
yán tǎo huì
  • seminar;workshop;conference;symposium
  1. 对了,你的研讨会进行得怎样?

    By the way , how did your seminar go ?

  2. 这次的研讨会不仅会有趣,而且有可能会颇具启发意义。

    While it will be fun , the seminar also promises to be most instructive .

  3. 培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。

    The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops .

  4. 研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。

    The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas .

  5. 和多数研讨会一样,这些研讨会也比较松散随意。

    As seminars go , these are loose , unstructured affairs .

  6. 他那时正参加一个有关人口问题的国际研讨会。

    He had been taking part in an international symposium on population .

  7. 今年的活动包括读书会、讲座和研讨会。

    This year 's event consisted of readings , lectures and workshops .

  8. 研讨会不收会务费,而且还提供午餐。

    The seminars are free , with lunch provided .

  9. 牙买加节正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。

    The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars .

  10. 总统召集各州州长召开了一次教育研讨会。

    The President summoned all the state governors to a conference on education .

  11. 每位老师都会单独主持一个研讨会,讨论语言的一个特定领域。

    Each teacher will run a different workshop that covers a specific area of the language .

  12. 在研讨会上发言的时候,富兰克林先生谈到了他最近游览特立尼达的经历。

    When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience , gained on a recent visit to Trinidad

  13. 我们必须为这次研讨会安排一个合适的时间和地点。

    We must arrange a convenient time and place for the seminar .

  14. 他将主持一次周末政治研讨会。

    He 'll chair a weekend workshop on politics .

  15. 教育是学生在讲座与研讨会期间互相学习的知识总和。

    Education is the sum of what students teach each other in between lectures and seminars .

  16. 梅里安已逝世三百周年,今年六月将在阿姆斯特丹举行一场国际研讨会来纪念她。

    Three hundred years after her death , Merian will be celebrated at an international symposium in Amsterdam this June .

  17. 创意人士有很多机会参与其中,包括研讨会和活动。

    There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become involved , including workshops and events .

  18. 那一年,我参加了一个研讨会,会上要求我们创建一个能够触及世界的项目。

    That year , I attended a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world .

  19. 一位研讨会负责人分享了她的成功故事——她不仅有125英镑,还为无家可归的孩子筹集了2.5万美元。

    A seminar leader shared her success story — she had not only 125 pounds , but also raised $ 25,000 for homeless children .

  20. 将有公共项目、研讨会和特别活动。

    There will be public programs , workshops and special events .

  21. 午餐研讨会(brownbagseminar/session)就是在午餐时间进行的培训或信息共享会。

    A brown bag seminar or session is generally a training or information session during a lunch break .

  22. 他们正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会

    They are planning a series of workshops and business seminars .

  23. 午餐研讨会通常都持续一到两个小时。

    Brown bag seminars normally run an hour or two .

  24. 研讨会旨在综览新兴的媒体出版。

    The seminar aims to provide an overview on new media publishing .

  25. 该研讨会讨论的是农业多种经营

    The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture .

  26. 此外,项目执行期间,参加了四次国际学术研讨会,作了分组报告或论文展示。

    Moreover , the coordinator participated in four international conferences and symposia , gave talks or showed papers .

  27. 午餐研讨会的目的是利用午餐休息时间以自发的、非正式的方式为参与者提供一些信息。

    The aim is to use regular breaks , e.g. the lunch break , to provide some information to the attendees in a voluntary and informal setting .

  28. 高校尤其会针对研究生举行这样的研讨会来让大家了解最新的研究。这些研讨会通常由学院、大学和政府机构主办,采用讲座、演示或研究人员的发言等形式,多数都是一些教授介绍他们正在进行的研究。

    In universities , especially for graduate students , brown bag seminars are often offered to update the researching community about ongoing research . Usually held by schools , universities and governmental institutions , they involve lectures , presentations , or talks by researchers , mostly professors about their ongoing research .

  29. 此外,ARM本月还在新加坡举办了一场物联网技术研讨会。

    It also held an IoT Tech Seminar in Singapore this month .

  30. 还有其他一些研讨会,目标受众也各不相同,但以上列举的研讨会是直接针对Java开发人员的。

    Other conferences with a variety of different target audiences are out there , but the above target the Java developer directly .