
tiě dīng
  • piton;iron nail;wire tack
铁钉 [tiě dīng]
  • [piton] 将其打入裂缝或裂隙(如岩石或水面上的)作为支撑(以供爬山用)的铁钉、铁楔或铁桩,常在其一端有一个孔,安全绳便可以从孔中通过

铁钉[tiě dīng]
  1. 本实用新型既可套在墙体上的洞孔里又可吸在铁钉上的磁性钉套。

    The magnetic nail sleeve can be not only sheathed in the hole on the wall body , but also can be adsorbed on the iron nail .

  2. 用取石网篮取出食管内铁钉异物1例报告

    One Case : Taking a Iron Nail out of the Esophagus by a Net-basket System of Getting Stone

  3. 我曾祖父打制马掌、铁钉等诸如此类的东西。

    My great-grandfather made horseshoes and nails and what have you .

  4. 铜钉比铁钉好,因为铁会生锈。

    Copper nails are better than iron nails because the iron rusts

  5. 铜钉比铁钉好,因为铁会生锈

    Copper nails are better than iron nails because the iron rusts .

  6. 用分析纯金属锌粒和普通铁钉均可回收COD(cr)分析废液中的银,回收率分别为86.5%和62.3%。

    Metals zinc grain and iron can be used to substitute and recover silver ion in waste liquor from determining COD_ ( cr ) . The recoveries of silver ion are 86.5 % and 62.3 % respectively .

  7. 他最早的魔术记忆来自三岁时,在一场魔术秀把一只铁钉敲成一只火柴,当时他父亲举家驻扎印度东南部的Secunderabad(即今天的印度矽谷,班加罗尔的右上方)。

    His first memory of magic , from the age of three , was hammering a nail into hidden matches at a show in the garrison at Secunderabad , in south-east India , where his father was stationed .

  8. 现在上面却只剩四颗孤零零的铁钉。

    But now there were only four nails without the frame .

  9. 端上了两碗放着生锈铁钉的牛奶

    two bowls of rusty nails with milk poured over ' em.

  10. 超声波协同热水提取铁钉菜多糖的研究

    Study of Extraction of Ishige okamuras Polysaccharide by Ultrasonic Wave

  11. 请告知你方供应铁钉的条件。

    Please inform us on what terms you can supply iron nails .

  12. 他们一个个都紧盯着布满铁钉的橡木牢门。

    All with their eyes intently fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door .

  13. 英国海军统帅纳尔逊曾将一块马蹄铁钉在他的军舰胜利号的桅杆上。

    Nelson had a horseshoe nailed to the mast of the Victory .

  14. 那么,在大多数情况下,他不会受到任何锤击铁钉。

    Well , in most cases he won 't be hammering any nails .

  15. 手术取牛网胃内铁钉

    Operation on reticulum of cattle for extracting nail

  16. 铁钉被一个个撬下来,墙上留下了一个个洞。

    After the nails were removed , the walls were left with numerous holes .

  17. 而从前,她却只看见那些刺眼的铁钉。

    But in the past , what she saw was only those provoking nails .

  18. 我们需要各种型号的铁钉。

    We need iron nails of all sizes .

  19. 仿旧款式,铁钉皮革,手工缝合,金属撬边

    Distressed , studded leather , pieced by hand , finished with a metallic fringe .

  20. 销售:丝网;铁钉;拔丝;五金制品;塑钢门窗。

    Sales : screen ; Nails ; Wire drawing ; Metal products ; Tech windows .

  21. 众所周知,踩上一根生锈的铁钉需要打破伤风针。

    Everyone knows you need a tetanus shot if you step on a rusty nail .

  22. 左边的墙上有三颗铁钉,昨天那三颗钉子上面还都挂满了衣服。

    There were three nails on the left wall , on which hung his clothes yesterday .

  23. 争吵、暗斗、猜疑都争着往上面钉上一个个铁钉,当铁钉全部撤去,留下的只是千疮百孔的墙。

    When all the nails were removed , only a wall with numerous holes would be left .

  24. 把铁钉扎了进去。

    Iron nails ran in .

  25. 可口可乐可以用来搞厕所的卫生、祛除油渍残留,还可以用来松化生锈的铁钉。

    Coca Cola can be used to clean toilet , removing grease stains and to loosen rusty bolts .

  26. 接着,他清了清嗓子,在黑板上画了一个衣帽钩,而这个钩子恰好就在一枚突出的铁钉旁边。

    Then , clearing his throat , he drew a coathook right near one of the protruding nails .

  27. 右边的墙上有四颗铁钉,是用来固定他们的婚纱照的。

    There were four nails on the right wall that were used to fix their wedding photo frame .

  28. 本公司常年生产经营:铁钉、瓦楞钉、圆钉、油毡钉。

    The company 's annual production and operation : nails , corrugated nails , round nails , roofing nails .

  29. 现在,你该知道,烧得通红的磁铁为什么吸不牢铁钉的道理了。

    Now , you should know , burning why does the red magnetic iron absorb the truth of rickety nail .

  30. 方法:用木方、钢筛网、轴钉、铁钉、寸带等材料制成夹凳式和筛式两种简易床。

    Method : Bench and screen style simplified beds were fabricated using timber , steel screen , wire tack , etc.