技术提高了读环精度。

    With the light interference principle of equal thickness as the foundation , we measure Yang 's mould amount of transparent medium . On the other hand , we improve the precision by using CCD technology .

  11. 美国国家半导体公司(NationalSemiconductor)总裁查理•斯波克曾经对我说,“我们当然不希望优秀的员工辞职离开,但如果他们辞职后却没有离开,那更糟糕。”这才是你手里真正的砝码。

    Charlie Spork , the President of National Semiconductor , once said to me , " It 's bad when good employees quit and leave , but it 's worse when they quit and stay . " That is the real threat you have looming over them .

  12. 实验时,当所加砝码为70g时,出现两个反射峰;

    In the experiment , two reflecting peaks appear as weights are 70 g.

  13. 虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设(serialhypothesis),至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说。

    Although some experiments show that , as an object becomes familiar , its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel , the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis , at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar .

  14. 《砝码》新国标对OIMLR111(2004)国际建议的采纳程度

    Discussion of accepting between new national standard of weights and OIML R111 ( 2004 ) international recommendations

  15. 通过开发设计,建立了一套声学法砝码体积测量系统,并实际应用于10g至100g标称质量的OIML类型砝码体积测量。

    An acoustic volumeter system is developed and a practical procedure of measuring the volume of weights ranging from 10 g to 100 g using an acoustic volumeter is proposed .

  16. 出售克莱斯勒可能会激活UAW在克莱斯勒持有的权证,这是工会去年在全国劳资谈判中获得的砝码。

    The sale of Chrysler would trigger warrants the UAW has in the auto maker , a stake the union negotiated in last year 's national labor talks .

  17. 分析了EE1-100型力标准机砝码加载机构的工作原理和砝码挂起后间距偏差对定位检测的影响;

    The operational principle of the poise loading mechanism of EE1-100 normative force measuring instrument and the effect of the space error between loaded poises are analyzed in this paper .

  18. 脑损伤组按Gruner改良法制作中度脑损伤模型(将400g砝码于100cm高处通过导向管坠落,撞击置于人字缝与失状缝之间的圆锥上,致中度脑损伤)。

    The TBI group was model of moderate brain injury established according to the modified Gruner ( caused by a falling of 400 g standard weight from 100 cm through a tube onto the conus between the lambdoid suture and sagittal suture ) .

  19. 广告作为商战的有力“战具”,成为近代卷烟业商家赢得竞争的必要砝码。

    Advertisements were used as weapons to win the commercial competition .

  20. 同位素参考物质是同位素地质测量的砝码。

    Isotopic reference materials are " weight " for isotopic measurement .

  21. 理想是人的价值天平上的砝码。

    Ideal is the poise on man 's scale of value .

  22. 砝码计量标准建标问题探究

    Research into the problems of weights metrological standard about establishing standard

  23. 给我些砝码镇住他好吗?

    And get something to hold him on , all right ?

  24. 通过拖动添加一组砝码可变的天平。

    Drag to add a set of scales with variable weight .

  25. 这些钢索连在了本地厚重的砝码上。

    These wires were connected to large weights in the area .

  26. 这才是你手里真正的砝码。

    That is the real threat you have looming over them .

  27. 而亚欧之间缺失的一环,让美国得到了明显的交易砝码。

    The missing Asia-Europe link gives the US obvious bargaining leverage .

  28. 问题3过去的标准砝码为什么被替换掉了?

    Question 3 . Why was the old standard weight replaced ?

  29. 问题2砝码的用途是什么?

    Question 2 . What was the weight used for ?

  30. 平衡天平两端盘中砝码的重量已极大增强。

    The weights in each pan of the balance had increased greatly .